View Full Version : 3 years to find my 2nd barber Quarter and 2 days to find my 3rd

wisconsin digger
06-14-2015, 09:21 PM
Went back to an old Church I found a Barber Quarter at Friday and found another one today. Was almost ready to call it a night when I got what was a pretty strong signal at a site where strong signals are rare. All the old coins here are 8-9" down. After pulling a pretty healthy plug I tried the pinpointer in the hole and got nothing. I have gotten used to pulling a lot of dirt out of the hole so I made a pretty good pile before pinpointing again. This time I got a hit in the hole and dug it out. I was disappointed to find a small piece of iron, almost looks like an old watch winder. I decided to check my pile and got a nice hit. After moving the dirt I found a glint of silver. barber #2 in two days. Ended the night with 3 rough old wheats and the Barber quarter (1909). Happy to have them all. Wisconsin Digger

Ill Digger
06-14-2015, 09:56 PM
It took awhile. But it's happened faster for you than me. :envious:
I've been detecting since '09 and I've found 2. The last one was 2 years ago I think.
Plus your 1 up on me. :envious: :lol:
Great find WD!!
Congrats! :grin:

Digger Don
06-14-2015, 10:46 PM
WTG. All that work was well rewarded. Great looking quarter.
Good thing you went to church this Sunday. :congrats:

06-15-2015, 03:46 AM
Those don't surface very often. How's the reverse? Congrats! :thumbsup02:

Fire Fighter 43
06-15-2015, 01:23 PM
Oh Yah!! Those beautiful Barber quarters, congrats on finding two so close together, WTG.

06-16-2015, 07:29 AM
Nice. You have an explanation on why the old coins tend to be 8-9" down in the area, as you stated? Here it's unpredictable. I have heard Spanish silver at 3". I have found wheats just below the grass surface yet pulled up quarters at 6-8". As far as the instance when you were digging... that happens quite often. I get a signal and dig. I dig out a bunch of dirt and pinpoint in the hole finding iron nails. Then I go back over with the coil and find it is out of the hole already. Just like "I knew there was something here and I know this straight iron nail was NOT what I was hearing...where could it be?"

06-16-2015, 11:54 AM
:congrats:on getting the 2nd Barber quarter out of the way.....now onto #3.

Lodge Scent
06-16-2015, 07:25 PM
Let's hope that Barber trend continues !

06-17-2015, 01:44 PM
Barber Quarters are special! Congrats on 2 in 2 days!