06-29-2010, 09:59 PM
Here is last week's finds from three different old houses here in my home Village of Owego, NY. Had the oppotunity to detect some of the nicest homes in the Village, but the finds were few and far between. I struggled with my V3 and a possible ?? D2 coil problem (eventually went with the 9.5 concentric), but was able to settle the machine down and pull some interesting trash - relics which can be seen in the 1st pic. Eventually, some Wheaties showed their faces in and amongst the signals. I found 4 wheaties in one 10 area, and 2 more of them in the same hole ---- still no silver :bangahead01: . I had the feeling I wasn't the 1st to detect these properties, because surely anyone with a detector in their hand over the past 40 years would have loved to have had detected these properties and probably did as the finds were pretty modest - no silver what-so-ever!!!! Late Sunday afternoon I did come upon an iffy signal and after re-checking it several times decided to dig and was rewarded with a worn but nice looking 1813 Large Cent - my oldest coin to date :peace:. Rescaned the area and had a weak 51-55 VDI signal near-bye and found a half rotted rifle cartridge case. I think this case masked the Large Cent and that is why I was able to find it after all these years (hats off to the V3). Intesting find which some of you may help identify is the Saints symbol (Fleur-de-lis), I believe to be, aluminum button. It has a wire detail welded to it, with some heat melted damage:huh: Other interesting find was a 1/2 copper ball -- what it went to or decorated I'm at a loss to tell you. Anyway, my finds and ambition are slowing down with dryer ground, hotter, humid, lazy (busy) days of summer :yes:. Enjoy pics!! Thinking about sending the V3 out for the update and have the D2 checked out at the same time, I'll let you guys know how that develops :confused:.