View Full Version : A friend's house give some finds the same age of house.

11-23-2014, 07:59 PM
This morning I was up early; I saw the sun slowly brighten the yard. After a big breakfast and some housework I got dressed with many layers thinking I would need it. There was some yard work to do, but I didn't feel like doing it. Actually I didn't get out the door early but I had plenty of time. I drove out to a place I saw some renovation being done. Even the trees from the yard are now removed. A few weeks ago I had spotted the house and then looked up the age. It is an 1830 house. Today, however, there wasn't anyone doing work there today. I turned around and went to ask at a person I knew. Their house was only 1941 but it was once part of the 1800 neighbor house lot before the land was broken up. At first no one answered when I knocked but once I turned around I saw them covering their boat. I went back to talk to them, and helped them covering it for the winter. They didn't recognize me with long hair. I shot the breeze for quite a while, even went in for coffee. They rent their land for other farmers. They have blueberries in one field. The other field was winter grass that was harvested but for some reason turnips and the other long yellow root seeds were in there and took over once the grass was harvested. I asked if they sold them but apparently they don't. He forced me to go home with a box of veggies from the field. While they watch the game I went around the house. After a few min I got something in the driveway but It wasn't easy to dig through those packed rocks so I gave up. Just a few min after I found a quarter. She looked out the window to see what was going on and I showed her. After a while I let her look at the machine and see how light it is and what it does. I hit the front yard finding some clad. One area I was getting some weird readings with iron nearby but I gave up on it. I moved around to the corner of the yard near the older neighbor. The machine was telling me it was around 2 inches and I pinpointed. When I go down I was shocked I didn't have to dig it. It was a 41 wheat right on top of the ground. I went around the back and found some other strange things. One piece looks like it is a tire fitting. Other was a strange cap. He kept telling me to go around the sides of the barn. I joined the big Y club. Lol. It sounded just a little higher than a quarter but just under a silver quarter. I knew it wasn't a can so I dug it. Eventually I was thinking to go and check out some cellar holes he told me about while hiking. I have to research them. Since there wasn't much luck out back I went to the front again. I got another memorial but 1-2 feet from where I was getting the odd hits earlier, out pops a 44 merc. Puts reinforcement to the saying where there are wheats there is silver. I showed them, he told me that i did better than the guy who was there last time. Obvi I thanked them for the time, the veggies, and letting me hunt.

There was some daylight still left so I decided to head back toward home to get a short hunt in. I stopped at a place right on the town line. It is a farm but I was told they were renting and she took my info so I can ask who owns the property. She wanted to say yes but couldn't. From there I was going to ask at another place I realized was real old, a few weeks ago. On the way I saw someone outside on their porch. She was hesitant with her answer, but it was a firm no. Like an "ehhhh, ummm..nahhhh" then came the "If there was someone going to detect here it would be me. I gave her a bit of background on the hobby and she asked me about my machine and what bells it has. She told me her roommate said no anyway to someone who asked before but would let me know if things ever changed. I told her that I would help her learn the machine. The next place was a 1730 house. He wasn't happy i showed up when it was inconvenient for him. He was still a little bit of 'wth are you doing here' attitude. I told him where I live and what not. He asked what he gets out of letting me detect. At that point I was kind of obligated to say I would share finds. He came out and talked to me a bit. I said it was 1730 (according to assessor) but He told me the back of the house was actually 1689 and his was one of the oldest in the town. He told me to come back during the spring and he would have time to think about it. He was a little worried on his lawn and digging. But it is still a possibility for next year. And... for the pics. The wheat is as I found it. It has a little wave to it.

11-23-2014, 08:30 PM
Nice merc and wheat. I'm thinking that everybody in the area has dug up a Big Y coin. I remember my 1st one, thought I had a silver 1/2 dollar...:lol:. You were active today asking for permission, hope some of them pan out for you.

11-24-2014, 09:55 AM
Al, the token was right on top at 1 inch deep (the machine has 2 inch incriments so I almost said 2 inches deep). I didn't know what to expect since the wheat was right on top, literally. It wasn't ringing up like a half so I didn't expect a half. It just wasn't reading like a can so I knew it wasn't junk....per se. When it came out I knew immediately and I was like " I went all this time without digging one and now I joined the club when I didnt want to". Lol. Yes, my list is over 75 places but the majority is private. So.. I have to gear up and go a knockin. I hope the two maybe's do pan out. Thanks.

Oh, and I did check the worth of the dime. Only about $12-15 but It has a little rainbow effect after cleaning the crud with peroxide. I saw one on eBay for $289 just because it had rainbow effect. lol. And there were 5 watchers... I wonder who will pay that.

11-24-2014, 05:48 PM
Nice merc Jim. By the way, got a great lead for next year. A guy I work with is a hunter and grew up in a town near Middletown and told me about an area that was a camp for many years but hasn't been used for at least 30 years. He says there are cabins and other structures that are just falling apart and not a lot of brush there so very detectable. He says wait til spring since it's a heavily hunted area. So next spring I'll give you a call.

11-24-2014, 06:50 PM
Thanks Mike. The merc cleaned up a little bit. Very little wear on it. Was this another park? You told me about the other scout one. That's good news for the spring. I got two leads to check. I cannot divulge too much info on them on here. One is an old hotel cellar hole. The other is an old cellar hole by the river in a reallyrics old area. The latter I have to visit first to know how to get to it.

Trooper Bri
11-24-2014, 07:21 PM
The Big-Y club. :lol: I'm still waiting for one of those rotten things to get my membership.

Congrats on the Merc. Real silver is good Jim. Looks like a bunch of silver got dug on AD this weekend.

11-24-2014, 09:56 PM
Thanks Mike. The merc cleaned up a little bit. Very little wear on it. Was this another park? You told me about the other scout one. That's good news for the spring. I got two leads to check. I cannot divulge too much info on them on here. One is an old hotel cellar hole. The other is an old cellar hole by the river in a reallyrics old area. The latter I have to visit first to know how to get to it.We have to visit both camps next spring. The recent one was a camp for Jewish kids from Boston and NYC.

11-24-2014, 10:55 PM
Good hunt and great story. In Texas, the way you can tell if you have permission to hunt is whether the 12 gauge is pointed at you or the ground :lol:. I doubt if there will ever be a Big "Y" token this far south. Thanks for sharing.

11-25-2014, 09:36 AM
Great score on the merc, token and wheat :thumbsup02:

11-25-2014, 11:27 AM
Thanks guys. Bri. I thought you were in the Big Y club already. It must have been that crazy English Bloke then. Mike, I guess it was two places and I understood correctly. I might try since it's warm today to check the hotel spot. I can wait for the one by river. Mow.. I was mostly shocked on the wheat. Yet, the permission stories back up what some of us go thru.