View Full Version : The wait is over...gold in the hole !

07-27-2015, 03:03 PM
This is my 4th year detecting and my favorite thing to see in the hole has always been a silver coin. I know that in order to find gold, one must dig a lot of junk which I never do. But Saturday, I paid a visit to the park that I used to visit as a child and later played my midget football in. I've hunted here at least 30 times and have found only 3 silver coins and at least 50 bucks in clad. So I decided to dig any lousy signal that hit reasonably hard. Along with $4.56 in clad I found this. Guess I'm digging those iffy signals more now. 49040

07-28-2015, 12:47 AM
I keep hearing that about iffy signals and I keep digging but someday I will find the yellow stuff. WTG and congrats on the gold

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07-28-2015, 06:51 AM
Nice score, Mike. It seems no one knows whom the Pms maker is. Seems tho it was roughly the 70's or just before they started putting the Plumb mark on gold.

I have always been digging those iffy signals. Well, iffy as in they seem they might be good, but hasn't paid off really. Some would argue if they knew which of the odd but neat finds were iffy VDIs. It's just the numbers which are solid but I know its 105% chance it's junk that I tend not do dig.

07-28-2015, 07:18 AM
Big congrats on your first gold!!! I have heard people say that you have to dig a minimum of 300 pull tab like signals in order to find 1 gold item. Whatever the ratio is I do know that you HAVE to dig the signals that you normally would consider to be trash if you hope to find gold. Congrats again!

Tony Two-Cent
07-28-2015, 07:22 AM
Congrats on finding your first gold! :thumbsup02:

I have only found two gold rings with my E-Trac and both rang up just like nickels. Some gold rings can ring up higher though if they are bigger.

Your persistence paid off! Good job! :clapping:

07-28-2015, 08:49 AM
I have only found two gold rings with my E-Trac and both rang up just like nickels. Some gold rings can ring up higher though if they are bigger.

..Yeah. It depends on the machine (which I am sure you know but this is a forum for others too). My machine nickels ring 25 to 29 VDI. I used the gf's gold rings to air test the VDI number. The thin gold band was 19 to 21 and sometimes it was discriminated out reading in the foil range. The bigger/thicker ring was just a few counts higher on the VDI. AND... because I was finally getting more use of the gf's GTI2500 I cannot tell the difference between a zincoln and a copper penny for some reason. There is no VDI on the machine, only a category. I've had a few at 7.5 and I dig up a zincoln, next one rings the same and it's solid copper. With my machine tho, VDI for zinc is like 55 to 63 and copper is 78 to 86. Definitely enough to tell the difference between the two.

07-28-2015, 02:57 PM
Big congrats on your first gold!!! I have heard people say that you have to dig a minimum of 300 pull tab like signals in order to find 1 gold item. Whatever the ratio is I do know that you HAVE to dig the signals that you normally would consider to be trash if you hope to find gold. Congrats again!I dug about 20 pull tabs and 5 hunks of foil prior to digging the ring. I have a White's V3i and pulltabs VDI at 25 - 37, nickels from 16 - 21, my wedding ring air tests at 39 and the ring I dug was at 41 but hit hard. I hate pulltabs. Every big old park in Hartford is layered with them.

07-28-2015, 11:09 PM
Big congrats on the gold band Mike :groovy:

07-31-2015, 11:24 PM
Congrats on the gold. I've never found one. Only plated gold.

08-01-2015, 01:02 PM
Woohoo! Congratulations on your first gold. :thumbsup01: I'm still waiting on mine.

08-03-2015, 06:40 AM
congrats on the first gold. One of my gold rings was an iffy signal like a pull tab.

ODA 226
08-03-2015, 09:23 AM
I'm glad you got that monkey off your back! :lolsign: Congrats!