View Full Version : on the Board for 2016

01-03-2016, 05:27 PM
The weather here has been fairly decent for this late in the season , we had experienced some sleet and freezing rain earlier in the week :frozen:but has melted for the weekend :cheering:. So Trooper Bri , Heavymetalnut , Thiltzy and myself got out Saturday . With about a half a dozen cellar sites lined up we hiked and found three of the four we searched for :yes:(there is just not enough daylight this time of year :rolleyes:) . Unfortunately most of these sites have been very badly detected and only squeaked out a button after two of the sites , although the last site had some room to swing and supplied most of my finds . 6 buttons and 1859 indian and an 1837 Matron head large cent , a couple of large musket lead ball a bird band , not much for the day but a decent start for starting off 2016 !!

I have officially more coppers than HEAVYMETALNUT for the year !!:happydance01::lol:


01-03-2016, 05:33 PM
Yes,a great way to start off the year:congrats:

Digger Don
01-03-2016, 05:43 PM
Congrats on your first hunt of 2016. I would consider an Indian and large Cent a great day any day. :clapping:
Nice buttons as well.

01-03-2016, 05:54 PM
Very nice start to the year, especially by having more LC's than HEAVYMETALNUT. :happydance01: Hope this weather can hold out. Never found a bird band before and congrats on the fatty.

Lodge Scent
01-03-2016, 06:09 PM
Way to go Dan! It is great when you can out-copper the King of Coppers!

01-03-2016, 06:13 PM
I'd say that was a splendid start to the new year! I haven't even been out yet :girlcry: How'd the boys make out? Did the coins turn out nice? :clapping:

01-03-2016, 06:26 PM
Yes,a great way to start off the year:congrats:

Thanks Robbie

Congrats on your first hunt of 2016. I would consider an Indian and large Cent a great day any day. :clapping:
Nice buttons as well.

Don , It was a great day just to be out swing the coil in January with some quality companions , the coins were just a bonus !!Thanks sir!

Very nice start to the year, especially by having more LC's than HEAVYMETALNUT. :happydance01: Hope this weather can hold out. Never found a bird band before and congrats on the fatty.

Al , we all struggled at these beat up sites . I hope the weather holds off for a few more weeks too. Bird bands are not uncommon in the woods , I probably have a dozen of more now. Thank you.

Way to go Dan! It is great when you can out-copper the King of Coppers!

Thanks Jeff , I have to enjoy it while i can :lol:

I'd say that was a splendid start to the new year! I haven't even been out yet :girlcry: How'd the boys make out? Did the coins turn out nice? :clapping:

Drew , the coins are very rough . the matron was down at the edge of a swamp and you know them fat indians are very porous when we find them . as for the other guys i'll just say no one got officially skunked ;)

The Rebel
01-03-2016, 07:29 PM
WTG on getting on the board Dan!

01-03-2016, 07:57 PM
Way to start the new year! Weather here in Wisconsin is too cold, ground too frozen, and snow too deep to get out anywhere but in the water. So if you get out detecting in the first week of January and get some finds it already been a great year! Congrats!

01-04-2016, 05:52 AM
Nice start Dan! Not to often one can say he has more coppers than Dave. :lol:

I was happy just to get out Sunday. No frost at all in the open fields yet, hoping to get out again this coming weekend.

01-04-2016, 06:19 AM
Great dig to start 2016 Dan.

Whoever thought conditions for digging would be this good at this time of year. Unfortunately it looks like the weather is going to get colder and may freeze up some of our spots.

01-04-2016, 06:30 AM
WTG on getting on the board Dan!

Thank you Roger !!

Way to start the new year! Weather here in Wisconsin is too cold, ground too frozen, and snow too deep to get out anywhere but in the water. So if you get out detecting in the first week of January and get some finds it already been a great year! Congrats!

Sorry to hear about the "turn for the worse" weather your having DOD , lets hope for an early spring !! Thanks

Nice start Dan! Not to often one can say he has more coppers than Dave. :lol:

I was happy just to get out Sunday. No frost at all in the open fields yet, hoping to get out again this coming weekend.

Brian , I hope you get at least a few more hunts in before the freeze . I'm still waiting for you to find that Rev. War encampment :crossfingers: Thanks .

Great dig to start 2016 Dan.

Whoever thought conditions for digging would be this good at this time of year. Unfortunately it looks like the weather is going to get colder and may freeze up some of our spots.

Frank this Christmas weather brought back fond memories of my Christmases back in Phoenix , it was nice . Take care my friend .


01-04-2016, 06:41 AM
Brian , I hope you get at least a few more hunts in before the freeze . I'm still waiting for you to find that Rev. War encampment :crossfingers: Thanks .


My story for 2015 right area wrong field... We are close but just can't seem to get permission for the right spot :girlcry:

01-05-2016, 02:05 PM
Nice Dan. Lets get some pics when they are cleaned up. Was the 1859 fatty in good shape? Mine was. The 1859 is a specific year... the only one having the laurel wreath back. I was happy I found one. Maybe not high value, but highly collectible.

BTV Digger
01-05-2016, 06:06 PM
Great start to your year Dan! Show us some pics of the cleaned items if you have a chance.


01-06-2016, 02:00 PM
Very nice start to the new year Del!!

01-06-2016, 02:46 PM
Good start to the year Dan. Hope 2016 is a good one.