View Full Version : New milestone and Electrolysis is working pretty well

wisconsin digger
07-30-2015, 05:46 PM
Been finding some great old finds but in terrible shape. Looking for a better way to clean them I looked in to electrolysis which has a ton of U-tube videos to watch. My 1st attempt fell flat as I burnt up the adaptor after about 10 minutes of use. My 2nd try had better results. I will post some results when I get a few more coins done. The Large cent I found I was finally able to get some detail on the front side but no solid date yet (I think it is a 1853). A couple of Indians that I had no dates on were cleared up to the point that they are now readable. Also I was approaching my 700th solver coin since starting back up in 2012. I planned a long road trip to an old park that fell through due to a fair taking place. I ended up near home still needing 3 more silver. I hit one of the Churches I had been hunting and spent about an hour before I even found a clad dime. I went to an area I hunted pretty good previously and managed to get 3 Merc's, a Buffalo and several Old Wheaties before heading home. The 3 Merc's got me to 700. Seemed appropriate that Merc's got me there as nearly half of the 700 are Merc's. Anyway, pretty much hit my goals for the year so I plan on focusing on finding some new spots for the 2016 year. PS, I got a comment on the condition of my wheats falling off. This Church is one of the areas where the wheats come out looking nice - NO CLEANING REQUIRED. Keep digging Wisconsin Digger

BTV Digger
07-30-2015, 07:24 PM
700 silver...congrats. That's lots of hard work and good to see you've reached a milestone.


07-30-2015, 09:10 PM
That's awesome wi digger! Keep it going

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07-30-2015, 10:32 PM
Wow! 700 in only 3 plus years of detecting that's incredible! Congrats!

07-31-2015, 05:02 PM
Wow , 700 silvers.... You must be at spots where your finding silver like I do clad!!!!!

07-31-2015, 06:40 PM
Very impressive sir! Terrific few years you've had. Congratulations on your 700th silver!