View Full Version : Out With RobW Today.....SLQ Variety 1

08-13-2015, 04:04 PM
So I get a call from Robert. He is fed up with work so he's leaving and wants to go detecting. WooHoo, you betcha.

He arrives at my house and we decided to go to a park that I had noticed a field getting mowed last week. We arrive and not 2 minutes into the hunt I get the sterling ring. got some clad here and there, Rob gets himself a wheat.
Rob's next find was a 25 cent token to something, we couldn't read the rim. I then get the 1893 IH with full liberty followed by a wheat.

We decide to leave that park and go to our favorite park. Here Rob gets an IH but again we couldn't get the date due to the crud but I'm sure it will clean up nice.

My find of the day would have to be the SLQ Variety 1. So its either a 1916 or a 1917. I can see something in the date field but can not make it out. If somebody could really look at the date field and perhaps tell me that it's a 1916......LOL.

Managed a couple more wheats at the second park, earliest is a 1942 with one soaking.

Thanks for reading and HH everyone.

08-13-2015, 04:22 PM
Wouldn't that be awesome if it was a 1916? :daydream:
I'd just like to find one of those coins...still on my list. Interesting ring too...nicely done Al!

08-13-2015, 04:28 PM
Nice silvers. The ring almost looks celtic. Unfortunately the SLQ is a 1917. The dots above her head and the short dash mean it's a '17. Still I'm in the boat with Drew, and u are the one with the SLQ.

08-13-2015, 04:31 PM
:shocked03::wow: Rob is still alive ??? :lol::lol: its good to see you and he out like old times . sounds like a lot of fun and congrats on the choice coinage Al !

08-13-2015, 04:33 PM
Great coins! SLQs are one of my favorites!

08-13-2015, 04:51 PM
:shocked03::wow: Rob is still alive ??? :lol::lol: its good to see you and he out like old times . sounds like a lot of fun and congrats on the choice coinage Al !

Yes, Rob is alive and well just very busy. It was good to get out with him, wish we could do it more. Thanks for the congrats

wisconsin digger
08-14-2015, 06:46 AM
Nice finds. Pretty sure I have never found the "no stars" (going back to my youth in the 70's) so that indeed is a great and rare find. WD

Digger Don
08-14-2015, 11:28 PM
Very nice Finds. Congrats on the Variety 1 SLQ. Very Nice!!

08-24-2015, 04:20 PM
:shocked03::wow: Rob is still alive ??? :lol::lol: its good to see you and he out like old times . sounds like a lot of fun and congrats on the choice coinage Al !

Barely.....I haven't been on here with everyone in SSOO long. Haven't really been out. Family and work related things keeping me bound up.

Made it out for my first REAL hunt in a long while....1912 Barber Half, 1934 Merc, a silver religious medal, and 10 wheats..felt good to get out and even better to get some BIG Silver.

wisconsin digger
08-29-2015, 07:59 AM
That's judt like finding a well worn 1916 Mercury. Your always hoping for that "D". Great find regardless of what date it was. WD

08-29-2015, 10:55 PM
Sweet finds , love that ring !