View Full Version : 2 weeks of evil.

Trooper Bri
08-19-2015, 02:25 PM
The last dig with Dan a couple weeks ago was a near skunking. I managed a coin purse clasp. Just one of those days.
Last Saturday I had to pass on digging. A long term maintenance project at work maintenance project at work has gotten got my right elbow cranky (tendonitis). I tried a couple short digs last Wed and Thurs, but that wasn't helping my elbow.

I was only digging around random walls in the woods a town over, wasn't expecting much, and got a surprise. A low 10-13 VDI @ 5 inches gets me my 1'st confirmed military button! A general service cuff button I believe (13-14mm). It's a bit toasty, and a little crunched on the right side. The shield is missing the "I", which means it's no older than the mid 1850's. Correct me if I'm wrong, just using my Albert's book for reference. And this was my only notable find those two days. Scratch that off the bucket list!


That night I pulled my 31" Sampson t-handle out of the car to wash the caked dirt off it, leaned it against the house on the patio, and it grew legs overnight. This is a very quiet neighborhood, that was an eyebrow raiser and head scratcher.
Amazingly, one of the FB groups did a quick fundraiser for me (I'm hardly broke, planned on replacing it ASAP) and the new one should be here tomorrow!

Went out the next day for the Thursday hunt in the same area (sans shovel), got skunked, and one of the earphone retainer clips shattered for my wireless headphones, and off my head they went. They both had stress cracks, and I got lazy and never ordered replacements. White's is sending out the clips, and I requested new earphone cushions as well since mine are drying out and cracking after 4 years. Those will be showing up today. Great customer service.

Hoping to get out Saturday or Sunday for a little digging if my elbow settles down, but I'll be swinging lefty.


08-19-2015, 05:41 PM
Sorry to hear about the shovel and the ear pieces to the headphones but cooler weather and good hunts are in the near future for you , congrats on the federal union button and first military button :cheering::cheering:.


08-19-2015, 05:49 PM
Congrats on the bucket list button Brian. Your FB friends are very nice to do that for you! I hope to get out with guys again soon :)

08-19-2015, 06:32 PM
Congrats on that button Brian. Hope that elbow heals up quickly for you. Dan said it- great hunting weather is coming very soon.

08-19-2015, 07:52 PM
Very nice button! They were made the whole way into the civil war however, plain shields were for enlistedmen Is were for infantry officers

08-20-2015, 08:35 PM
Nice button and now you found your first more will come!

Lodge Scent
08-21-2015, 03:47 PM
Nice button find! Helps take the sting away from the other misfortunes.

The Rebel
08-21-2015, 07:12 PM
Sorry to hear about the shovel Bri. I had the same thing happen to my head phones as well. Mary @ Whites hooked me up with new pcs. I may need to replace the cups as well in the near future.

donald sutphin
08-24-2015, 11:29 PM
Unbeleiveable how someone can walk up and snatch something without any worries at all . You know my wife was robbed by two women in the handicap park spot at walmart for 800.00 they had been following her . Walmart pulls tape and everything to convict these two is there. Waiting now going on the 4 th year never heard another word from police. Just because she was pregnant and cop quoted to much paper work she turned state and walked , other in jail. Walmart is the most dangerous store said a cop because they worry about money not the shopper. Too late to do anything even if wanted statue of limitations is up.

08-24-2015, 11:40 PM
Donald-sorry to hear about that. I know some people really have some cajones when they want to steal something. Had motorcycle parts stolen off my back porch in an enclosed yard I assume for scrap metal. been mugged while at a bus stop and again while trying to fix a broken down vehicle. Worst was snoozing on the way home and girlfriend stopped to get gas. While inside someone reached in the window and took her purse from under my arm. I never woke up, and we lost my paycheck plus much more of value, not to mention the purse itself was a gift from me and cost about $300! Think they should chop off the hands of thieves like they do in the middle east-be a LOT more people called Lefty!