View Full Version : The Dr. Seuss gold experience

leslie(nova scotia)
08-13-2010, 06:13 PM
From the land of the Bluenose.......It was a day but not in May. This hunk of a lunk rolled out of his bunk. He was feeling great with no Bud (beer) in his veins. Think this bouy was short on something one would call brains. He went to the bathroom or was it the loo? Truly this bouy was missing something maybe a screw. A breakfast of green eggs and ham; would have rather gone to Tim's for some coffee and spam. So a voice said what will you do? I have something for you. Out came a list. A very long list of this and that called the Hunny Dew List.

My eyes became misty for I thought my day was done. That I couldn't go a digging and have myself some fun. So I looked at the list. I looked at it twice. This is not so bad and might be just nice. Off to Dartmouth to a Pontiac dealer named McPee and Otto had a brand new key. Off to the jeweller for a paper regarding my loss when the security at Peurto Plata had given my luggage a toss. Off to Faders Recyclables to empty my trunk which was filled with beer bottles and truly stunk.

The Hunny dew list was completed with all the notations duly deleted. So it was off to the lakes. Lakes number one, two and three. Lake number one was deserted. No one was around so I started off digging the beach and the ground. Pull tabs, foil and beer caps did abound. All were found. With a pocket full of this junk and my Garrett in tow to the garbage can did this bouy go. Then into the water for a swish. Up to my ankle and then to my knee. Felt something shrivel. Lord I needed to pee. I swished to my left and then to my right. Looking for leeches. What a terrible sight. In my ears a sound did appear to the left of my rear. The sieve I did push in the sand that was below and out came my sieve with a wonderful glow. Praise Saint Digalot for what I had found. A gold ring that wasn't perfectly round. A green stone embraced the band worth in South Africa a few Krugerrand.

Otto was pointed to the south to the next swishing spot. The day was long and it was getting hot. On the way I saw a rock with a face. It looked mean. I pulled out my mace. It was with great haste that I left this place.
The dirt road to lake number two was a pleasant affair with my window open blowing my three strands of hair. Beach was infested with with rug rats galore. I stayed in my car afraid to open the door. They ran. They frolicked and were generally a pain. Thank God I only have one for I would truly go insane. A motherly lady came forward and asked what I do to which I retorted with nothing like you. For in the conversation I had found most of the rug rats that were running around...................belonged to her.
A few coins later and a dinkie to boot I packed up Otto and away I did scoot. Down the dirt road and over a hill. Got stuck in some road work. It wasn't a thrill. Down to a school yard then walked out back and onto the track. I turned on my Garrett without any delay with coins popping every step of the way. Out popped a penny a nickel and dime then it was pennies for the rest of the time. I soon tired of this type of game. Started swiping at horse flies which was sort of lame. Got bit again and again and then I retreated knowing now they would never be defeated. Off to the next lake, that's lake number three.

I was at lake number three hoping I would drown and be saved by these lovelies hanging around. Oh to be 40 or even thirty once more. Instead of late 50's and bones aching galore. Into the water which was now so warm, into the water where rug rats don't swarm a swinging my Garrett so gracefully and in totally great form. In total bliss did I search and search feeling no pain but left in the lurch. For now was the time to pick up the boss. Pick her up quick which would be trick. Twenty minutes till she was off and I was 40 minutes away.
Think I know which house in tonight I will stay.......arf! arf!

Take for the day was a silver toe ring, earing, gold ring, dinkie and 103 coins @ $19.05

08-13-2010, 08:22 PM
Nice hunt! Congrats. <:

08-13-2010, 09:16 PM
Nice Dr. Seuss :) :) Love the photos, and the gold ring! Congrats!