Johan K
11-06-2015, 10:06 PM
Hi there ! Been away for some time, due to work (yeah yeah). Nice find this time, several medieval coins and relics. But this time a remarkable find. Found this on a field that has been occupied since the year 0 (zero). So very old. Spanish soldiers have occupied this area in the 16th century and burned down villages (revenge etc). Not very long after this occupation the English en Scottish army kicked them out haha. So, this coin I've found on a depth of almost 35 cm deep. Oh what a thrill when it popped out ! I saw this big medieval cross, yelling at my mates ! This coin is a: Real d'argent, Ferdinand V de Castille ( 1512-1515) , Navarre , Spain (Spanish real). Exactly 500 years old ! So I'm standing there, looking across the fields and fantasize about there existence. Weird or what !?