View Full Version : Couple of backyard finds

Ill Digger
07-02-2010, 11:05 PM
I only had about an hour and a half to hunt tonite before my sons baseball game (under the lights 8)). So I grabed the E-Trac and went in the backyard to kill a little time. I decided to hunt along the property line, I've never really hunt there before. I decided to dig all signals. I dug up lots of can slaw and foil. I got a low tone and pulled up another piece of foil, and rechecked the plug and got a hit. I pulled out this tiny little coin :confused: I did a little spit bath and seen some writing on it :shocked04: It turns out to be a 1901 1 Penni !! :happydance01: From Finland!! I slowly hunted to the back of my lot and turned around and came back towards the house and in the same area I got another mixed signal with some high tones mixed in with it. So I dug it and out pops a 1909 Wheaty!!! :peace: Up till this hunt the oldest coin I've found in my yard was a no date buff. Nice little hunt!!
Thanks for lookin' & HH everybody!!

07-03-2010, 01:32 AM
Cool find...can't say I've seen one of them before! Nice pickins in the yard!

07-03-2010, 04:14 AM
Wow, that is one tiny coin! What a sweet dig. Congrats!

07-03-2010, 08:14 AM
It pays to dig when it beeps like anything in yards, very cool Finnish coin.

07-03-2010, 06:12 PM
That is one cool tiny coin! Nice little hunt. thumbsup01 Is the 1909 wheat cent as VDB?

07-03-2010, 08:14 PM
Nice little fella lol even though they can't spell penny right rofl Great looking '09 too. You are doing the best thing with a new machine. Dig a lot and learn it's language and it will pay off in the end. Very nice short hunt.

Ill Digger
07-04-2010, 12:05 AM
Cool find...can't say I've seen one of them before! Nice pickins in the yard!
Thanks Brian!! Yeah, I've never seen or heard of one either :dontknow:

Wow, that is one tiny coin! What a sweet dig. Congrats!
Thanks for lookin' ! lol I know !! I was thinking Play money at first :yes:

It pays to dig when it beeps like anything in yards, very cool Finnish coin.
Thanks Darren. Thats all thats left in my yard, is some maybe's :rolleyes:

That is one cool tiny coin! Nice little hunt. thumbsup01 Is the 1909 wheat cent as VDB?
Thanks Angel !! No it's not a S,D or a VDB. Just a plain'ol 1909. Only my second one thumbsup01

Nice little fella lol even though they can't spell penny right rofl Great looking '09 too. You are doing the best thing with a new machine. Dig a lot and learn it's language and it will pay off in the end. Very nice short hunt.
rofl Yeah I did a double take at the spelling too lol I'm trying to learn the Language :confused: The constant falsing coming off of iron is kinda annoying :bangahead01: Thanks for lookin'!!

HAPPY 4th EVERYBODY!!! :beerbuddy: :clapping: