View Full Version : My 2015 jewelry finds...

09-07-2015, 07:38 AM
Been an eventful year for me with some highs and lows.
The highs were a bunch of great jewelry and coins and other great things like a surprise Dragoon cuff button while living in Kansas up till the end of June, then on the day we were scheduled to leave that state and move to Alabama I had an accident and fractured my left wrist and heel.
In a wheelchair for a few weeks but now I can hobble around a bit so I am getting out and hunting again.
Only one arm is useable so I am slower at recoveries but managing.
Hunting a park close to me for the last several weeks and some curb strips I have found clad and a few junk rings and I live in an older section of Birmingham so my wheatie total is rising and I love that.
Oldest so far a 1918s.
Not much else in my prime area of interest, jewelry, but it will come when it is ready.
Just to prove I do know how to find jewelry, my F70 can sniff it out like it is a religion no matter what shape or size, here are my totals from Jan-June scooped out of the Kansas soil.
I was blessed, maybe just lucky, but if this is all I am slated to find this year as I heal I have still had a stellar year so no regrets.
Many silvers came from around the edges of two soccer field sites plus about $100 in clad so I think they were pretty virgin, the rest from my regular public parks including 3 gold rings from 3 different parks.
A 14k band and a combo 10k white/yellow gold with ice were standouts.
The highlight of my year was that gold ring that says Neena on it which happens to be marked 916...22k in American.
Found on one of my very first hunts in January in the still frozen soil just that one find totally made my year so as I said, no regrets.
So for you jewelry fans here ya go.
I hope to add more quality finds to my totals as I get out more this year.


09-07-2015, 11:59 AM
I love it !!! Looks like a great year so far and more to come ! Congrats !

09-07-2015, 11:13 PM
That's a year most people only dream about. Way to go! Glad to hear you're healing up.

09-08-2015, 08:20 AM
Congrats on the finds and the great attitude towards your accident! What kind of stone is in the rind that has "Indonesia" on the inside?

Johan K
09-08-2015, 11:56 AM
Within a few years you can open your own jewelry-shop.....

09-08-2015, 05:30 PM
Congrats on the finds and the great attitude towards your accident! What kind of stone is in the rind that has "Indonesia" on the inside?

Funny you should ask about that one because that was the strangest silver ring out of all of them.
Small, size 6 but wide and still comes in at 7.4 grams.
It dipped from quarter to dime and back as I swung over it.
All others I could get solid non jumping numbers but not this one.
I had to dig it because I was curious and it was weird.
Out of the ground it acted just as silly and I was confused.
Then I looked closer and figured it out.
That ain't no stone...it's another kind of metal.
Copper I think, very unique I would assume since I have never seen anything like it before.

I eventually christened this my first steampunk piece of jewelry for lack of a better term.

09-08-2015, 06:39 PM
Nice collection going there-congrats!

09-09-2015, 01:52 PM
Drool-worthy photos.... thanks for sharing!!!

Cheap Thrills
09-09-2015, 11:09 PM
Your on a roll , nice finds .:congrats: