View Full Version : Largie and Buckle in a short hunt

09-24-2015, 08:02 AM
Yesterday I got the courage to ask a permission. The permission was for a property that wasn't their house they live, but used to have an old house. They were questioning why I was interested in the town and it's history and how I knew about the place. The fact that they let a hunter go up there might be a reason why I was granted access. When I was there I was trying to find the cellar. I never did, however. Altho the next parcel had a slight hill and flat spot, but there was no hole. I might have to ask for the adjacent parcel to be able to check it out.

The first target was some strange piece. It looks like an iron suspender clip which was very fragile. I haven't taken a pic yet. Second was a shell from the hunter. The third hit was a good one, however. Right up near this older tree that was kinda on top of the old stone wall that lined the street I got a solid 77-78 dime signal. That VDI would not move. I did expect a silver dime. But I was pleasantly surprised it was a buckle. After a few on FB saw the vid I was yielded with an answer to which specific type it was. Now after having cleaned it I can see the word above the eagle. An 1830-1840 New York Militia Eagle belt buckle. Score! Then a few feet over happened to be a can. The can was prob the only junk target I dug (as long as you don't count the 4 pieces of lead slag as junk). Maybe 30 feet away from the buckle, a Largie was coughed up. I did scour a little more but I left fairly shortly after to make sure I was out before dark.

The largie I question tho. I cleaned it up a bit as you can tell from the different pictures. I put it next to an 1818 (legitimate) matron cent. For some reason the stars are prevalent yet the date is not. Yet the reeded portion is visible? Same with the reverse. The ONE CENT and wreath are fine, but the United states of America is lacking. I tried checking too. The 1820 matron I have is 28.74mm diameter and 10.2g. The 1818 is 28.44mm diameter and 9.8g. This unknown matron is 27.80mm and 9.5g. The odd thing too is the VDI. The Nova rang like a dime (out of the ground) at a 77-78 VDI. The two dated matrons as well. But this one, altho smaller and less mass, rings higher at an 83-84 like a quarter. If you wanna compare to the larger scale, the 1818 was around 92 VDI (like a dime) while the 1820 was about 100 (like a silver dime). This unknown one was 123 VDI (like a half dollar...as the recent barber half was a 126 VDI). I am wondering if a counterfeit can ring higher VDI instead of lower. I am sure all the counterfeits weren't made from pewter.


09-24-2015, 08:44 AM
:notworthy: love that buckle! congrats!

09-24-2015, 08:56 AM
That buckle is AWESOME!! Big congrats there.

As for the LC it too is a great score. I bet it is real. There are so many die variations and die wear issues back then that I would guess that it is real. And the quality control on the copper was probably not so great either.

Great job on getting that permission too...always nerve racking but always a thrill too!

The Rebel
09-24-2015, 09:15 AM
WTG on the Buckle and LC! Love the Buckle!

09-24-2015, 02:35 PM
hey "militia plate man " !!!;) congrats on an extremely fine relic Jim:clapping::clapping: :smitten:some of these can be in rough shape because they are not very thick , it will make a great centerpiece to any display !!


09-24-2015, 03:31 PM
WOOWEEEE! Great hunt Jim!! So you found three coppers and the belt plate? What do you mean "the nova rang up..." You're going to have to type slower for me, I'm not that bright.:lol: Looks like you have a primo location!!

09-24-2015, 04:01 PM
Nice detail on that buckle, Jim,and another good hunt due to great research.

09-24-2015, 06:19 PM
Great finds! Don't think I've seen a buckle like that outside a museum or antiques road show. Congrats!

09-24-2015, 08:21 PM
Amazing buckle. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-24-2015, 11:54 PM
That's an amazing find!! :envious:

Mr. Digger
09-25-2015, 05:28 AM
That buckle is simply amazing. Congrats!

BTV Digger
09-25-2015, 08:05 AM
Fantastic score on the buckle. Really sweet and it cleaned up great! On your LC question, I would guess it's totally real. You've got to imagine they really didn't have solid quality control on the coin making process back then. The regs on copper content etc were probably only guidelines and many coins probably had different alloy combinations, thus the different VDIs you mention.


wisconsin digger
09-25-2015, 04:49 PM
Great finds, congrats on the Buckle. WD

09-25-2015, 06:10 PM
Fantastic finds Jim. Love that buckle :smitten:. Your courage to ask for the permission shows what can be had just by asking. Great, great job. Hope your return trips are as productive.

09-28-2015, 08:05 AM
Thanks all. Saving time by not going through to copy each quote and reply. Lol. I just got a lot to catch up on with the latest on AD.
It is possible John + Bucknut. We al hope that we get a counterfeit because it's worth more. I do also realize if anyone picked up before how I commented on other of the matron variety how certain ones looked better and I did try to look into the mineral content of such but I couldn't find any info. Just certain years of the matron held up pretty well and certain years of the KG II did as well (idr.. 1724 or 1743?). I did notice tho that it was a tad different than the others...which may or may not be anything significant. Just that anything after 1787 (for the Fugio) or 1793 for the flowing hair cents were official and therefore more quality control by the mints. The whole premise tho of how the detector works is based upon conductivity, which is why silver is higher than copper ... and aluminum is somewhere in between even tho the shape of cans f's up the readings. Think of why aluminum was used to wire houses in the 60's/70's before they realized it was bad due to thermal conductivity, the electrical conductivity was better (i.e. why it rings up so high on your machine).

So you found three coppers and the belt plate? What do you mean "the nova rang up..." You're going to have to type slower for me, I'm not that bright.

Drew.. NOOOO... lol. Reference the above note. I was just using the 1818 and 1820 with definite dates that I found as a reference.. as well as the Fugio as a reference to this one I found. Just one copper and one belt plate. AND one silver plated knee buckle which I am about to start a thread for.

Al and Bucknut (and kinda Mike). The research is what pays off. Just gotta ask and sometimes you get lucky. It is in the wording too. As I said she was kinda wondering why I was interested in the prop. Just gotta get up to places and ask. It might be all in the presentation on whether or not you will get in.

Dan.. Yes it will be a nice centerpiece item. I gotta start a display soon. Something that the nicest pieces are displayed but not in the way Dave has a huge countertop island with drawers. I have a big enough place to have a separate area for 'deez.

10-02-2015, 08:39 AM
The date of this is semi-visible. The fact there is pitting, any zooming enhances the pitting and makes it more prevalent than the date is. To me it looks almost like 1839 and with a different head than the 1818/1820, I am thinking that it is the booby head variety, making it a 1839.
I did try with a 10.1MP camera in macro mode, but there is an arduous process to encrypt the SD card just to access this. Ugh. So the pic with the phone cam is good enough.

10-02-2015, 08:47 AM
Awesome buckle! Congratulations!!