View Full Version : philosophical quota with a Freudian swing

leslie(nova scotia)
07-04-2014, 04:08 PM
Had to laugh. I had become one of them. You know "them." Older folks who all they talk about is their ailments. Did a self analytical analysis and concluded I was indeed one of "them." A Freudian moment!
With my house guests French Dave and his daughter Mary Rose off to the International Tattoo I skirted of to a local sports field looking forward to spending some quality time with my Freedom 3 Plus. Quota as always was the goal. A third of the way through my knee buckled. No problem I just sucked it up being as stubborn, mean and obnoxious as the next guy. A flash back............to the Christian Metal Detecting Forum hunt I attended years ago in Michigan. Recalled clearly this older fellow swinging about 10 times and taking a seat on a picnic table. He had that young boys gleam in his eye and I could feel the saddened heart of the broken down old man that he knew he was. Was that an omen as tomorrow I go to renew my first aid certification......if I ever had to preform CPR on myself.................I'd rather succumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cursed some ungodly phrases as I continued on swinging. Then the shoulder gave out. More phrases that should not be heard by children nor the Lord for that matter! All those years of pitching ball had caught up with me. Don't think Tommy John surgery will help in this instance. Well I write left handed so the swing was continued in the same fashion. Had to make a few adjustments to my "Garrett Ear" but finally quota was had....as was I.
Figured that after 43 years at this wonderful hobby my legs have worn down so much that I now have to bum around! (5 foot 11 joke to a 5 ten person).
Know how the Yanks feel about their guns so I imagine this phrase hits home.............................................. .................................................. ...........................................they can take my detector when they pry it from my dieing hands!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v518/leslie19/001-99.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/leslie19/media/001-99.jpg.html)

07-04-2014, 05:32 PM
Les, Maybe a Gerhard Fischar surgery is in order :lol:
"Garrett Ear" :lolsign:
I'm hoping new swingless models will come out. You'll feel better tomorrow....or worse :lol:

07-04-2014, 10:02 PM
And still you out do my feeble attempts....I need to put some stock in this quota concept. Keep on swinging. The discomfort is just your bodies way of thanking you for keeping active.

07-05-2014, 05:59 PM
:congrats:on your quota but it seems that it came at a price. I know that you have had knee surgery and I feel bad when I read about your pain while detecting.....but now the shoulder?????

I also went to a group hunt in NH and I saw the same thing you saw, an elderly man who would swing for about 3 minutes then take a seat on a little chair he was carrying around. I watched him for a while and my conclusion was that he was very happy to be there doing what he was doing.

The Rebel
07-05-2014, 07:01 PM
Take it easy Leslie & don't over do it. How'd you guys make out with Arthur?

07-05-2014, 09:58 PM
congrats on quota. Safe & HH