View Full Version : Short and Sweet - 1902 House

05-07-2015, 02:45 PM
475614756247563I got to do my bosses house this pm. Its a 1902 in the city. Very small yard, front yard had two 5'x7' areas and back yard was maybe 20'x40'.

Started in the front and got a 1911 wheat and a nice 1924 buffalo. Probably the nicest buffalo I have dug.

Told ya, short and sweet....

Another coin for my signature and HH everybody.

Thanks for reading

05-07-2015, 03:05 PM
Any buff with a date on it is an excellent find! They don't come much older than that wheat. Was there a lot of iron around? Maybe you could run over those small areas again with a tiny coil?
I guess you offered those things to your boss ...like you let him beat you in golf:lol:

05-08-2015, 06:51 AM
Nice Buff. Those early wheats seem to have a nice fat rim to them. I actually wonder what it would be like to hunt a small yard like that. Most of the areas I go are larger yards and none in an urbanized area.

05-14-2015, 01:55 PM
Nice Buff, out of all the coins I've found for some reason I haven't dug a Buff yet. Congrats!