View Full Version : Actual text conversation with my 14-year old daughter today....

09-16-2015, 06:46 PM
Classic. And everything everything EVERYTHING is a crisis! OMG. Shoot me now
__________________________________________________ ______________

Me: Your tennis match tonight was just cancelled.

Her: OMG!!!! SERIOUSLY???????



Me: You know I don't like you to say that

Her: BUT MOM!!!!!

Me: Don't shoot the messenger

Her: Huh

Her: What?

Me: That means I'm only the messenger.

Her: What.

Her: You're not making sense mom

Her: Are you ok?

Her: You're not a messenger

Her: I'm talking about TENNIS

Me: It's a saying. Google it.

Her: MOM!!! I don't have time to learn anything right now, I'm at school!!!

09-16-2015, 07:50 PM
I hate getting into a whole text conversation with either of my girls :hairpulling::needadrink::bangahead02::bangahead02 ::bangahead02: its so emotionally irritating :lol::lol: after a few exchanges i call them .

Tony Two-Cent
09-16-2015, 07:51 PM

That's pure gold! Yes, I know that age well, when everything is life or death drama. :thumbsup01:

09-16-2015, 10:14 PM
This sounds SO familiar! When my kids were teens they all thought I should have my cell phone taken away and go back to a rotary dial wall phone.

09-17-2015, 12:14 AM
OMG! That is SO funny! makes you want to :bangahead02:

09-19-2015, 11:27 AM
:coffeelaugh:That was me as I read your post!! :rofl:

09-21-2015, 10:37 AM
Classic. And everything everything EVERYTHING is a crisis! OMG. Shoot me now
__________________________________________________ ______________

Me: Your tennis match tonight was just cancelled.

Her: OMG!!!! SERIOUSLY???????



Me: You know I don't like you to say that

Her: BUT MOM!!!!!

Me: Don't shoot the messenger

Her: Huh

Her: What?

Me: That means I'm only the messenger.

Her: What.

Her: You're not making sense mom

Her: Are you ok?

Her: You're not a messenger

Her: I'm talking about TENNIS

Me: It's a saying. Google it.

Her: MOM!!! I don't have time to learn anything right now, I'm at school!!!

Well Angie,

Now you know why I have steadfastly refused to step up to a "smart phone" and keep my flip phone instead. :lol:

All kidding aside, you have a lovely 14 year old daughter and, as the Brits are prone to say, "what you gain on the swing, you lose on the roundabouts." :lol:

09-21-2015, 04:27 PM
That`s classic alright...So what are the kids doing in school now a days?...She said that she did`nt have time to learn anything right now. I`m glad I have two boys, and that we still use flip phones.

09-22-2015, 04:26 PM

That's pure gold! Yes, I know that age well, when everything is life or death drama. :thumbsup01:

This sounds SO familiar! When my kids were teens they all thought I should have my cell phone taken away and go back to a rotary dial wall phone.

OMG! That is SO funny! makes you want to :bangahead02:

:coffeelaugh:That was me as I read your post!! :rofl:

That`s classic alright...So what are the kids doing in school now a days?...She said that she did`nt have time to learn anything right now. I`m glad I have two boys, and that we still use flip phones.

I didn't love her having a smart phone when she was younger, but since her dad and I are divorced it made things much easier to communicate with both parents when she was with one or the other of us.

Well Angie,

Now you know why I have steadfastly refused to step up to a "smart phone" and keep my flip phone instead. :lol:

All kidding aside, you have a lovely 14 year old daughter and, as the Brits are prone to say, "what you gain on the swing, you lose on the roundabouts." :lol:

Nah, you are just afraid I'll beat you in Words with Friends. :poke: :lol:

Did the Brits get that saying from those roundabout roads that are all over the Northeast? Because I am NEVER going on one of those again. I'm lucky I'm alive. Not sure what inebriated person designed those things.

09-25-2015, 05:17 PM
Nah, you are just afraid I'll beat you in Words with Friends. :poke: :lol:

Did the Brits get that saying from those roundabout roads that are all over the Northeast? Because I am NEVER going on one of those again. I'm lucky I'm alive. Not sure what inebriated person designed those things.

Yep, roundabouts are common there. We have some around here too and it's amazing how people don't seem to understand the basic traffic rules that apply, like who has the right of way,...

About two months ago, a young man in a BMW got killed at a roundabout in nearby Cabazon CA. He hit the roundabout (literally), doing over 90 mph according the the CHP. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt and got thrown out of the car. The two young ladies with him were belted and survived the crash. Alcohol was involved in the crash.

PS: What is "Words with Friends"?

PPS: Whatever it is, what makes you think you can beat me at it?

09-25-2015, 05:54 PM
Yep, roundabouts are common there. We have some around here too and it's amazing how people don't seem to understand the basic traffic rules that apply, like who has the right of way,...

Basic traffic rules? Right of way? The only rule I can figure out is that once you get into one keep going as fast as you can in one general direction while praying that you make it back out.

PS: What is "Words with Friends"?

Scrabble. :)

PPS: Whatever it is, what makes you think you can beat me at it?


Cheap Thrills
09-26-2015, 12:09 AM
Below is a hidden message for scrabble/crossword players concerning this thread .

n t

09-26-2015, 08:34 AM
Basic traffic rules? Right of way? The only rule I can figure out is that once you get into one keep going as fast as you can in one general direction while praying that you make it back out.


Scrabble. :)

Didn't know they had changed the name of the game. Geeze, I must be getting old.

09-26-2015, 09:17 AM
Below is a hidden message for scrabble/crossword players concerning this thread .

n t

??? :thinkingabout: Can't get this one?!? My wife is the scrabble/crossword player, I am more of a Sudoku/Ken-Ken guy! :cool:

Cheap Thrills
09-26-2015, 04:59 PM
??? :thinkingabout: Can't get this one?!? My wife is the scrabble/crossword player, I am more of a Sudoku/Ken-Ken guy! :cool:

I actually messed up on it ,this how it should have been (sorry):embarrassed: ;


I just can't get into Sodoku and have never heard of Ken-Ken , I'll have to see what that is about .Hope you had a great Birthday Ron .

09-26-2015, 05:24 PM
I actually messed up on it ,this how it should have been (sorry):embarrassed: ;


I just can't get into Sodoku and have never heard of Ken-Ken , I'll have to see what that is about .Hope you had a great Birthday Ron .

:rofl: :hystericallaugh: :lol: :girlcry:

Do you know how many hours I spent beating my head against a wall today trying to figure that out??? :hystericallaugh:

Okay well as least I know it's not me. And thanks for the hint! :angelic:

Cheap Thrills
09-26-2015, 05:33 PM
Sorry Angie , I've been trying to edit this but the computer changes the setting of the letters every time I try to align them with each other .I took a picture of how it should look .This has been real maddening for me .I will post it .

Cheap Thrills
09-26-2015, 05:43 PM
DANG COMPUTERS !! (or is it dang getting old sucks).

Third line should read ;

this < (these letters are used in two of the words .

Cheap Thrills
09-26-2015, 05:56 PM
I meant the third line ( as you can see this has rattled me a bit) lol .

09-27-2015, 07:16 AM
Cheap Thrills - sorry to stress you out - and hey, anyone (me) who spends a couple of hours on one of these things deserves anything that comes her way. :lol: I was a little... mentally in need of some kind of break yesterday so it was all good. And I still can't figure out the new version :hystericallaugh: But don't post the answer yet; I'll get there.

Cheap Thrills
09-27-2015, 10:47 AM
You didn't stress me out at all Angie , my inability to get those letters situated right is what did it . I was also under the gun because I was taking my wife out to dinner and time was of the essence. Thankfully that all worked out .I will post another picture of the word layout that will be easier to visualize .I would have put it here but I didn't "go advanced". I can't type so it takes me a long time to even create a message like this .
I print pretty much like I type .:lol:

Cheap Thrills
09-27-2015, 11:08 AM
Here we go .Dang and all I can get is this lousy faded picture ( That's a G on the top word good) .We need a new smiley for hangs head in shame .

09-29-2015, 09:10 PM
Just ran across this thread and it is hilarious. Reminded me of my daughter at 14. I gave her a cell phone at 14 as well. It worked great as leverage since I could take away when she misbehaved. lol