View Full Version : New permission and other good hunts get me closer to a nice milestone

wisconsin digger
05-15-2015, 09:56 PM
Finally got around to getting a new permission and also had some great success at an old standby. Started the last couple of weeks with a couple quick hunts at an old standby park. I hunted an area I thought was mostly fill dirt, but when I pulled a couple of Wheaties and a Merc I thought it had potential. The next hunt there got me a Rosie and 2 more Merc's. Pretty good for a Park that has seen its share of detectors. Slipped in a little hunting on a road trip for work and managed 1 more Merc and a great potential new park. Did not find any silver there but found several old Wheaties and a lot of the park was too wet to hunt. Hope to get back there in June. Finally got permission to hunt an old Church my Dad use to hunt and got in 3 hunts. 1st hunt netted a Merc and several Wheaties, 2nd hunt was better with a Barber dime and a Washington as well as several more Wheaties and my last hunt today got me 3 more Merc's and another bunch of wheats. With the 3 Merc's I now stand at 297 since getting back into swinging in 2012. It's amazing how many Merc's are lost in Wisconsin. Merc's alone are nearly half of all the silver I have found in 4 years ( and not one is a key date). All in all the last couple of weeks have been great. Wisconsin Digger

05-15-2015, 11:54 PM

Fire Fighter 43
05-17-2015, 02:24 PM
Nice hunts, it is amazing how those old favorite sites keep producing. Congrats on the silver, WTG.

Digger Don
05-17-2015, 02:44 PM
Excellent hunts. That's a whole bunch of silver.
Best of luck to you when you go back in June.

BTV Digger
05-17-2015, 06:58 PM
Great set of hunts. Congrats on all the silver! Question, how deep to you typically find your park silver?


wisconsin digger
05-22-2015, 12:08 PM
Sorry for delay got a late season bug and it knocked me out for a bit. I don't find a lot of really deep coins. For the most part most of my older coins are in that 4-6" range. I have seen a few hunts where a deep coin maybe 7-9" was pulled but I can't say I find much below 6" on average. Thx WD

05-23-2015, 08:40 AM
Mercs are such a pretty coin and it seems that you find plenty. Congrats on a great hunt.


05-26-2015, 08:27 PM
Great amount of silvers and I hope that your return trip to that park produces again. Of the thousands of coins that I have dug, only one was a key date and it was Canadian.