View Full Version : Couple new places-nice photos

09-16-2015, 08:28 PM
Hi all,
Well, I tried 4 new parks over the past 2 days without much luck, though the last one does show promise of at least lots of clad and maybe some jewelry. It's an older park, so who knows-maybe some silver there yet?
But thought I would share some pics from around the nicest park I have been to in a while which of course is in the exclusive high rent district.

View from the beach


Dreaded black sand!


Would love to know the story behind the heart carved in this old oak tree many long years ago!


Someone obviously was detecting here recently


09-16-2015, 11:02 PM
I'm sure there is some silver there waiting for you. Hopefully it's not like where I hunt, its here but it sure makes you work for every one

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09-17-2015, 12:12 AM
I highly suspect this park has been pretty much hunted out. Really trashy in areas, but the areas where there isn't a lot of trash such as away from the parking lot, picnic tables and garbage cans there were slim pickings. The few clad I found were so recent they were still shiny. But I do plan on hitting the beach a lot better once my 15" Attack coil arrives. Then I can run the high frequency through the black sand easily enough and hopefully get what the other detectorist can't see. Anything gold would be nearly impossible to find under these conditions unless running the high freq. coil, or a PI or FBS machine.

Fire Fighter 43
09-17-2015, 09:24 PM
Better luck next time. A good productive park is hard to come these days. Try working the trashiest areas slow with a small coil. The few times I've tried it I was rewarded with some nice finds. The tree carving is a cool find even if you can not take it home.

09-17-2015, 09:34 PM
Most parks in my area at least, if they have any age there are few if any areas much less trashy that any other. It's like detecting over a thick sheet of aluminum made from pull tabs, can slaw and actual foil.
What does help a bit is that I do have a DD coil now which narrows down the search field a bit. But I'm waiting on the coils I ordered, specifically the smaller Hunter coil. What I really need is a really tiny 5 or 6 inch coil for those areas. As I have also stated before, the parks in the metro region are either quite new, extremely trashed, or too dangerous to hunt alone.

09-17-2015, 11:24 PM
looks like a nice area , i'd be all over that beach and in the water if possible . Best of luck

09-17-2015, 11:34 PM
It is a nice area, but beach and water hunting here has it's own challenges. First is that black sand I have the photo of. Secondly is the contamination of the sand with lots and lots of aluminum balls. These come from cans becoming shredded in the water and then rolled in the surf until deposited on the shore.
Water hunting problem 1 is that my machine isn't waterproof and I'm not sure I want to risk dropping it. Second problem is that the water is COLD! Even in July and August the water temperature can be 40 degrees or less, depending on the currents.
Maybe if I get good waders, a safety strap and "floaties" for the machine, and a good beach scoop......???