View Full Version : A small gold ring +somebody's Mojo

Cheap Thrills
09-19-2015, 12:15 AM
I got out for a couple of ours tonight and hit my " last resort " spot . I wanted to try some new settings and a different coil on the Explorer SE .Even though the signals where few and far between it turned out to be a decent hunt .

Coin wise , I got a clad quarter (hit by a mower ) ,two nickels ( one hit by a mower) ,one 53s Wheat ,one memorial penny and two "stinky zincs" .Also a bit of good sounding junk .

Jewelry consisted of a Santisima Muerte ( Saint of Death) medallion :shocked04: ;which had a run in with a lawn mower and a small child's gold ring:happydance01:. Neither are marked silver or gold but I'm pretty sure they are .:yes:
When I looked up the medallion on Wilkipedia it was quite interesting
I attempted to take some decent photo's but again failed miserably .:crying02:

09-19-2015, 05:06 AM
Those are some pretty sweet finds! That ring is nice, but I really love that Santisima Muerte! Looks a lot like the grim reaper

09-19-2015, 05:54 AM
Wow, you found death....usually it finds you. :cheesysmile:
What's on the back of that?
Ring looks in good shape!

Cheap Thrills
09-19-2015, 11:37 AM
Thanks Digger , Yes , she is in the definitely reapers union .:lol:

Wow, you found death....usually it finds you. :cheesysmile: What's on the back of that?
Ring looks in good shape!

Thanks Drew . Luckily , it wasn't my time yet :groovy:.There are no markings or anything on the back .There is no damage to the ring at all .:happydance01:It has a real pretty pattern to it but try as I may I couldn't capture it in the photo .