View Full Version : What's the big deal with the XP Deus
02-02-2015, 09:15 AM
The Deus is extremely fast, you can pick thru trash amazingly.
The Deus can be set up as a multi tone machine for those who like to hunt by sound.
The Deus is made to hunt WITH Discrimination it is actually to your benefit to hunt with some discrim in place and to use a function called Iron Volume to adjust the level of the iron sounds in the headphones it's very cool.
The Deus is totally wireless.
The Deus is 2 lbs. For a person who may be older or have some sort of physical issue this can extend your ability to get out there and hunt.
The Deus comes with 10 factory programs in it ready to go.
When I got mine and took it out of the box I said to myself oh no what a piece of junk!! Because it was so light But it's the real deal guys.
I started with the Deus and a buddy with a CTX we dug side by side and I could hit every target that the CTX saw. I love my CTX and will keep it for sure but the Deus is a top of the line unit that has been software updated at least 3 times so far. The CTX was put out there by minelab and basically forgotten. No updates.
I hit LCs at 7" 8" no problem. Most likely deeper just hasn't happened yet.
Lastly there's a great book by Andy Sabisch with great info and settings plus how to's . It's a must have if you have the Deus also If you get a chance Mr. Sabisch is doing Deus Bootcamps all over the country.
Great unit no joke
Dig colonial or go home
Reply (,35727,35735#REPLY) Quote (,35727,35735,quote=1#REPLY) Report (,35735)
02-02-2015, 09:36 AM
good info thanks, I have been thinking about getting one myself.
Tony Two-Cent
02-02-2015, 09:41 AM
Alright, how much are they paying you? :lol:
I have heard a lot of great things about the XP Deus. They are super light, I have held one and I couldn't believe it. The wireless aspect is a big selling point also. I would like to try one out for about a week before I made the commitment to buy one.
Restoring Your Finds
02-02-2015, 09:47 AM
I just purchased one and I have to admit I am struggling ! Only tried it once though... I guess once you figure out the settings, it really has to be a great machine. One thing I miss from the ETrac (which I still have) is the depth indicator. I know you can sort of guess it through the bar in the horse shoe. Apparently, the less it's filled, the deeper the target is. But it does not say, as it would on the ETrac, the potential depth in inches. (And that is a great plus when you are hitting an old park !) A last thing, coming from Minelab, I do have to get used the new ID values...
As Tony Two-Cent said, the weight and the fact it's completely wireless are fantastic added values !
Any input on this?
Oh... and I forgot to mention... It is a French machine.. Had to have it ! :lol:
02-02-2015, 10:21 AM
WoW Todd! and I know how much you love your Minelabs... Now you have me thinking again...
02-02-2015, 11:06 AM
Alright, how much are they paying you? :lol:.
Maybe this is a way he got $ off the price. Kinda similar to liking a place on FB and getting coupons. :lol:
Sounds like a nice machine. Working with electronics the connectors seem to be the most troublesome overall. Eliminating them is a goal. Plus putting the electronics closer to the coil lowers the loss and noise picked up by the wires. The only thing I am a little skeptical about is the fact that now you have two power sources to worry about the charge lasting. There is the option to run to the car and charge it back up if theres a mini-usb plug, but if you have a spare set of batteries on hand in your bag you can change on the spot for any detector. The software update comes from the comp, right? The only thing I would worry is if MS comes out with another version or two of windows cuz USB things seem to be a pain. I have the Phatnoise thing in my car for my kenwood and every time I try to save the disc/play list info and eject the disk it 'freezes' for a long time and eventually 'finishes' but I can only eject completely by the MS USB safely remove hardware after the long process of waiting. I have Vista and the program was designed for 98 and XP. So long term thinking in comparison to the Deus. But the option to do so on your own is a good thing so you don't have to wait for getting machine back.
Todd , have you had any issues at all with emi interference or with power lines or areas where the coil can't communicate with the headphones??
Lodge Scent
02-02-2015, 04:31 PM
I got mine for Christmas and have only been able to use it 3 times before the blizzard arrived. But I will say that I have been mightily impressed with it so far for all the reasons Todd gives. Really made me a believer when I sniffed out a shoe buckle chape 4 inches below someone else's abandoned 6 inch deep hole at a pounded site. As Todd mentions it has a really smart approach to dealing with iron. That , coupled with its blazing recovery speed make it very formidable finding those masked targets.
02-02-2015, 06:34 PM
Todd , have you had any issues at all with emi interference or with power lines or areas where the coil can't communicate with the headphones??
Maybe he can answer better but was it my comment on lower noise that sparked this question? I did notice an antenna as an accessory and without checking it was wondering why It has this. But it's only for under water. The 12k and 18k frequency does make me wonder if those get interference with our 60 Hz here. Well..all 4 frequencies could be affected from a 50 Hz European rate.
Lodge Scent
02-02-2015, 07:45 PM
Todd , have you had any issues at all with emi interference or with power lines or areas where the coil can't communicate with the headphones??
Dan, Todd may have a different experience but one of the sites I did hit with my Deus was very close to a high-voltage substation. I could not hunt one of the far corners of this site with my DFX no matter what frequency or setting or coil that I used due to the EMI. The Deus handled pretty well with only a minimum amount of chattering due to the nearby overhead high-voltage lines. No problem with the coil talking to the headphones.
Restoring Your Finds
02-02-2015, 07:51 PM
Guys, can you tell me more about the depth indicator, and how you figure it out on the Deus? As i said, i only tried it once, and there was quite a bit of trash where we were. Sometimes, you only want to focus on deep targets. How do you read those on the XP Deus? Is it, as I stated above, with the horseshoe being more or less filled?
02-02-2015, 10:39 PM
I just purchased one and I have to admit I am struggling ! Only tried it once though... I guess once you figure out the settings, it really has to be a great machine. One thing I miss from the ETrac (which I still have) is the depth indicator. I know you can sort of guess it through the bar in the horse shoe. Apparently, the less it's filled, the deeper the target is. But it does not say, as it would on the ETrac, the potential depth in inches. (And that is a great plus when you are hitting an old park !) A last thing, coming from Minelab, I do have to get used the new ID values...
As Tony Two-Cent said, the weight and the fact it's completely wireless are fantastic added values !
Any input on this?
Oh... and I forgot to mention... It is a French machine.. Had to have it ! :lol:
obviously you need a lot more time with your unit. I got a lot of very good info from the forums in the UK where they have adopted the Deus from the start. Forums like Gary's Detecting and the xp owners forum. Also there's quite a few very good utube videos about settings. Stay with it I find it to be a very easy machine.
02-02-2015, 10:46 PM
Todd , have you had any issues at all with emi interference or with power lines or areas where the coil can't communicate with the headphones??
Dan I've seen nothing yet for emi problems. This thing is fast between targets really fast. I've dug good targets mixed with trash. I've dug deep. Just very impressed at this point. You can assign target sounds in "bins" like a CTX. There's a lot going on in this thing. I will not part with my CTX this is just something else that's very interesting.
02-02-2015, 10:50 PM
WoW Todd! and I know how much you love your Minelabs... Now you have me thinking again...
No worrys Brian I'm still a minelab guy. This thing is cool though
Restoring Your Finds
02-03-2015, 06:47 PM
Thanks for the feedback CTTodd.
Lodge Scent
02-03-2015, 08:06 PM
Taltahull, yeah the horseshoe will help you figure out target depth. You can also use the Audio Response. The lower the setting, the softer those deep (weak) targets will sound. Many folks like to keep the Audio Response high to help them hear those deep targets. At a high setting, they will sound as loud as the strong shallow targets. But if you have decent hearing, an Audio response of 3 or 4 will make those deep targets sound deep (not as loud as a strong shallow target) but it is also loud enough so you won't miss them. After my first time out with the Deus, I took the controller off the shaft and stuck in in the arm band to force me to pay more attention to the audio. I found it easy to estimate target depth using the Audio Response at 3 or 4.
In really clean areas, I probably run at a high value to get those really weak signals at the edge of the Deus' range.
02-03-2015, 08:26 PM
I swung a friends a little bit and it is an amazingly light detector. I also like how it folds up for travel! Makes it easy to fit in the trunk of your car. But for what the thing cost I'd expect it to be a very cool detector!
Restoring Your Finds
02-04-2015, 03:21 PM
Taltahull, yeah the horseshoe will help you figure out target depth. You can also use the Audio Response. The lower the setting, the softer those deep (weak) targets will sound. Many folks like to keep the Audio Response high to help them hear those deep targets. At a high setting, they will sound as loud as the strong shallow targets. But if you have decent hearing, an Audio response of 3 or 4 will make those deep targets sound deep (not as loud as a strong shallow target) but it is also loud enough so you won't miss them. After my first time out with the Deus, I took the controller off the shaft and stuck in in the arm band to force me to pay more attention to the audio. I found it easy to estimate target depth using the Audio Response at 3 or 4.
In really clean areas, I probably run at a high value to get those really weak signals at the edge of the Deus' range.
Thanks Lodge Scent ! I appreciate the help !
02-22-2015, 07:41 PM
To me it is a tonal machine mainly. Don't give alot of attention to the VID. More and more time using it will get you better and you start digging less and less trash.
04-12-2015, 11:08 PM
I have both a CTX and a deus. It may be light, It may be quick, But sadly it is not even close to the deus in the hunting I do.. I will grab the CTX 90% of the time. I know this is just one guys opinion only. So don't get all excited folks. It sure is easy on the arm though :)
this is an interesting thread that i like reading because quit frankly i'm tired of waiting for Whites to come out with something i keep hearing about but at this point its all talk.
Lodge Scent
10-01-2015, 06:26 PM
I am finding it hard to find much if anything negative to say about the Deus. My one concern when I got it was how rugged it would be. The Deus earned its stripes by performing superbly in those nice smooth fields and pastures over in the UK and the rest of Europe. I was a bit wary on how it would stand up to the type of dense woods hunting I do. But the Deus is not only ultra light but pretty rugged as well. I usually wear the controller in the wrist band. When I get a good signal that I want to dig, I just basically just drop the Deus to the ground. There is nothing to break because there are no electronics mounted in a box on the shaft like every other detector.
One negative would be that the coils are expensive because they house the brains. But the positives far out-weigh that negative in my opinion. It's extremely flexible, easy to program, wireless, brilliant in the iron trash, software is upgradeable, plenty deep, etc. etc. One of my favorite features is that with the single push of a button, I can switch to an adjacent program that will allow me to rescan a questionable target with different settings to help me decide if it's worth digging. Then I can switch back to my original program with just another single push of a button. It is a quality machine and I do really enjoy using it.
Having said all that, actually the Deus stinks and I don't recommend any one get one :cheesysmile:
:lol::lol: to your last statement :grin: so how many devices do you have to charge before a hunt Jeff ?? and honestly how long does the charge last ??
Lodge Scent
10-01-2015, 08:34 PM
Well Dan, you have your coil and that will last around 15 hours or so depending how much transmission power you use. But there is hardly any reason to use full power all the time. The remote control and headphones will last about twice as long as the coil. I charge all 3 usually before every other hunt. You can get a field charger that runs off a single AA battery that will keep you going if you forgot to charge and ran out of juice in the field. You can actually just use the headphones to control just about every setting and leave the controller at home if you wish. Very slick set up. That's why they if you buy a second coil and stick it on another shaft of any kind, you really can make another Deus because you can use your controller on one and the headphones on the other and have 2 fully functional units.
Another thing I like are the ultralight wireless backphones. They do sell the full over the top wireless headphones but I never did like a full set headphones of any kind because they are hot and also don't let you hear your surroundings. The backphones have excellent sound and still let you hear what's going on around you.
One fault of the Deus I didn't mention was that it was hard to push the buttons on the controller when you are wearing heavy gloves. That was easily remedied though by spending a couple of bucks on the small clear silicone bumpers used for cupboards. I just stuck them on the controller buttons and it makes it easy to feel them even with gloves.
Still, it is not a machine I would recommend to my friends :cheesysmile:
10-11-2015, 01:11 PM
OK guys you've peaked my curiosity. i started out with a Bounty Hunter 3 years ago and decided I liked the hobby. Next an ATP using the 5x8 coil and liked it. moved on to my current machine an F75 with DST and love it. I am primarily a cellar hole/field type hunter. Should I upgrade(?) to the Deus? Will I notice a difference? If i go back to some sites Ive pounded with F75 ( using both the 5 and 11 inch coils) will I find stuff I missed in the iron?
OK guys you've peaked my curiosity. i started out with a Bounty Hunter 3 years ago and decided I liked the hobby. Next an ATP using the 5x8 coil and liked it. moved on to my current machine an F75 with DST and love it. I am primarily a cellar hole/field type hunter. Should I upgrade(?) to the Deus? Will I notice a difference? If i go back to some sites Ive pounded with F75 ( using both the 5 and 11 inch coils) will I find stuff I missed in the iron?
Well supposedly the machine sole purpose was to hit the very irony Roman sites in Europe and to be able to pick out the tine hammered silver and bronze coins from the iron fields .
Lodge Scent
10-13-2015, 08:08 PM
I think Dan is spot on. The Deus is known for its blazing recovery speed and it will indeed help you sniff out goodies that were masked by the iron. But if you have pounded a cellar hole site previously with a decent machine, it's not like you can go back there with the Deus and find another 15 coppers.
10-14-2015, 05:56 PM
Thanks for the reply guys.
11-03-2015, 11:32 AM
I'm searching with the xp deus for 4 years now and find it extremely good comparing with my old detectors. I also use a minelab etrac for extreem clay grounds because on this type of ground the minelab gives me 3 till 5 cm more dept. Also searching on wet beach the minelab beats the deus. But in any other occasion the xp deus beats it all. Offcourse you have to use the richt settings as in every detector. No soil is ever the Same and I always adjust! In Europe you can find very small midievel silver coins wich are very hard to detect with Some detectors. Searching with the white's dfx for 3 years I never found one!! The deus however is very Sharp and has no trouble finding them. ( I know it hurts to tell a F***** french detector is better than an American :grin:)
The only thing irritating searching with the deus sometimes is his very good signal on deep (Large) iron.
So my opinion: if I could choose for a New detector tomorrow, it would be an xp deus again.
11-03-2015, 03:25 PM
This thread makes me want to try one more and more!!!!!!!!
11-24-2015, 03:48 PM
Reading all your reactions and you guy's are right.
It's a great machine.
Hunting now with it for 4 years here in Holland.
Look at my finds what im finding with the deus.
My advice is hunt with full tone, disc at 0 and set up your settings.
Your controlebox in your pocket.
Listen what is under your coil..
You can hear what: the dept is,if it's Iron or trash.
Learn your signals and you have a powerful machine.
02-22-2016, 06:30 PM
This June I am purchasing the XP Dues. After Metal Detecting for over forty years and buying/selling a few old detectors, I'm ready for the change. Question: What accessories would you now purchase with this XP Deus?
Lodge Scent
03-06-2016, 08:29 PM
I like the WS4 headphones and I use the arm band for the controller. Maybe get an extra coil bolt. I also got the emergency charger....haven't had to use it yet though.
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