View Full Version : A hunt with RobW and Massdirtfisher

09-28-2014, 04:00 PM
Some of you may know this but 4 weeks ago today I had a second total hip replacement. Been bored out of my mind sitting at home recuperating. I contacted Rob about getting in some detecting and he was game, bad knee and all.

Now I still cant bend so I adjusted some of my detecting tools. I took a yardstick and duct taped my pin pointer to it and then attached some string with a loop to it. took my shovel and attached the string again with a loop. The third piece of equipment was a grabber so that I could grab the string and pick these items up. Now this is some desperate measures from a desperate guy.

Sunday morning who do I see coming down my driveway but Tim (massdirtfisher). The three of us used to do a lot of hunting together then our schedules got out of sync. Rob arrives and we pile into my car and off we go.

We stopped at a farm and Rob got us permission to do the field across the street. It was okay walking but I was waiting for that "signal" so I could try out my gear. Well the set up worked but was definitely a PITA. Rob was watching me and I thought he was gonna bust a gut he was laughing so hard. I found nothing but junk there but Tim got himself a pocketknife.

We left there and stopped at some other homes but nobody was home. Still driving around and we saw two guys working on a tractor at a farm. Pulled in and the homeowner was very nice. Informed us that people had been there before with there detectors but we all know "no place is ever hunted out". He gave us a little history about the property and we decided to just do the front lawn (small).

Between the 3 of us we got 31 wheat's of which Tim got 17, Rob 8 and I six. I had decided to not dig any items here so I told Rob and Tim that I would locate the item then they can dig it and keep it. I just wanted to swing the detector. Well they refused to keep any of my finds. So at the end of the day I had the six wheat's, earliest being 1917 and a 1947 rosie.

It was a great time being out with Rob and Tim again and looking forward to doing it again.

Thanks for reading and HH

09-28-2014, 04:26 PM
Sweet Al! Good idea with the pin pointer. I'm glad you are getting out again!...and nice finds! You all take such good pictures....I guess I have to get a real camera.

wisconsin digger
09-28-2014, 04:34 PM
Detectorists can be quite creative when they need too. Reminds me in my youth digging my Dad's signals in the 70's. Good Luck on your recovery. WD

09-28-2014, 05:23 PM
I'll bet you were a site. :lol:. Glad you are able to get out a little with some good friends.

Tony Two-Cent
09-28-2014, 08:26 PM
Glad you were able to get out, Al! I bet you were going stir crazy. Glad all of you guys were able to get some keepers!


Trooper Bri
09-28-2014, 09:04 PM
Nice job on cleaning up some wheaties. Rob and Tim are great hosts. Best wishes on a quick heal from the surgery.

Cheap Thrills
09-28-2014, 09:58 PM
Nice hunt and here's to a quick recovery on your surgery .:beerbuddy:

09-28-2014, 10:50 PM
what a great day Al , following your recoveries (both hip replacements ) has been nothing short of inspirational my good man . Mega congrats on getting out and the finds Al.:clapping::clapping::clapping:

09-29-2014, 06:22 AM
At least you found a way to get back out. Obvi the second place wasn't hunted all that well if there was a small front yard and there were 32+ coins found. As I say, you never know if it's a memorial, wheat, IH, or possilby any other small cent or large cent with poor copper before you dig a penny signal. Now, would they have been just as fair to let you keep finds of there was a few gold coins you found? :angelic:

Drew, even a smartphone phone works wonders. IDK, but I feel the iphone cam doesn't take all that great of pictures. They seem too grainy. The S4 and the last HTC I had took great pics and had the options right there for cropping and rotating and effects. And it's clear. I never pick up either of my nikon cameras; I do it all the time from my phone. Sometimes I use the word picture viewer to make any changes or fix color.

Digger Don
09-29-2014, 07:38 AM
I'm glad to here you were able to get out and do some detecting with friends. Where there's a will, there's a way, and it looks like you found the way.
Congrats on your finds

09-29-2014, 07:50 AM
Your an inspiration Aoldstuff. :thumbsup01:

I got a knee that is bad and getting worse. I am afraid to go to the doc cause I know he will say something like "if it hurts , don't do that". And of course getting on my knees to dig holes is a pain, literaly.

I saw a grandpa post once. He paid his grandson for every hole dug.