View Full Version : Learning, marching and swinging

leslie(nova scotia)
05-30-2010, 04:53 PM
From the land of the Bluenose....left at dawn on Wednesday for my Union Labour School Workshop to help better serve our brothers and sisters in the various locals that make up the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC).

Lectures were great, food super and one was afforded the opportunity to meet some really interesting folks from the Atlantic Provinces.

While there we took part in a support march in aid of Canada Post workers in Antigonish who are going to be jobless due to our Prime Minister Harper and his cut backs. We marched to MLA Peter McKay who was invited to talk to us but learned that he was golfing instead........sound familiar!

Did some back road exploring for spots and came across Mahony's Beach. View was grand, weather was cold and finds few.
Got to swing about 40 minutes each day there with a St. Chris medal, part of a medic alert bracelet, a small knife, buckle and 102 coins @ $13.48

05-30-2010, 09:58 PM
Power to the People Leslie! Nice hunt too!