View Full Version : NOV Hunts = More Goodies!

The Rebel
12-03-2016, 04:45 PM
Hey All. Been a bit since I've last posted. Met up with Frank to hit some new sites day after Thanksgiving. Not much to report except part of a colonial shoe buckle as well as a bridal rosette.

Went out yesterday to the spot I raked up and scored 2 more NY Municipal Police Dept. Buttons, making 9 now found at this site. Also got an interesting UTC (I think that's the order) button. Anyone have any ideas?

Also scored an almost exploded #3 crotal bell unfortunately it has no sound even though the ball is inside.

Just an FYI the ticks are still out & about.

Hope everyone is doing well!

12-03-2016, 05:32 PM
WOW did those buttons clean up real nice. UTC....no idea, sorry. Never seen a crotal bell like yours. Was it found in pieces or is it still whole?

The Rebel
12-03-2016, 05:35 PM
Thanks. It's still whole but cracked.

WOW did those buttons clean up real nice. UTC....no idea, sorry. Never seen a crotal bell like yours. Was it found in pieces or is it still whole?

12-03-2016, 05:50 PM
Roger, that is a beautiful cellar hole!! :daydream: ...and those buttons and bells!!!! What's the story behind the tiny East Hampton bell? I know they are the bell capital of the world.

The Rebel
12-03-2016, 08:06 PM
Thanks Drew! I spent a LOT of time raking up this site the last 2x I was there. Due to all of the rain we had the leaves were all soaked so I really didn't rake at all this time around. Found it at this site as well. My guess they went on a trip up to East Hampton & bought it at a souvenir shop.

Roger, that is a beautiful cellar hole!! :daydream: ...and those buttons and bells!!!! What's the story behind the tiny East Hampton bell? I know they are the bell capital of the world.

BTV Digger
12-03-2016, 08:19 PM
Very nice set of finds Roger! I think the order of the letters is actually UCT for the Order of United Commercial Travelers (est. late 1800s). Here's the Wiki link about them (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_United_Commercial_Travelers_of_America). I guess if the letter order is indeed UCT you could also make the case for the U. of CT. HH!


The Rebel
12-03-2016, 08:55 PM
Thanks never heard fo them before.

Very nice set of finds Roger! I think the order of the letters is actually UCT for the Order of United Commercial Travelers (est. late 1800s). Here's the Wiki link about them (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_United_Commercial_Travelers_of_America). I guess if the letter order is indeed UCT you could also make the case for the U. of CT. HH!


12-04-2016, 06:08 AM
Some nice buttons and relics Roger , nice to see you still getting out . we have been fortunate to see no significant snow fall this year , I hope that hold out a while longer.

calabash digger
12-04-2016, 09:27 AM
great day what some great finds!

Lodge Scent
12-05-2016, 06:25 PM
Roger, if you are half as good with a detector as you are with a rake, you will continue to do very well ;) A couple of very nice buttons you have there. In great shape too.