View Full Version : Copper, Silver & Knights Templar!

The Rebel
12-19-2015, 02:16 PM
Hey all, been a while since I last posted, but here are my finds from the last few hunts.

One of these was with my buddy Frank. We hiked to the site & as I was pulling my tector over my shoulder I hear a SNAP! Snapped my toggle switch right off getting ready to start the day's hunt. :mad:
Was able to hunt a while until we went back to his house so I could borrow his 350. Lesson learned, so now I carry 2 spares & a #10 Torx with me so if it happens again, I can do a field repair. :yes:

Some interesting things to note: Knights Templar badge of some sort. At one of my sites I bent down to dug my target & was surprised with this Naval Button from a Pea Coat. AHR Co = American Hard Rubber Co. Not sure what the HP stands for. My guess it's from WW1 as everything from this site dates to the colonial period to the 1920's. Same site different target I got this glass red bead.

HH & Merry Christmas!

52001520105200952008520075200652005520045200352002 52011

12-19-2015, 05:52 PM
I like the variety of finds. Very nice

12-19-2015, 07:27 PM
Very nice-wide array of finds across many years. Great history!. :congrats:

12-20-2015, 02:50 AM
All kinds of good finds! Awesome

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12-20-2015, 05:37 AM
That CT has some nice detail on the obv. I don't think I've found a Barber dime in two years. Nice quality and quantity Roger!

12-20-2015, 05:51 AM
Wide date range of finds...:thumbsup02:. Sorry to hear of your mechanical problems but glad to hear that there was a backup for you to use.
All the coppers and silvers I'm sure made up for any inconvenience.

December 19th and still digging - - - - :perfect10:

The Rebel
12-20-2015, 10:20 AM
Thanks Guys!

12-21-2015, 09:01 AM
Nice finds. At least you know you got a CT and a Matron even if you don't know the mint years. Great barber dimes. I like the anchor button too. I'm thinking of a correlation to the no. 2 pencils. Don't they have an HP printed on them and maybe the manufacturer of the erasers have been American Hard rubber? Interesting that it would be on a button....

BTV Digger
12-21-2015, 12:02 PM
Excellent variety of finds despite your bad luck. Perhaps you need to keep that backup handy as a good luck item! Love the button and other relics. I dug the exact same heel plate a few months back. The back of mine also has a shoe size number on it (a number 2) so perhaps yours does to.


The Rebel
12-23-2015, 01:34 PM
This one didn't but the other one did. Pretty cool stuff.

I dug the exact same heel plate a few months back. The back of mine also has a shoe size number on it (a number 2) so perhaps yours does to.


12-29-2015, 02:58 PM
some great keepers Roger , I like the Connecticut very much (it does have some details ) . How is Frank these days Roger ?? he's a good man , you remind him he's always welcomed over here . I'm still looking to get out with you and he soon Roger .


The Rebel
12-30-2015, 10:38 AM
Thanks Dan! Frank is doing good and I am so glad that we met 5 years ago. He's a great hunting partner. I'll reach out to him so we can set something up for early 2016.

some great keepers Roger , I like the Connecticut very much (it does have some details ) . How is Frank these days Roger ?? he's a good man , you remind him he's always welcomed over here . I'm still looking to get out with you and he soon Roger .
