View Full Version : Sunray pinpointer ...........

Cheap Thrills
08-31-2010, 01:43 AM
I've watched a few videos were people are jiggling their probes in a hole like their trying to shake the last drop out of it , what's with this ? Does it make for a more accurate pinpoint ? I used to use the X-1 and I never had to go through all those tremors to locate a target . Seems like it would cause undue stress on the cable also . The first time I ever saw an example of this was a few years back in videos by another Californian named Captain SE now it seems he may have spawned a cult following of probe shakers . Just curious to see how many movers and shakers
we have here .

08-31-2010, 09:08 AM
Movers and Shakers rofl

I don't know why anyone would do that. I'll admit that after recovering my target I stick the probe back in the hole and kinda (slowly) move it around to listen for a second target.

Sunray's are pretty tough. I have one on my MXT that looks like something recovered from a flea market, but like a Timex...It keeps on ticking. :rolleyes:

08-31-2010, 10:29 AM
For me, if the target is a solid one (like a coin) and is in range, I just slowly move around the probe. But if I have some ratty iron or a good target that is just out of range, it helps to move the probe around a bit faster. You can get some chirps that tell you where the target is. Most of the time, I try and dig my hole so that I am within 1 or 2 inches of the target, that way I can move the probe slow. It would help if the Minelab gauge actually worked on my machine lol Stuck on the bottom or top doesn't really help me much :dontknow:

08-31-2010, 02:19 PM
For me, if the target is a solid one (like a coin) and is in range, I just slowly move around the probe. But if I have some ratty iron or a good target that is just out of range, it helps to move the probe around a bit faster. You can get some chirps that tell you where the target is. Most of the time, I try and dig my hole so that I am within 1 or 2 inches of the target, that way I can move the probe slow. It would help if the Minelab gauge actually worked on my machine lol Stuck on the bottom or top doesn't really help me much :dontknow:

don't let him fool you Sheik , George looks like a jones-en crack addict churning butter in some of those holes lol rofl :teasing:

08-31-2010, 04:57 PM
don't let him fool you Sheik , George looks like a jones-en crack addict churning butter in some of those holes lol rofl :teasing:

Umm...Ummm I believe the copper totals allow me to do that probe any way I see fit rofl :teasing: :teasing:

08-31-2010, 07:02 PM
I know the Sunray DX-1 can be run in 2 different modes. All Metal/Pin-Point mode or in discrimination mode. If used in the later a little movement would be required to help the detector elicit a better response.

09-08-2010, 07:37 PM

Man, you guys are killing me! I confess, I get rather into using the probe, although it's just a lowly Bullseye II.... yesterday the probe fairy came by and gave me a Pro Pointer.... no more churning butter... :twirlingeyes:

Regards, Ken

Jason in Enid
09-09-2010, 10:51 AM
I think that some people just don't know how to use a Sun-Ray probe properly.

I have seen some of those videos and that aspect irks me a bit. YES ITS THERE! Stop shaking that probe at it for 5 minutes and dig already. Maybe I have patience issues.

little man
09-09-2010, 11:10 AM
by the time I get done it around my neck :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

09-09-2010, 10:00 PM
I guess it's kinda addictive lol You get to see the numbers on the screen, so when they are silver numbers, you have to keep looking at them :rolleyes: I find myself waving that thing everytime the display says 12-46, just so I can see it again and again rofl