View Full Version : A Few Good Weekend Finds

06-27-2010, 09:05 PM
These are the finds from my past three hunts, Friday through Sunday. The seated dimes made my weekend, especially the 1874. It's in beautiful shape. :loveit:


I found these at a Connecticut park. The dimes are dated 1918 and 1920.


The religious pendant is plated. I like the old wheat cents though. :grin:



I was supposed to meet up with midas to detect at a scraped site but I got there a bit late. I overslept. :embarrassed: I was hoping to pick up some old coins but I had to leave after detecting for an hour so. I did find a few wheat cents and some old buttons, but no silver. Then on my way home I passed a town common I had detected last year, so I decided to return there later in the afternoon. It turned out well, as I picked up three silver dimes, dated 1874, 1898, and 1918. I also dug up four Indian Head cents, dated 1887, 1888, 1897, and 1907.



There were several old wheat cents too.


The rest of the stuff, a few buttons, a 1924 dog tag, and other miscellaneous items.



Today I headed to Central MA to scout out several sites. Three of the sites have had their grounds redone but I still spent time detecting them, just in case. ;) Another two sites yielded a few good targets, a 1917 mercury dime, a 1889 seated dime, a five cent token, a sterling silver ring, a 1883 Indian Head cent, and several old wheat cents.





Not a bad weekend at all. :thumbsup01:


06-27-2010, 09:09 PM
i'm at a loss for words. from now on all ya get is this>>> :thumbsup01: :teasing: :behave:

06-27-2010, 09:15 PM
You took the words right out of my mouth Dave :lol:

The photo just above the one with the second seated dime. What is that in the upper right-hand corner?

Yes, I'll wait while you go fish it out of the I'll get to it later dumptruck :lol:

Nice seated dimes, congrats!

06-27-2010, 09:35 PM
i'm at a loss for words. from now on all ya get is this>>> :thumbsup01: :teasing: :behave:

:lol: You are too kind. :yes: Thanks, Dave! :thumbsup01:

You took the words right out of my mouth Dave :lol:

The photo just above the one with the second seated dime. What is that in the upper right-hand corner?

Yes, I'll wait while you go fish it out of the I'll get to it later dumptruck :lol:

Nice seated dimes, congrats!

That thingy? I don't know. :confused: It's lucky it even ended up in my good finds pouch.:lol: I will have to take a closer look. I'll let you know. :yes:

06-27-2010, 09:49 PM
Is that all you find is junk? :lol: What a great couple of hunts. Two really nice Seated Dimes and all the rest of the stuff. I bet you don't even know how many Seated you have :cheesysmile: You need a secretary just to log your silver :rofl: Great finds!! It's a nice thing, that older machines were incapable of finding the deeper silver coins until now. It makes a lot of them Barber and Seated.

06-27-2010, 10:00 PM
Is that all you find is junk? :lol: What a great couple of hunts. Two really nice Seated Dimes and all the rest of the stuff. I bet you don't even know how many Seated you have :cheesysmile: You need a secretary just to log your silver :rofl: Great finds!! It's a nice thing, that older machines were incapable of finding the deeper silver coins until now. It makes a lot of them Barber and Seated.

:lol: I really need to start placing them all in 2X2 holders. :cheesysmile:

The 1874 seated was fairly deep, 9 1/2 to 10 inches. The other two dimes were no deeper than 8. :yes:

Ill Digger
06-27-2010, 10:17 PM
In Fridays finds,with the wheats , is that a 1937 one pence? :huh:
Just one of those days would've made my hole weekend :yes:
:thumbsup01: :teasing: :behave:......:rofl:
Congrats :lol:l

Full Metal Digger
06-28-2010, 04:15 AM
Great finds Angel. Most folks who get a dime trifecta, get the Rosie-Merc-Barber version. You pulled the Seated-Barber-Merc trifecta! Amazing. Congratulations. Be careful though, I am up to 14 silvers for the year and might try to catch you!!! muhahahahahahahahaha..... :crazy:

06-28-2010, 05:14 AM
As usual Angel... WOW! :shocked04:
To think its just June and you have already exceeded last years Silver count...

06-28-2010, 05:58 AM
I like that old ring, and of course the seateds. WTG :thumbsup01:

06-28-2010, 09:32 AM
Those seated are high on my list this year. I figure I'm finding shield nickels, the seated have to be here somewhere. :thinkingabout:

Inspiring finds!

06-28-2010, 10:15 AM
Thanks guys! thumbsup01

In Fridays finds,with the wheats , is that a 1937 one pence? :huh:
Just one of those days would've made my hole weekend :yes:
thumbsup01 :teasing: :behave:...... :rofl:
Congrats :lol:

Yes, it is a 1937 one pence. :yes:

As usual Angel... WOW! :shocked04:
To think its just June and you have already exceeded last years Silver count...

Not quite, but almost there. :thumbsup01: Last year I ended up with 447. This year the count so far stands at 422. :yes:

Those seated are high on my list this year. I figure I'm finding shield nickels, the seated have to be here somewhere. :thinkingabout:

Inspiring finds!

I agree. That site may yield a few such coins if you are digging nickels that old. :yes:

06-28-2010, 08:06 PM
you do very well! :clapping:

06-28-2010, 08:46 PM
Very nice finds. The seated coins are always a great find.