View Full Version : Finds from this week and all the coins from the honey hole

10-17-2015, 11:54 PM
Had a decent week. Went a few houses from the 60's and found a few wheats and a lone rosie, a 52 S. Went to my "honey hole" and pulled my second buffy :grin::grin: the details are amazing :shocked03:. then found a mercury dime in another hole that was infested with iron.. the at pro is very good at getting through iron.:thumbsup01:

I would love to show you guys photos, but it is waaaay too complicated. :bummer:

Does an imgur album work? http://imgur.com/a/Uq9tB

10-18-2015, 09:04 AM
Man, I still haven't found a buff nickel but I keep telling myself I've only started coinshooting a few months ago.

I finally figured out how to post pics, and I'm dumber than a truckload of post holes when it comes to these computin' machines. I'll bet you'll be posting pics here in no time. BTW, how do you like the Ace 250? I thought I might get one as a second machine for friends to use if they don't have one..

Cheap Thrills
10-18-2015, 10:01 PM
Way to go on your great finds . I was struggling for a while on editing pictures to size til' my nephew showed me how . No problems about sizing on this forum but I did on others . Keep plugging at it and don't be afraid to ask family or friends for hands on instruction .
Now I still struggle a bit with picture quality but I'm getting there little by little .You've made some cool finds when you get your camera skill s post the photos retroactively . Everybody here likes pictures .