View Full Version : Huge Sterling Harley Ring and weird clad finds

wisconsin digger
08-22-2016, 12:00 PM
Been doing a little exploring with mixed results. Friday I took the day off and headed about an 1.5 hours northeast. results were mixed but found enough Wheaties to maybe return in fall. On the way hone I stopped at an older fairgrounds I have yet to find one older coin. I tried a grassy spot by the road and hit a shallow 12-46. Never one to pass up a quarter I instead found a large Harley Davidson Skull ring. Not real impressed with the design but it is definitely the biggest sterling ring I ever found. On a "strange" note. I hit a park I have hunted a lot and worked the fringes. I hit a 12-46 that had just about enough depth to be a silver. Pulled the plug and ended up with a 1965 quarter. Filled the plug and had the same signal. Now I found 2 more 1965 quarters. I worked a small 4 foot area and found 2 more 1965 quarters. Man that could of been a real nice silver spill, instead it was a half a gallon of gas. I ended up with 8 quarters of which 5 were 1965 and one was a 1966. Sometimes its the gold mine and sometimes its the shaft. Keep swinging, Wisconsin Digger.

Digger Don
08-22-2016, 05:47 PM
That sure is a hunk of silver. Nice find.:congrats:

08-22-2016, 07:57 PM
Nice hunk of silver! I can also relate-seems a vast majority of my deep quarters are '65s....go figure:bangshead01:

08-22-2016, 08:31 PM
1965 quarters should be all cut in half and then thrown into the ocean.......i hate them. Very nice HD ring.

08-23-2016, 05:31 AM
Nice find.

Googled HD rings. Wow! Evidently there is a huge market for HD rings. You can even get his and her HD wedding rings. Whod a thunk it?