View Full Version : I've been making some decent finds so far for 2016

03-18-2016, 05:26 AM
My very first silver I found on January 17th in a park/woods, I also found a nice v nickel about 8 feet from it.


The ole barber is a smoothy but I'll take any silver I can get.


On January 25th I managed to find the keydate v nickel, it's the second one of these that I've found so far


After January 25th a lot of snow dumped on us and I wasn't able to do much hunting till Feburary 20th I found what I think is my best this year so far, it's a really nice SLQ type 1 S mintmark.

This SLQ is in better condition than any that I've found before, I've always wanted to find one in this condition and finally did.

I wish that this Stanley Steamer tootsietoy was in better shape but that's what happens when they're in the dirt.

My last really good find was on March 14 and boy was I surprised when this one came to light and I'm still grinning over this one. It's not worth near what the SLQ is but these old seated halfs don't come around often here in Michigan.

The old hammered park that I dug this from is chocked full of bits of iron, this read like a deep quarter in one direction and in the other direction it basically read like something that was non ferrous, well I just had to dig it. On my way down I picked up about 3 bits of nails with my TRX until finally at a little over 8 inches off to one side of the hole is where it was, it was on edge and I could barely see the edge of a big coin so I dug a nice size clod of dirt from the side wall and there it laid, that BIG SILVER.


03-18-2016, 06:42 AM
Hey Larry , its really good to hear from you and see you post !! You've been doing very well , huge congrats on the quality silver coinage :notworthy:


03-18-2016, 06:59 AM
CRAZY! Awesome SLQ! AWESOME V nick!! And then that seated half! Congrats!!!

03-18-2016, 07:23 AM
Awesome start to the year, keep it up and maybe send a bit of that luck this side of the big pond! ;)

Tony Two-Cent
03-18-2016, 07:27 AM
Good to see a post from you, Larry! Wow, you have been making some incredible finds! That 1885 V Nickel is worth some big bucks! It's always nice to see a Type I standing liberty quarter too, they don't show up very often.

Congrats on your seated half dollar as well. What a terrific find!


wisconsin digger
03-19-2016, 07:30 AM
"nice finds" is an understatement. Great finds would be my heading. WOW a lot of cool stuff in this post. Thanks for posting. WD

03-19-2016, 07:52 AM
Congratulations on some spectacular finds! :thumbsup02:

03-19-2016, 09:38 AM
Thanks for all the great replies everyone :thumbsup02: All my finds here are from two different parks, I found everything except the seated half at a park/woods about 7 miles from me. The seated half I found in a park about 2 miles from me that I've been hammering bigtime for the past 5 years especially. When I started out for that hunt I actually got side tracked there because the original spot that I was going to the parking lot was roped off. It was a fluke that I even hunted there. Here's a picture of a cabin that was there in 1921.


I really need to go to the Library/Museum and do my own research on this park, I'm finding out online that the park drew in over a half million for several years.
I'd really like to hunt the golf course cause that use to be part of the park before but it's definitely going to be off limits in my lifetime cause it's busy.

03-19-2016, 11:49 AM
Geat finds! HH

doc brown
03-20-2016, 05:29 PM
WOW Larry - you are making some great finds - congrats

Ill Digger
04-02-2016, 08:11 AM
Whoa! You've been having some pretty good hunts Larry!
A couple of key date coins and a seated half is the start for a epic season! :thumbsup02:
Congrats! :grin:

04-03-2016, 05:59 AM
WOW... we don't get to see many SLQ's type 1 especially in that great of shape. :thumbsup02: Adding a 1885 V nickel is fantastic plus a seated 1/2. :notworthy:

Mr. Digger
04-03-2016, 06:48 AM
That is one impressive post. Each find is more impressive than the next. I wish I could find a V that doesn't look like it was in a nuclear explosion! That seated half is incredible. Congrats!

04-03-2016, 10:34 AM
Thanks again everyone, I just found out that a story I wrote on Whites website has been published for the SLQ, that's my favorite coin find for this year so far, it probably would have been the half except the half isn't as valuable as the SLQ and not near as nice of condition either.


The Rebel
04-03-2016, 12:08 PM
Awesome finds!

04-03-2016, 02:58 PM
Incredible finds, congrats!!