View Full Version : Whites Spectra V3/V3i Coil Problems - Progress Reports And Experiences

06-17-2010, 08:38 PM
This is getting to be a real problem with the Vision/V3/V3i detector. All this time on the market and the stock D2 coil is still a piece of junk. White's is charging for upgrades to a detector that has serious coil problems. I have had 2 bad D2 coils in the past and finally Whites was kind enough to send me a V rated Super12 the last time in. Early this Spring I purchased another D2 coil and have had really great hunts with it and have grown to like it tremendously. It has become my coil of choice, just edging out the 1:blackeye:12 SEF for accurate frequency response. Today I went out to the local park by my house to relax and had not been hunting more than 30 minutes when I started getting instability showing up. I looked around to see if there might be an EMI source causing the problems. Sometimes generators used by city workers will do this. I finally did the Whites approved test for checking the D2 coil, RX up to 15 and TX Boost turned on. Bingo it overloaded all over the place. As a matter of fact I could not get the RX above 9. I had 2 more V rated coils with me in the car. I switched out to the 950 and tested and then the Super12 both were solid as a rock. So, here I sit with my 3rd bad D2 coil. I will send it in tomorrow. This is sure not the quality control I have been used to in the past with my DFX and MXT. I don't think I will be spending any money on getting the V3 updated. Paying to be a guinea pig is not my idea of good customer service.

So, here is my open and direct question to Whites. Is the D2 coil issue resolved at this point, or do you continue to sell new Spectra V3i detectors with the same manufacture of coil that has this great potential to fail? Are the new individual D2 coils for sale on dealers shelves good ones, or do they have the same potential to fail as my new coil did? If the issue is not resolved, how can you still choose to sell a product that has such great potential to fail in good conscience?

I would really like an answer to this.


06-17-2010, 09:21 PM
I finally did the Whites approved test for checking the D2 coil, RX up to 15 and TX Boost turned on. Bingo it overloaded all over the place.

Jack, is this an air test or a ground test? I knew mine was bad when it was overloading on canslaw and falsing constantly. I didn't know of this test, but a coil shouldn't overload on canslaw IMO. On another, I was using the recommended RX test of 7 or less in the air (at one time, I believe White's said this was a valid test, now they are saying they removed recommended RX from the upgrade because people were using it to test the D2, so I dunno).

BTW, have you tried the 6x10. Everyone is telling me to scrap the D2 and just get that, but I'm not made of money, and didn't think it was right to have to buy a coil to get around the bad D2 issues. But now that I will be getting more story money for my half dime story, I just might try that. Or, I might just stick with the E-trac; I don't think it has ever overloaded.

06-17-2010, 09:30 PM
I did not use the old recommended RX as a test. This was an air test with the procedure I saw documented on Whites forum. I don't buy into the hoopla on the 6x10 getting as deep as the D2. A 6 inch dd coil verses 10 inch dd coil. The physical properties just don't add up. I have a V-rated 6X10 and it is not even close in comparison in my tests. I will go back to the 1:blackeye:12 SEF before I use the 6X10 on a regular basis. The E-Trac is sounding better every day... lol

Ill Digger
06-17-2010, 10:10 PM
How would you test the D2 on a DFX to see if its bad ?
I'm having serious falsing problems with my D2 also.
I love this coil. For a 10 inch coil the seperation and pinpointing is pretty remarkable :yes:
The stock coil and my 6x10 seeem to be fine.

06-18-2010, 11:09 AM
Jack, As far as I know the test that Whites recommends is to be done without the TX Boost being on: http://www.findmall.com/read.php?66,1161702,1161702#msg-1161702

06-18-2010, 12:00 PM
Jack, As far as I know the test that Whites recommends is to be done without the TX Boost being on: http://www.findmall.com/read.php?66,1161702,1161702#msg-1161702

The test changed a few weeks back - it's now hold at waist level with Rx at 15 but with Tx Boost OFF.

06-18-2010, 12:09 PM
Wow, I thought that had been resolved a long time ago. :dontknow:

I'm going to kiss my Pro coil when I get home. :yes: :smitten:

06-18-2010, 12:18 PM
I'm going to kiss my Pro coil when I get home. :yes: :smitten:

lol lol lol

this is part of the reason i don't want to invest in a v3i , the standard coil issues . i was hoping it would of been resolved by now .

06-18-2010, 12:57 PM
Thanks for the post Cyber. I wanted a V3i really bad and almost pulled the trigger. But I don't think I could use one without worrying the whole time. I opted for an Etrac which I should receive today. I wanted a V3i but will be happy with the Minelab. Are you listening White's?

06-18-2010, 02:44 PM
It would appear that The test should be done with the TX boost off. The test has changed again. I guess this is one way to keep the repair cost down. Well this just really makes me sad. I noticed noise issues and instability before even doing a test of any kind. The coil is way more susceptible ti EMI now and I definitely have to turn down sensitivity a lot. I know the exact swing when things went to crap. I was out in the middle of the park. This a large quiet park and I can easily push the V3 out to an RX of 12 and a DS of 95. After the Null Shifted (This is the terminology being used by Whites now) I had to back things down to an RX of 8 to get my DS at 95. I used to be able to air test in my house with the RX at 3 or 4 and the DS at 92. I can't do it at all now. Bummer This is definitely not the same coil that I have been hunting with the last 6 months.

I guess I have a good coil however, because I can set the RX to 15 at waist high with no overload. Just to let everyone know My 1:blackeye:12 SEF coil now runs with a higher RX with and without the TX Boost. Man am I depressed.

I am going to pursue this. I will let you all know how it goes.


06-18-2010, 03:11 PM

I just spoke with a technician at Whites Factory in Oregon. I am not going to reveal his name at this time as I do not want to put him on the spot. I explained to him what happened and asked what if any test I could do to Check the coil myself before sending it in for their diagnostic work. He replied....

Hold the coil in the air and turn the RX to 15. Then turn the TX Boost ON If it overloads you have a bad coil.

I repeated this back and then again asked, If for sure the TX Boost should be turned ON when performing this test.

He replied Yes turn ON the TX Boost.

I told him I was getting overload and he said send it in. So, I don't know what the policy is? The post from the Whites forum seem pretty clear about it being OFF, but the Tech said &quot:daydream:N.

Stay tuned...

06-18-2010, 03:48 PM
My 10D2 can't even pass the Rx = 15 airtest with the boost off.

That is the biggest piece of junk White's ever distributed.

Mine is so bad that it won't run on an MXT with the Gain set anywhere above 3.

It's my second one and I'm gonna turn it in to Sweet Home when I send my V in for the V3i mod this fall.

06-18-2010, 05:13 PM

I just spoke with a technician at Whites Factory in Oregon. I am not going to reveal his name at this time as I do not want to put him on the spot. I explained to him what happened and asked what if any test I could do to Check the coil myself before sending it in for their diagnostic work. He replied....

Hold the coil in the air and turn the RX to 15. Then turn the TX Boost ON If it overloads you have a bad coil.

I repeated this back and then again asked, If for sure the TX Boost should be turned ON when performing this test.

He replied Yes turn ON the TX Boost.

I told him I was getting overload and he said send it in. So, I don't know what the policy is? The post from the Whites forum seem pretty clear about it being OFF, but the Tech said &quot:daydream:N.

Stay tuned...

I queried this with the UK factory a few weeks ago when my 6x10 went just the way you describe. The Tech there said he had been instructed by the US factory to test with Tx OFF. I asked for confirmation and was referred to Carl @ Whites (you all know who he is, I am sure). He emailed me personally and confirmed the Tx should be off. There is a Factory Sticky on another forum that confirms this is the case. I guess not everyone is on message yet. I'd email Carl PERSONALLY if I were you .........

06-18-2010, 05:18 PM
It would appear that The test should be done with the TX boost off. The test has changed again. I guess this is one way to keep the repair cost down. Well this just really makes me sad. I noticed noise issues and instability before even doing a test of any kind. The coil is way more susceptible ti EMI now and I definitely have to turn down sensitivity a lot. I know the exact swing when things went to crap. I was out in the middle of the park. This a large quiet park and I can easily push the V3 out to an RX of 12 and a DS of 95. After the Null Shifted (This is the terminology being used by Whites now) I had to back things down to an RX of 8 to get my DS at 95. I used to be able to air test in my house with the RX at 3 or 4 and the DS at 92. I can't do it at all now. Bummer This is definitely not the same coil that I have been hunting with the last 6 months.

I guess I have a good coil however, because I can set the RX to 15 at waist high with no overload. Just to let everyone know My 1:blackeye:12 SEF coil now runs with a higher RX with and without the TX Boost. Man am I depressed.

I am going to pursue this. I will let you all know how it goes.


I had coil issues (see other post) but also use the 10x12 and 12x15 SEFs and I also find them very good on the V3i. Today I was running a modified C&J program with Rx at 11 or 12 and Sens at 90/65. It ran perfectly in 3-freqs Salt mode and was finding lots of little bits including a 13thC hammered silver penny.

06-18-2010, 05:33 PM
I had coil issues (see other post) but also use the 10x12 and 12x15 SEFs and I also find them very good on the V3i. Today I was running a modified C&J program with Rx at 11 or 12 and Sens at 90/65. It ran perfectly in 3-freqs Salt mode and was finding lots of little bits including a 13thC hammered silver penny.

I have my 1:blackeye:12 SEF on my V3 right now. I have to admit I really love this little coil. Sounds like they are doing the job for you!

06-19-2010, 11:12 AM
I have had the same problem with my D2 coil. I have mine sent in now and I am waiting for its return. crying01 This will be my 5th coil!
Although I am very upset about this coil issue because when it works, it works great, I have an arsenal of other coils to choose from. I feel that this is a big problem with Whites that I am sure they are working on...as I was told.

I do not have the upgrade and I will not be getting it because they took too much stuff out like transfer of programs and suggested rx gain. >:\ Then, they did change the way the D2 coil is tested from rx at 15 with boost on to just rx 15. I understand that overseas is done this way also. I have had D2 coils last from 6 months to one that lasted 3 days.

Although I am frustrated with this issue, I am not prepared to throw out the V3 just because of one coil that they cant get right. The machine itself is a great machine and works great with my other coils. Last night I was out and was pulling wheats at 12 to 14 inches. I was using the 10x12 sef butterfly and my rx was 10 and disc at 85. The D2 could do this very easy and with better ID on the object but I have learned to adapt and overcome the D2 issue. I am already digging holes that I really dont want to dig because of the depth of this machine... Getting rid of the machine because of one coil that will not work is like getting rid of a nice car because the stereo keeps messing up... Just replace the stereo until there is a fix for the stock one.
At least Whites will keep replacing the coil without having to buy another. How many other company's will do that? :thinkingabout:
I thought this was suppose to be an info forum to talk about Whites and how to help each other and work on things together. I have seen nothing on here that is anything like that. I go to other forums to get info and discuss things because that is what they do there. Not in this one. Jack, it sounds like you have been wanting an etrack for a while now. Maybe its best that you get one and stop bashing whites for one bad coil that they have that they are working on... How is this helping anyone on this forum? Especially being a moderator? I feel that this site will just turn onto a minelab dominate site and thats too bad because there are alot of great detectors out there that are just right for certain people. I have never bashed any detector and never will....
Just my thoughts...

06-19-2010, 12:26 PM
Getting rid of the machine because of one coil that will not work is like getting rid of a nice car because the stereo keeps messing up... Just replace the stereo until there is a fix for the stock one.

I don't understand that analogy. A car doesn't need a stereo in order for it to be functional. Not so with a detector and coil.

I thought this was suppose to be an info forum to talk about Whites and how to help each other and work on things together. I have seen nothing on here that is anything like that. I go to other forums to get info and discuss things because that is what they do there. Not in this one. Jack, it sounds like you have been wanting an etrack for a while now. Maybe its best that you get one and stop bashing whites for one bad coil that they have that they are working on... How is this helping anyone on this forum? Especially being a moderator? I feel that this site will just turn onto a minelab dominate site and thats too bad because there are alot of great detectors out there that are just right for certain people. I have never bashed any detector and never will....

No one has bashed anything on this thread or this forum, or we would have pulled the plug on it by now. However, this last post from you is getting close.

People are allowed to express their opinions respectfully. Insulting people is not allowed. You are free to go to those other forums magic, if you are not happy with the info you are getting here.

06-19-2010, 04:35 PM
Hey Magic, I understand your frustration, but this is an open forum for posting what you learned and what you don't like about your machine. Right now a lot of people are having issues with White's coils. It may seem like bashing to you, but If I were considering buying a new detector, I would be greatful that I learned of the problems before I dished out $1500.00. That goes for any detector including the E Trac. The reason you don't see any bad talk on that other forum is because it gets pulled in a heart beat. I'm sure some people were banned because it was not good talk for their sponcers. An honest forum is one that praises when done well, and complains when it's not right. I hated my E Trac when I first got it and was really mad that it came out before White's Vision did. I wanted A White's but couldn't come up with another $1500.00. Now I thank God that I didn't get the Vision. I probably would have borrowed the cash and bought one if it wasn't for these types of posts. Remember it just can't be CyberSage, Lowjiber and Yazoo putting their programs and thoughts on this forum. We need total participation from all V3 users. So maybe if more people posted their experiences we would have that type of forum. But those 3 guys have done a great deal in getting people started with their V3's. I think they deserve some credit too. Just my two cents. :confused: :clapping:

06-19-2010, 06:38 PM

I fully respect your point of view. I am glad you feel that you have the freedom here on this forum to voice your thoughts. That's what this forum is about. Most other forums do not have this level of tolerance. Your post will stand, as will mine. I am a realist when it comes to detecting. I am after old coins and relaxation. While I am a long time loyal Whites user, I would not hesitate to purchase a Minelab detector. I am not that narrow minded. I still have my DFX and I will never part with my Vision. I wish I still had my MXT, that was a mistake to sell that detector. By reading your post I can tell you are very balanced, objective, and fair in your observations. We need people like you to participate here. Your knowledge and experience is welcomed. I am not sure why you felt the need to call me out, but I have no problem defending my views and thoughts I share here. Thanks for participating Magic, I like you. Your a lot like me. lol



I sent my coil off Friday and it should arrive by Monday. I sent it directly to the Tech I spoke with on the phone.

06-19-2010, 07:19 PM
I have had the same problem with my D2 coil. I have mine sent in now and I am waiting for its return. crying01 This will be my 5th coil!
Although I am very upset about this coil issue because when it works, it works great, I have an arsenal of other coils to choose from. I feel that this is a big problem with Whites that I am sure they are working on...as I was told.

Back on topic... 5 bad coils is astounding! Were all the failures the same in nature? What did you first notice behaviorally that tipped you off that you had a bad coil. Do the failure times seem to be about the same?


06-19-2010, 11:31 PM
I don't understand that analogy. A car doesn't need a stereo in order for it to be functional. Not so with a detector and coil.
The V3 doesn't need to use the D2 to be functional either, there are alot of other coils. You can even buy a V3 with another coil instead of the D2 if you so choose.

Epi, As far as me getting close to bashing .....:huh:thinkingabout: like I said, I dont bash any detector. Tell me how I am getting close to that?
I do believe I am in the the Whites section of this forum. I am a Whites man and like to learn, good or bad about Whites.
I have no interest in Minelab and talking about minelab in a Whites forum shouldn't happen, Especially switching to one. I dont go to the Minelab section and talk about how my Whites is better or try to tell people to get a V3... so it shouldnt happen here.
I have been on numerous metal detecting forums and some make it and some dont. The ones that do welcome all detectorist and dont put up with people bashing other peoples detectors.

I am not narrow minded but I wouldnt use any other detector other than the v3. I wanted a detector that can do it all if learned properly and this one is it. I have used garrett, fisher, and minelab. I made my choice by what I liked and I didnt go by what other people said because thats their opinion and not mine.

I agree that participation is needed in this Whites forum. Yazoo has contributed alot to this forum but Yazoo (Mike) is my friend and I talk with him daily. Who do you think came up with alot of the programing? I tried to start a tips section in this forum for users but deleted it after some stupid remarks. I am doing some testing for Whites so I do know a little something about the machine. I think this is more of a friends type forum and not so much a true metal detecting forum. I defended Angel when a guy started bashing him and now I get jumped on for trying to defend Whites and the V3.
Too much drama for me... so just read this and delete my account.

To answer your question, All the failures was the same... Rx gain dropped and it started acting erratic. It got to where it wouldnt even pick up a dime at 5 inches. I had one that lasted 6 months, two that lasted about 2 months, one for 3 days and the last one was a month. I do know that they are building them different now and I am testing the new build when I get it.
The main thing that seams to trash the coils is heat and strong vibrations like if you were to drop it. The D2 is a great coil and IS my favorite but its problem is that it is just not rugged enough.

06-19-2010, 11:50 PM
Cybersage and Magic,

As a a V3 owner I too am rattled by all the posted problems with the V3. To be honest I respect both of your opinions and experiences, as I incorporate your shared info into my V3 experience. I understand both of your frustrations/praises with the ever evolving Vision/ Spectra V3 and now Spectra V3i roller coaster ownership ride. Thanks for keeping it civil and please keep posting info on what and should become a great detector. To be truthful I'd love to here more of what is good rather than bad with the White's product but the V3 is still evolving and obviously is having some growing pains we still need to hear about. Please stick with this forum and post more if at all possible.

Greatly appreciated,

06-20-2010, 01:29 AM
Magic, you misunderstood Epi-hunter's point. She isn't accusing you of bashing a detector or detector company, but she has concerns with your words drifting away from what should be a discussion, albeit infused with expressions of frustration, to that of a personal affront. Also, we do take exception with what you stated about this forum, its not being geared toward helping each other to learn and work through problems we may be experiencing with our machines, whichever machine they may be. If you really believe what you stated, then you haven't been paying attention. You now further suggest that this is not a true metal detecting forum, and that we don't discuss metal detecting related issues, nor that we provide information helpful to our members. Isn't that a form of bashing? Again, I submit that you have not been paying attention.

This forum is fairly young, having a relatively small membership, yet, despite that, the members here have proven to be helpful, informed, and willing to assist others. You really can't do such without being an active member, wouldn't you agree? A forum is what the members make of it. You can have a forum comprised of 10,000 registered members, but if no one, or only a select few, participate, of what use is it? Yes, this is a forum where we all can make long-lasting friendships, that is my hope, but it also offers much in the way of accumulated knowledge and years of experience. I know that I have personally benefited from posts members have made here.

As to what prompted you to make your initial expression, this forum is not geared toward fanboyism of any one metal detector or metal detecting company. If a member brings up a point about another detector brand during a discussion being shared in the White's board, I expect he or she will not be ostracized for such, as if bringing up such a point were some sort of sin. That would apply to any of the metal detector specific boards we have here. As long as it is to make a point, is within topic, and relevant to the discussion, why should it be a problem? Only individuals fiercely loyal to a particular machine or company would object. In such cases, quite frankly, I would prefer such an individual refrain from being an active participant here. This is not a Minelab or White's or Garrett's forum. It is a metal detecting forum.

I do hope you will reconsider your request to have your account deleted. I do believe that you have much to offer to members who own or are looking to own a V3 or V3i. Your input in the white's board would be very much welcomed and valued. I also hope that you won't view our expressions as some sort of attack on you. They aren't. They are intended to clarify intents, and to express concerns about statements we felt were heading in the wrong direction.



06-20-2010, 03:21 AM
The V3 doesn't need to use the D2 to be functional either, there are alot of other coils. You can even buy a V3 with another coil instead of the D2 if you so choose.

Let me be more clear. A detector needs a functional coil to work. The analogy of stereo-to-car vs coil-to-detector is not appropriate. You misunderstood my point by miles. Why am I not surprised?

I thought this was suppose to be an info forum to talk about Whites and how to help each other and work on things together. I have seen nothing on here that is anything like that. I go to other forums to get info and discuss things because that is what they do there. Not in this one.

I let this point go from your earlier thread, but it's really what bothered me most. Did you not see the nine page, 200+ post thread on the V3 started by Lowjiber and maintained by him and CyberSage and Yazoo and many others? And you are telling me that this forum does not have info to help each other out and work on things together? And you don't have a chance to discuss things? Where are you on the White's forum? Because I haven't seen much discussion and helping others from you.

As Jack and George and Angel graciously stated, you are welcome here, if you choose to actually participate. If not, feel free to go over to the other forum where such posts are removed because of the sponsors. There, you won't have to be offended by honesty.

If you continue to bash this forum, I'll be the first in line to remove your account.

I hope you choose to lose your narrow-minded attitude, and contribute to the forum instead of criticizing it.

06-20-2010, 10:11 AM
Thanks for your reply's xzlr8n and angel. I understand what you are trying to say. I wish I could get my feelings out by typing like you guys do. Like I said in my original post months ago...no one wants to read through a 9 page post for info. It needs to be broken down into categories like on other forums. I was ignored.. The info here is little more than how to use correlate which is what alot of people are following and is not the best choice for depth or getting to the old stuff. It has been proven and isnt logical.
Epi-hunter.... People go out of this world and live through it with basically only one thing. How they are inside. You sound like a very angry troubled person... May you be the first to delete me so that you may get some satisfaction for the day!
Please delete my account!

06-20-2010, 10:13 AM
Your account will remain.

Have a nice day, magic. We wish you well.

06-20-2010, 11:38 AM
:shocked04: wow i go on a camping weekend and i miss in all the fun. :dontknow:

hey Magic . like you i use whites machines and have a loyalty to them as they have built quality products in the past . have they had some problems with some models or coils or other parts , sure just like other detector makers as well they all do at some point. i think Whites is a great company and can stand a little constructive criticism from time to time isn't that what they get when someone tests one of there products in the field :huh: open honest dicussion is what they want from field testers , yes:huh: why should this place be different then . i really respect the views and ideas you share on here Magic and you have lots to offer .i hope you'll reconsider your stance about forum , as far as Angie goes she is a very warm and generous person that is very passionate about the forum and its people she has come to know and she makes no effort to hide that fact , its one of the things i really appreciate and love about her.


06-20-2010, 04:01 PM
as far as Angie goes she is a very warm and generous person that is very passionate about the forum and its people she has come to know and she makes no effort to hide that fact , its one of the things i really appreciate and love about her.

:smitten: Thank you Dan :cheesysmile:

06-20-2010, 08:16 PM
:smitten: Thank you Dan :cheesysmile:

Awww... man, now I am just getting all teared up. crying01 I love you guys. I hate my D2 coil, but, I love you guys. lol

06-21-2010, 10:49 AM

When it rains, it pours...

I strapped on my V Rated Super12 coil and went to relax for awhile Sunday and hunt another park in my area. Things started out good and then the V3 got noisy and the stability dropped. I had to adjust way down to get it back. My guts wrenched as I did the RX at 15 test. You guessed it, overload. as a matter of fact I had to drop down to 7 before it would work. This is with the TX Boost turned on. This coil tested out OK when the D2 failed just a few days ago. I switched to my V-rated 950 coil and it tested out great. I returned to the big quiet park where the D2 failed and performed the same tests again. This is a bummer. I think I will be sending the whole mess in to Whites. I will get the upgrade and let them deal with the coil at the same time. Man this is not my week. I am looking forward to some quality time with the DFX and Bigfoot coil. Time to rake some Quarters and dig pull tabs.

Keep Swing'in

06-21-2010, 01:38 PM
Sounds like the problem is not with the D2 coils, but with the machine itself killing the coils!

One thing I'm confused on, when you say overload at RX15 on the test, do you mean it gives the same overload tone as it makes over a large piece of metal? or is the operation unstable just chirping away every few seconds?

06-21-2010, 02:34 PM
I specifically get the overload tone. Not only does it present the overload tone, but individual programs I have set up for the coil do not function without turning RX and DS down significantly. I tried multiple test locations to rule out EMI. I really can't imagine the V3 would be killing coils. My V-rated 950 is working great. I finished my hunt with it. Thanks for the feed back.


Cheap Thrills
06-21-2010, 03:28 PM
This is a bummer. I think I will be sending the whole mess in to Whites. I will get the upgrade and let them deal with the coil at the same time. Man this is not my week. I am looking forward to some quality time with the DFX and Bigfoot coil. Time to rake some Quarters and dig pull tabs.

Keep Swing'in

I feel for ya' Bro , I once had to send 2 machines ( not White's ) in for repair at one time ( and it took more than a month and a half to get them back ). Meanwhile my larger coil on my remaining machine (also not a White's ) took a dump and I sent it in ) . The coil came back repaired in about
a couple of weeks along with a form letter saying they replaced with a new coil . I knew it was the same coil because there was a distinctive scratch I had put on it . So for a couple of weeks all I had was the one machine with a tiny sniper coil ( I did find a couple of shallow silver Roosies and quite a bit of clad with it though) . This machine ( which I bought used ) was an earlier predecessor to that company's latest top of the line detector and although I did find a couple of spectacular shallow finds with it I later traded it because The build quality on it was as if it had been put together by drunken Chimps and I could never get even near the depth with it it was supposed to get . A friend of mine said he knew a guy who wanted one of these machines because of it's light weight . I disclosed my disatisfaction and all the things I repaired on this machine and he still wanted to trade his Explorer SE for it , done deal ( the SE owner had a history of shoulder problems and had come to hate the SE ) .
Now I have my butt covered by having four different detectors made by four different companies and I have muliple coils for 3 of them . All four are simple to run with the SE being the most complex . If one or three have issues I now have four and don't plan on buying any more .
Right now I'm having some issues with a 4x6 shooter coil for my M6 ( I believe it's a shorted wire)
I'll be sending that in .
It's good that you sent the whole messin , it will give White's a chance to do an autopsy and perhaps aid in finding a solution to these coil problems .I'm betting you will me making some nice finds with your old trusty friend the DFX while you are waiting .Best of luck Jack , I am rooting for you !!


06-21-2010, 03:43 PM
Here's my biggest concerns over the coil situations. From what I gathered and this may not be correct, but I thought there was an epoxy problem which when exposed to higher temperatures or just the normal shrinkage due to drying, caused the coils to get out of null (Or out of tune so to speak). This is a problem which has me wondering? I have a 6x10 DD coil which just stopped working. I assumed a broken wire, but not sure. Since coils are not easily repairable, I just junked it and took the loss. But something is nagging me about their coil construction all together. My 4x6 DD coil for my DFX bought many, many years ago was a wonderful coil when new. But after about a year, I was unable to get it to operate at the same preamp that I got before. Also my depth was just about cut in half. I'm wondering if the epoxy problem is more noticable as the coils get larger. My 8x14DD? coil from Whites was no good from the start. I couldn't run any more than a preamp of 2 and a low sensitivity. So it seems to me that any coil I get using that same method of construction is either going to lose depth as it warps out of balance, or just die out or in the case of the very sensitive V3, would false incredibly? Any constructive thoughts from everyone would be appreciated on this theory. Have anyone elses coils just got tired and lost depth? I want a V3i as a second machine, but I can't see getting one if all of my coils will go bad on me. I buy a lot of coils too lol

06-21-2010, 03:49 PM
Thanks Baba!

I will send it all in when I get my D2 coil and test it again. I still have the DFX to stave off withdrawal. If the time comes. I still use the 1:blackeye:12 SEF and it hits very nicely. I still feel very capable of pulling deep coins with this coil, but miss the sensitivity and super accurate frequency response of the D2. I have had a love/hate relationship with the D2 going on over 3 years now. In the last 5 months it's been a dream to use and I had not switched out coils hardly at all in that time frame. I would like to see this all resolved soon, not just for my sake, but for Whites customers in general. I know there trying to make it right now, but it's been 3 years.


06-21-2010, 03:59 PM
Well Coinnut, I don't know much about coil construction, but I can tell you that my second D2 coil went bad after snapping on a coil cover. I have always felt that something broke loose with that gentle snap. Since then I have learned to really baby my coils now. I never leave coils in a hot car in the summertime. Windows stay cracked and I park in the shade. The vast majority of time I am hunting grass.So the coil just glides across with no bumping. I had one of the first Super12 coils made on my DFX and it is still working to this day as far as I know. I traded it to a hunting buddy for the SEF. He uses it now on the MXT. Your theory makes a lot of sense though. Thanks for the input.


Cheap Thrills
06-21-2010, 04:05 PM
That makes a lot of sense you may have a real good theory there George . I'm curious to see what others say on this . It does seem that the older style non-epoxy coil are hardier and you don't get the falsing when you hit weeds and twigs . This may be a dumb question but do most , all or any detector companies test each and every coil before they put it in the box ?

06-21-2010, 04:11 PM
I would think that there is some kind of quality control in place. I have never had a bad coil off the shelf.

06-21-2010, 04:15 PM
I'm pretty sure every company tests their coils to some extent. What worries me is that it's possible that all of our coils are getting out of adjustment as soon as we start using them. If there is an issue with any make of detector's coils, then we have some thinking to do. I know some coils seem to be industructable and others are gone very soon after. I'm wondering if all makes of coils use the same packing method to set their coil wire with. This may be the reason some people have done side by side comparisons of the same machines with the same settings and on the same marked, non dug targets and got different results. We have always blamed that on the machine being made on a Monday or Friday lol But it may just be the coils all along. There has got to be an easy way to set the coils or maybe just leave an adjustment screw on the bottom of the coil that we can tune them with every once in a while. There must be some kind of variable coil that can be adjusted, like a potentiometer is for resistance. They could even offer tune ups of the machine and make some money lol Yep send in your machine and we will recalibrate the ground balance settings and adjust your coil back to specks ;) Sounds like an easy fix to me lol Just wondering although I don't think the detecting companies will think my idea is any good :-\

Cheap Thrills
06-21-2010, 05:09 PM
They could even offer tune ups of the machine and make some money lol Yep send in your machine and we will recalibrate the ground balance settings and adjust your coil back to specks ;) Sounds like an easy fix to me lol Just wondering although I don't think the detecting companies will think my idea is any good :-\

Tesoro has been doing this for some time and you can submit more than one coil to have adjusted to a machine and it is usually free of charge . You can also send in a sample of dirt to have one of their non - self ground balancing machines adjusted to .

06-21-2010, 06:15 PM
Tesoro has been doing this for some time and you can submit more than one coil to have adjusted to a machine and it is usually free of charge . You can also send in a sample of dirt to have one of their non - self ground balancing machines adjusted to .

See, I would be all for that, and I think everyone would realize that it's just the nature of coils to get out of sinc with the machine. I would be first in line to get both my E Trac and my DFX sent in for tuneups. I bet when the Tesoros come back from the factory it is a pleasantly noticible difference. Any detector companies out there listening? Or are we just wasting internet space. :confused:

Cheap Thrills
06-21-2010, 06:22 PM
I bet when the Tesoros come back from the factory it is a pleasantly noticible difference. Any detector companies out there listening? Or are we just wasting internet space. :confused:

I had two detectors tuned up by them and yes there was a very noticible difference .

06-23-2010, 08:34 AM
Ive had 3 D2s for my V3 also.The first got sent back and exchanged about six months after buying the detector.The second had the slow degrading characteristics of the first.That was this spring.I was going to send it into Whites but when I stopped into my dealers shop he had a D2 on sale for $149 and with the weekend coming up I figured what the hell and bought it.The other D2 that went south got set in my hobby room and forgot about.The new coil worked great and the only thing I noticed different about it was that it had orange lettering on it rather than white like my previous D2s.Recently this newly purchased D2 started up with the same problems,so just out of curiousity I pulled the D2 I had put in the hobby room and put it on the detector and was amazed when the coil acted like brand new.Ive been hunting with it ever since and always get a recommended RX of 15 with none of the BS falsing at lower RX's.Ever heard of a coil going back into null? :happydance01: Im also with you on the 6X10,Jack,it is not even comparable to a good D2 performance wise.When I see a quarter get pulled at 10 in my ground with a 6X10 then I'll become a believer. lol

06-23-2010, 11:48 AM
I just purchased and learning my V3i. So now how exactly do I tell if my D2 coil has gone bad? I understand how to test it- is it okay to do that pretty often or just now and then? Or will it be obvious when it goes bad? lol I admit I've never had a new coil on any of my detectors, I've always stuck with the one it came with. Getting ready to change that now though- buying Handyman's 6 DD coil for trashy areas. Any other suggestions for my NEXT coil, there's such variety! I haven't studied up much on coils- my goal is deep silver and much older relics.

06-23-2010, 01:08 PM
Ok, I'm sending my D2 and Super 12 coils back to Whites for replacement. Both of them generate a lot of false signals and noise when the coil is held in the air (or on the ground) and softly giggled. They both also overload with RX=15 and TX B=on.

With my 9.5 and my 5.3 coils I do not experience either of these annoying on going problems. They do not make noise when giggled or overload with RX=15 and TX B=on.


06-23-2010, 03:29 PM
Hi Schrecky, with their new test I don't think they will replace coils that will run RX 15 with boost off. Remember I have no inside information.

As far as I know all the previous coils also used epoxy in their construction. I believe if you put a bad V rated coil on a M6, MXT or DFX you would find you had a good coil. They don't use the 22.5 frequency so they don't have the problem. These detectors don't need the exact null so you don't see a problem. My bad 6x10 works super on my MXT.

I have a 6x10 that runs RX15 with boost on when cool, but will not run boost when run for a while in the sun.

When the coils leave the factory they are in null specifications.

I don't think you will find the null problem with the concentric coils because the DD coil alignment is just more critical. When is the last time you heard of a 5.3 or 9.5 with the problem. That is excluding Jack's 12. DD's are more sensitive to the problem.

I wish I knew more about the problem or if there is a fix. Rob

06-23-2010, 04:15 PM
Well, with or without the TX Boost in the equation the more serious problem is that when ever the coil wiggles it causes all kinds of noise and signals on my V3i. They are really un-usable. My other two coils work just fine.

06-23-2010, 07:12 PM
If that is the case that should do it. Rob

06-29-2010, 07:03 PM

I sent my D2 off in the mail Friday, June 18th. I sent it priority mail and the postal worker said it would arrive on Monday, June 21st. Today in the mail (June 29th), I received a letter in the mail with the following message...

Your repair has been received by White's Electronics, Inc.'s
Service Department.

It will be serviced and returned to you as soon as possible. usually
within 10 to 15 working days. Some repairs may take a little longer
if more evaluation and testing are required.

We are working to provide the fastest service possible that is consistent
with White's quality standards and your long-term satisfaction.

Thank you,

Laura Barret
Customer Service Repair
email: [email protected]
541-367-6121 Ext: 128

The Service Department Acknowledgment was dated 6/22/2010

I have never received a letter from Whites like this before. My previous two bad D2 coils took less than 10 days to get a replacement coil back. May be they are busy with V3i upgrades. In any case it looks like I will be going back to my local dealer and purchasing another D2 coil. I should be safe for at least another year this way. I mean what are the odds of both my D2 coils going bad at the same time. rofl I can just send one in and use the other one until it gets back. I wish this would have happened in the dead of Winter when the ground is frozen. Unfortunately, it is the middle of hunting season. For the life of me I can not figure out why they just did not send an email or give me a call. They must be very busy right now. I guess in the day and age of electronic communication it was nice to receive a letter in the mail. I actually kind of like that approach. It reminds me of when I was a kid and used to send off cereal box tops for toy prizes. I loved waiting for the mailman. It was an exciting feeling then. Now, I am waiting again 40 years later! Is it still kind of exciting? ... not really.

Keep Swing'in

06-29-2010, 07:12 PM
wow are they that back-logged on repairing them Jack they couldn't even just exchange it by giving you a new one :confused:

06-29-2010, 08:16 PM
You know, I am not really sure del. Can you repair a bad coil? Seems like it would be pretty tough to repair a composite epoxy filled coil. May be they can. Anyone know if this is possible? How long can it take to test it out? May be I should have sent in my V3 and $125 for the V3i upgrade. I have read on other forums people are getting really good turn around time on upgrades. I have an all day hunt planned for this holiday weekend. I will be using my DFX.

Keep Swing'in

06-29-2010, 08:30 PM
You know, I am not really sure del. Can you repair a bad coil? Seems like it would be pretty tough to repair a composite epoxy filled coil. May be they can. Anyone know if this is possible? How long can it take to test it out? May be I should have sent in my V3 and $125 for the V3i upgrade. I have read on other forums people are getting really good turn around time on upgrades. I have an all day hunt planned for this holiday weekend. I will be using my DFX.

Keep Swing'in

Jack, I think you need to send them a link to this thread.

06-29-2010, 08:46 PM
Jack, I think you need to send them a link to this thread.

I will write the link to this thread down in a letter, and get it mailed off to Whites first thing in the morning. :rolleyes:

06-29-2010, 10:21 PM
Hopefully that is just a standard letter that they are sending out to keep in touch. Maybe it's already being processed. I've received some of them letters from other (non detecting) companies, when I already had the product back lol Sometimes it just gets sent out as a courtesy. Hope you get it back soon.

06-29-2010, 10:52 PM
I hope your right. I would like to stay as positive as I can. I have had this happen with computer equipment many times. I get the letter and then the equipment shows the next day. I am still going to use the DFX this weekend. Gonna strap on the Bigfoot coil and try to rake some quarters and dig some pull tabs. I need a a little change of pace. I used to have a lot of fun with the Bigfoot...


06-30-2010, 02:07 PM
Oh boy, I sent mine in on the 23rd. Guess I should be looking for a letter too. crying01

06-30-2010, 08:44 PM
Jack, I think you need to send them a link to this thread.

Excellent idea... this thread has been up, down and all around :shocked01:

07-01-2010, 07:54 AM
I just found this post on the findmall forums concerning the testing methodology used to determine a bad V - Rated coil. It is dated May 24th. Apparently the test was altered at this time by Carl at Whites Electronics to having the TX Boost = OFF. So technically the coil I sent in is still considered good. The good news is I performed this same test on my old original coils for the DFX including the Eclipse 6X10 and my Bigfoot coil and they passed! My SEF coil passed with flying colors as well. So it would seem that Whites has lowered the standards of the V - Rated coil to the point where almost any coil will pass the test ( my old 950 did not pass ). So looking at the below quote from Carl this change is to keep customers from wanting yet another loop.

Changing the test
Posted by: Carl-NC [ Send a Message ]
Date: May 24, 2010 04:33PM Registered: 4 years ago
Posts: 261

It's true that I've instructed UK to test V-loops at Rx=15 and TXB=off. As we've gotten more long-term data on our V-nulled loops it has become apparent that nulls are shifting slightly over time. This results in loops that may overload at Rx=15 and TXB=on. Replacing a loop is usually only a short-term solution as the replacement loop may eventually shift as well, and 6 months later the customer is wanting yet another loop.

It's an unfortunate reality of the manufacturing process that things like this take a long time to see clearly. I am personally working on this issue, but possible solutions also take a long time to evaluate. Meanwhile, we will replace loops if they overload at Rx=15 and TXB=off.

- Carl

07-01-2010, 11:46 AM
Well, I received my letter from Whites today that they have received my coils (D2 & S12). I know the test had changed to TX = off. The two coils I sent them failed the test with TX = On but more importantly they made all kinds of noise when shook or touching anything during the swing and even at the end of a swing. My other two coils have neither of these problems (9.5 & 5.3).

07-01-2010, 03:09 PM
Thanks for keeping us updated Schrecky! I think this thread will be a good place to compare notes. For anyone else dealing with V - Rated coil issues, please feel free to share information here. I switched back to the SEF from the V - Rated 950. I am getting a little better depth with the 1:blackeye:12 SEF. After using the D2 for the laxt 5 months I am really used to the separation at depth, which the SEF provides as well. I think I will be happy with this configuration until V - Rated coil issues get resolved.


07-01-2010, 06:52 PM
I also sent my bad D2 in yesterday,the one I am hunting with had the null shift again.As it is, I cant get the detector to run with an RX over 4 without severe falsing.This is at sites where running an RX of 10 was no problem with a good D2.I know what a good D2 is capable of,trying to convince me that a coil is still good when it cant run at an RX above 4 isnt going to happen.Yes,the coils can still be hunted with but as far as coin type targets,you may as well forget about the 6+ depth range.

07-01-2010, 08:55 PM
No overload problems here, but I have recently experienced a lot of falsing with my D2. The D2 was eventually giving random signals every few of seconds, and I couldn't control the machine at all by rebalancing, lowering (increasing) rx gain, zeroing probe, ect... I switched to my 9.5 concentric and I was back in business.

07-12-2010, 06:52 PM

July 12th, 2010

I came home today to find a large White Box on my doorstep. I eagerly picked up the box and low and behold it was from Whites Electronics! I ripped open the box to find a brand new D2 coil. I checked the serial number and it was for sure a new coil. I strapped it on the V3 and performed the (RX=15, TX Boost=ON) test, and it passed with flying colors. A quick test in the coin garden told me I was back in business. The coil seems thicker to me than the one I sent in. May be this is my imagination though. I have nothing to compare with. Total time from the day Whites received the defective coil to when the replacement arrived on my doorstep, 21 days. That's not to bad considering the work load Whites must be under at this time.

Thanks Whites! :yes:

So, it would seem that irregardless of the testing standards laid out By Carl at Whites, they are still replacing coils that do not pass the (RX=15, TX Boost=ON) test. If you are currently dealing with a bad coil, I encourage you to document it here on this thread and get it sent in to Whites. Keep us posted on your results.


07-12-2010, 08:09 PM
Thanks for the update Jack, I'm still waiting for the two coils I sent in on 6/23 to come back, hopefully soon.

07-12-2010, 11:44 PM
No matter what they say on the other forum, the D2 is still my number 1 coil on my V. I need the depth. thumbsup01 Rob

07-13-2010, 07:15 AM
I agree Rob. The D2 is coil is a very important to the overall performance of the V3. If you are using a Eclipse 6X10 on your V3, as your main coil, you are missing deep coins. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely a specialized use for the 6X10. It's a great coil, but it just can't get the job done in average conditions. I am very happy that's Whites is still taking such good care of their customers regarding this situation.


07-13-2010, 09:45 AM
So glad to hear this Jack, now you can get back in the swing of things rofl I know, bad joke, prob been said a thousand times on here...

07-13-2010, 10:03 AM
Thanks Tana! lol

07-14-2010, 07:32 PM
I spent a couple of hours in the park at the end of the day with the new D2 coil. Even though the coil I sent in would pass the test with TX Boost turned off, there is a world of difference in behavior and sensitivity with the new coil. There is no comparison in stability.

I will be changing the name of this thread in a few days. I would like it to become a place to document issues with null shifting in the V-Rated Coils, a place to share experiences in dealing with this ongoing issue. I think this could be beneficial for a lot of folks dealing with this problem right now. Please keeps us posted with your concerns and results. Thanks


07-15-2010, 03:38 AM
Let me tell you of my experience with the D2 coil on my Spectra. Last fall I called White's and inquired about sending my D2 coil in because it falsed so badly anytime I even slightly bumped the left side of the coil. It falsed so much I took it off and was using the 6x10 off my MXT and it ran much better. I got sidetracked and never sent the coil in. This spring I hardly used the Spectra and instead was using my Minelabs. In June I called White's to see about the upgrade and asked them about sending in my D2 coil to be checked. I had the box out and even had a letter typed out explaining the problem with the coil. Decided to take the Spectra out one last time before I shipped it to Whites. To my surprise the D2 coil now performs great. The falsing is gone and I have been putting off sending my Spectra in because I've been using it a lot more. I'm pretty much using the same settings I used last year and hunting in the same places. I still want the coil checked but now I have to change the letter. rofl I can't explain what happened, all my equipment is kept in my detector room and it's never left in a hot car. If I take more than one detector along, I always park in a shaded area. I even cover my detectors and coils with beach towels while enroute so they don't get direct sun while in the car. If my coil healed itself do you think my Spectra might upgrade itself to a V3i? :grin:

07-15-2010, 05:58 PM
Most probably when the epoxy finally cured the null was just right. You probably have a coil that will stay good for the rest of its life. Rob

07-15-2010, 06:20 PM

I have a similar 10D2 coil. It will work just fine for a couple of hunts and then goes whacko!!! It won't even work on my MXT when it decides to head south.

I've actually put a slight twist on the coil and it will start working again...only for a short time.

I've been using my 6 x 10 (v-rated) because I can't depend on the 10D2.

Here's a picture of me------> :crying02:

07-17-2010, 08:06 PM
I feel your pain...Im also on my 3rd 10DD coil. Lucky for me, my dealer is only 10 miles away and he's the regional distributor for the NE so he changes it out on the spot.

07-19-2010, 11:38 PM
I recieved my new D2 from Whites today.Didnt have a lot of time to use it,but made it out for a few minutes before dark.The first thing I noticed is that the coil only gave a recommended gain of 4 in the air (no I havent got the V3I upgrade yet).Every other new D2 Ive gotten from Whites has been spot on with a recommended gain of 15 in the air.Although the recommended gain was 4,I cranked it up to 10 with no excessive falsing and it seemed to run smooth,so I guess I'll see what happens after work one night this week. :thinkingabout:

07-21-2010, 04:10 PM
Back on June 23 I posted on this thread that I was sending my D2 and Super 12 coils back to Whites for replacement. Both of them were generating a lot of false signals and noise when the coil is held in the air (or on the ground) and softly giggled. They were making noise when they touched anything and also at the end of a swing. In addition they both also overloaded with RX=15 and TX B=on.

With my 9.5 and 5.3 coils I was not experiencing either of these annoying on going problems. They do not make noise when giggled or overload with RX=15 and TX B=on.

Today I received both coils back from Whites, it took 28 days. There was a note on the invoice that said Replaced both coils under warranty. Both coils out of tune.

I took all four of my coils out to my coin garden where I have quarters in the ground at 7, 9 and 12.

Results using the Coin & Jewelry program with RX=8 and Disc=85.

Coil 7 9 12
5.3 solid no sig no sig
9 solid erratic no sig
10 solid solid no sig
12 solid solid no sig

Also, the only coil of the four that now overloads with RX=15 and TX boost on is the 12. If I turn the RX to 14 it no longer overloads.

NOTE: If I increase the RX and Disc settings I can get much more depth out of all four coils, the three larger ones picking up the 12 quarter.

I hope that this will be the end of my coil problems but this is my 3rd 10 so time will tell.

07-21-2010, 04:39 PM
Let me tell you of my experience with the D2 coil on my Spectra. Last fall I called White's and inquired about sending my D2 coil in because it falsed so badly anytime I even slightly bumped the left side of the coil. It falsed so much I took it off and was using the 6x10 off my MXT and it ran much better. I got sidetracked and never sent the coil in. This spring I hardly used the Spectra and instead was using my Minelabs. In June I called White's to see about the upgrade and asked them about sending in my D2 coil to be checked. I had the box out and even had a letter typed out explaining the problem with the coil. Decided to take the Spectra out one last time before I shipped it to Whites. To my surprise the D2 coil now performs great. The falsing is gone and I have been putting off sending my Spectra in because I've been using it a lot more. I'm pretty much using the same settings I used last year and hunting in the same places. I still want the coil checked but now I have to change the letter. rofl I can't explain what happened, all my equipment is kept in my detector room and it's never left in a hot car. If I take more than one detector along, I always park in a shaded area. I even cover my detectors and coils with beach towels while enroute so they don't get direct sun while in the car. If my coil healed itself do you think my Spectra might upgrade itself to a V3i? :grin:

Phil...Like yours, my 10D2 (my second one) has been sailing off into La La Land about every other hunt. When it loses its mind, it won't even work on my MXT. However, when sanity returns to the critter it works like a new one (for a while).

I just sent my Vision (serial #16) back to Sweet Home this morning for the V3i modifications and put the coil in the box with a letter similar to the one you originally wrote. :rolleyes: I described the intermittent nature of the beast and told them to simply throw it in the trash if they decided that it was okay because it is of no value at all to me as it is.

I'll report back what they say. I use my Vision about 80% of the time and it works great with several coils (6x10 DD, 6 Shooter, 12x15 SEF, non-V rated 300, etc). The 10D2 is the only coil that can't seem to make the grade. 8/

07-22-2010, 07:48 AM
It'll be another 2-3 weeks for me.The new D2 I just recieved falses and overloads at an RX of 15 without even turning TX on. :bangahead01:

07-24-2010, 10:40 AM
I have renamed this thread and made it a Sticky. We can use this area to document coil issues and experiences and share feedback from Whites. We would certainly welcome information directly from Whites employees as well.


07-24-2010, 09:26 PM
So am I interpreting this correctly? If you used the 10 dd coil on a MXT or DFX would you still have the same problems with the coil as they don't operate at the same freq.as the V3? How would a user of this coil on say a DFX test it? PAG only goes to 4? Or do I just have this wrong?
Not planning on buying the 10dd for at least a few months, would hope this would be figured out by then.
Thanks for any input.

07-25-2010, 01:12 PM
toehead, not sure on the other detectors.I think its the V3s 22.5 freq that gets really screwed up when the D2 is out of null.Most places I hunt Im using 3 freq best data.Usually with the lowest filter (5 band),a long RD and swinging very slow looking for deep targets.With the V, theres no mistaking the D2 going whacko.At sites Ive previously hunted with an RX of 10 or 12,running an out of null D2 there will result in extreme falsing with the RX set as low as 5.The DFX or MXT might not have these problems as they run a lower frequency,but I wouldnt promise that.Tommorrow, the D2 they just sent me and another I bought when my original went out of null are going back to Sweet Home.I just hope they get them back quicker than this last round.Right now Im reduced to the 6x10 and 4x6 coils I have,neither of which have the potential of a good D2 for deeper targets.At least not in the ground in this area.I used to run an MXT four or five years ago and would love to see how the D2 would perform on that detector.

07-29-2010, 12:30 PM
The D2 works great on the MXT. I used and tested the Excelerator 10&quot:grin:cheesysmile: and for me the Excelerator had o advantage over the D2. Even a D2 that is out of null will work fine with an MXT since the V null is just to work with the 22.5 frequency. Rob

08-07-2010, 08:41 AM
I just sent my Vision (serial #16) back to Sweet Home this morning for the V3i modifications and put the coil in the box with a letter similar to the one you originally wrote. :rolleyes: I described the intermittent nature of the beast and told them to simply throw it in the trash if they decided that it was okay because it is of no value at all to me as it is.

I'll report back what they say.

I got the modified Vision back yesterday and White's replaced the 10D2 coil...no questions asked. Hopefully, this one (my third) will work out.

08-07-2010, 04:42 PM
I got in a couple of hours today with the D2 coil down at the old park by my house. I was running hotter than I usually do and things were really stable with the new D2. I was using a DS of 95 and an RX of 12. I managed a couple of Wheats. One was on edge at 7.5 inches the other was a good 8.5 to 9 inches deep. They hit nicely. May be it is my imagination but, this coil seems much more stable than any of the previous 3 I have used. So far so good.


08-10-2010, 07:39 PM
It appears to me this problem is still occurring. I purchased a brand new Spectra V3i last week and I am having problems with it. Seems to me to be a bad coil. I took a couple videos to show what I am experiencing. Falsing like crazy, could be EMI but my other detector works just fine. Today I noticed that if I barely touch the coil it falses. This is not good as I am sure the coil will get bumped a little in the field causing falsing. And when barely touched it give a nice high VDI false, even worse.

Bad coil? Sure seems that way to me.

What do you think? Bad coil?



30U Plymouth
08-10-2010, 07:52 PM
After watching the first video, it looks like your wire coming out of your coil is close to the coil.
I run the wire straight up the shaft for about 6 and then start coiling it around the shaft.
If the wire is very close or possibly touching the top of the coil, it could cause some falsing.

Just a thought.......

08-10-2010, 08:05 PM
After watching the first video, it looks like your wire coming out of your coil is close to the coil.
I run the wire straight up the shaft for about 6 and then start coiling it around the shaft.
If the wire is very close or possibly touching the top of the coil, it could cause some falsing.

Just a thought.......

Good eye Plymouth! I will see if that helps, although I dont understand why it is falsing if I barely touch the coil.

The manual states unravel loop cable and wind the cable around the clevis and rod assembly, first revolution over the top of the rod. Wind cable all the way to the top of the curved S rod, about 5 revolutions.

This is exactly what I did when I installed the loop. I will try to redo the cable and see if this helps. But it isnt going to help with the falsing from a bump.

08-10-2010, 11:53 PM
My guess would be crapped out coil.Run your RX up to 15 in the air,does it overload?

08-11-2010, 07:11 AM
This looks like a bad coil. This is reminiscent of how the early coils failed, not just the null shifting. Bump that RX up as Nugget has suggested and see if it overloads. Thanks for posting the video examples.


08-11-2010, 08:04 AM
I just took the V3i outside and turned it on and no fasling with the coil in the air. Turned Rx gain up to 15 and no overload. But if you barely and I mean barely touch the coil if falses every time you touch it.

I am not pleased to say the least. $1700 detector that is no good right out of the box. :bangahead01: :bangahead01: :bangahead01:
I realize Whites has great costumer service and will take care of the problem but I am not going to pay almost 2 grand for something and then have to send it back to the factory, pay for the shipping, wait weeks to get it back, and then it just do it again like many have stated in this thread.
I will be implementing my one and done policy. They get one shot with me on the V3i, thats it. If Whites cant offer me a unit that works correctly right out of the box then IMO it could only get worse from here. So I will be taking the V3i back today for a refund. We will see how the return to my local store goes.

08-11-2010, 09:56 AM
I just took the V3i outside and turned it on and no falsing with the coil in the air. Turned Rx gain up to 15 and no overload. But if you barely and I mean barely touch the coil if falses every time you touch it.
I understand your frustration. However, give me a minute to cover a few things about the Vision regarding falsing. I currently own seven detectors and have many hours swinging a V...my original was serial #16.

The fact that you get no overload with Rx at 15 in the air tells me that the detector and the 10D2 coil are fine.

Unlike other detectors which need to be cranked up beyond the factory settings to get good depth, the Vision comes hot right outta the box. I'm an old MXT'er. That machine is good with the factory presets. However, to get the most out of it one needs to run it on the edge of insanity...as close to maximum gain as possible.

When I got my first Vision, I naturally assumed that the answer to everything was to run the Rx Gain on 15 to get the depth that the machine was touted to have. Wrong.

Without getting into filter settings, let me pass along the best advice I ever got when first using the Vision...

1. Start with the Rx Gain around 7 and the Disc Sensitivity around 78...then perform a ground balance. Once you've done this, you are ready to adjust BOTH the Disc Sens and the Rx Gain to obtain optimum settings for the ground under the coil.

2. Unlike most detectors (DFX excepted), there is not a single control (usually labeled Sensitivity) that adjusts both the returned signal that enters the box (Rx gain) and the algorithm in the firmware that decodes the returned signal (Disc Sens). A Vision works best (no falsing, but deep) when the user has balanced the two variables. I've found over time the more important one is Disc Sens.

3. Start adjusting both upwards until the machine falses when you bump the coil. Once it begins falsing because it's just too powerful for your ground conditions, it's time to start backing the two controls downward. Here's the rule-of-thumb: Sacrifice Rx Gain for Disc Sensitivity.

I realize (cause I've been there) that many first time users think Rx has to be at 15 to get the results that you've read about. Not true. A Vision that has been stabilized with good ground balance and an Rx gain of 5 will be incredibly deep when it's stabilized by an appropriate Disc Sens setting.

I'll be glad to discuss it with you further if you're interested. Drop me a PM and we'll talk.

08-11-2010, 10:57 AM

I sent you a PM


08-11-2010, 02:51 PM
Got it!!! Good talking with you. Please keep us informed. We're all just a big family here.

08-11-2010, 03:22 PM
Got it!!! Good talking with you. Please keep us informed. We're all just a big family here.

Thanks for taking the time to call me and give me some advice. I really appreciate it!
I will keep everyone updated on what becomes of my V3i.

Lowjiber had me try a couple things and we have decided that something is probably wrong with it.
We tried running the V3i in 7.5 freq only and it still falsed in the air and when I touched it even when I lowered the Rx gain to 3 or 4. This was done with the factory default setting in C & J which has a Disc. Sen. of 75.

08-11-2010, 09:08 PM
With all that is going on with the ever evolving Spectra story I just want to add some water to fire with my experience. Just rec'd my V3 back with the V3i update today. Also sent in my D2 and 4x6 Shooter coils to get checked out. Took about 2 weeks to get everything back, one week at White's and one week traveling from NY to Oregon and back to NY. Not too bad on the shipping, my withdrawal symptoms weren't too bad either. White's replaced: POD assembly, V3 PCB processor, LCD window, Keypad, and wireless head phone cushion covers (I haven't tried the mixed mode split ear mode yet). White's also swapped out my 4x6 Shooter coil for a new one and I guess my D2 was AOK (no new one sent). After re-assembling my new V3i upgrade w/ the D2 and DX-1, I took her out for test run tonight at my local Fair Ground. My first observation was the change in the look of the display software, very different and new from the old. I guess all that is new is the lettering font, but still very different from the old. I quickly clicked to search mode and found the machine in C&J (good), ground balanced and started sweeping after boosting the RX gain to 10, Disc Sens to 80, and All-Metal Sens to 70. First thing I noticed was the machine was very quiet, no chattering or random false signals I had to to double check before with the V3 :yes:. Targets sounded off clear and solid. Picked up 4 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel and 3 pre '82 pennies (ignored a bunch of Zincoln signals as I knew exactly what they were after digging the first one). After pin-pointing the first target I had to turn on the VCO audio setting to help get a better pin-point!!! All and all I was very impressed with the quietness :clapping: and also the crisp sound of targets thumbsup01. Highlight for the night was being able to separate a quarter from a piece of 3/8 x 6 length of copper pipe within 6 of one another. I only dug the pipe because the quarter popped out of the ground and I thought what was to be the pipe was a coin spill.

08-11-2010, 10:07 PM
Great feed back information. Thank you for taking the time to share it with the forum. I am having really good results with the replacement D2 I got back. I spoke with Lowjiber on the phone today and we both agree that the new D2 coils have a slightly different physical build. I am going to my local deal this week and compare with what he has in stock. This D2 is much improved in my opinoin.

Brooklyn Hunter
07-17-2013, 07:14 PM
I came across this thread while looking for info on my DD COIL FOR MY 3vi. I too started having problems and did the air test as detailed and my coil overloaded. I was a bit disappointed as I bought the machine in 2010 and used it considerably that year w no problems. Family and work got pretty busy and I didn't use the machine in 2011 or 2012. So I really only had about 4 months of weekend detecting on it however when I got it out this spring, the coil was producing a lot of unstable results and false hits, this lead to my testing and the bad coil result.
However this has a happy ending.

When I called Whites and explained the issue and the fact my rechargeable battery was DOA ( totally. My fault I left it uncharged for 2 years) the nWhites rep informed they would replace both I can not express how impressed I am with their customer service . The detector has , other than the coil held up well, and the issue I had with the DD coiled is being taken care of free of charge . I have heard horror stories about Mine Lab. Customer service and repair turnaround. I wanted share how impressed I was with how Whites treated me!

07-19-2013, 11:24 PM
I have enjoyed reading this subjects pro's and con's immensely.
I have been following the auction sites the past few weeks for a 10 DD, and was wondering why there were so many V-rated coils up for bid.
I'm grateful now, that my low bidding was unsuccessful.
Is there any way of telling the difference of the newer updated coil?
Thanks, John. :interesting:

07-20-2013, 12:15 AM
The Vis an incredible machine and I am still learning mine, I just got it about 3 weeks ago.
The coil issues are something I am not sure of yet but I also experience quite a lot of noise even compared to my MXT.
But like I said I am still learning how to tune it to my varying conditions so the jury is still out regarding the coil. :thinkingabout:

07-20-2013, 08:21 AM
Is there any way of telling the difference of the newer updated coil?

All of mine have a V stamped into the tang where the shaft attaches to the coil.

I don't think there has ever been a 10 DD that wasn't V-rated though.

The V-rated problem has long been solved.

07-20-2013, 08:28 AM
Well, this is certainly an old thread! lol I would report that almost 3 years later the last replacement D2 coil I received that was mentioned in the above post is still working great. I had a hunting buddy that had the null shift on his D2 last year, but I generally don't hear much about bad D2 coils these days.
In answer to your question on telling the old coils from the new ones... Both Lowjiber, and myself noticed a slightly thicker build on the new coils. I know that originally there were two distinct D2 coils manufactured. They even had diferent colored labels on them. (I believe one was white, and the other orange/red). The one that came with the V3/V3i, and the one you could purchase separately. If I remember correctly they were slightly different sized as well. So, it could be confusing to identify them using the size comparison. I would imagine if you knew the serial number schema that Whites used, you could figure it out. Might be a good question for someone at Whites.


07-21-2013, 12:38 AM
We got out this morning for a couple hours before the heat and also to a different area, the V ran smooth as silk.... So I am guessing there were some EMI issues at the site day before.
Anyway all is moving ahead and I am slowly learning the intricacies of the V..... |:cheering:

07-21-2013, 10:31 PM
Thanks CyberSage, enjoyed reading thread and never looked for dates as it was top listed during my can't sleep another night reading.
Will have to revisit the auctions for a hopefully working bargain.
Keep up the great threads everyone, John. <}