View Full Version : wish list achieved

07-24-2013, 04:57 PM
so here is the story and how i found it in the most unlikely of places.
tuesday morning saw me at my place of work ready to go on my team build .
after 2 hours working on a 200 year old farm (which i have now got the rights to detect with my local detecting club YTC) i made my way to wallingford ct to go cart racing for the first time........omg it was bloody fantastic !!!!! , i ended up 3rd out of 23 people so not to shabby i thought.
we ended our day on the beach down at my inlaws beach cottage eating dry aged ribeye steak cut by me the night before, the rain held off all day and only started on the drive home , so i think you would agree a good day all round......it gets better.....
after dropping the rented subburbens off i finally made it home at 7.30pm to find an empty house.
i called my wifes cell phone and found out she was 3 houses down in the yard of one of my detecting mates chris talking to his wife.
i walked to there house only to find chris detecting his own yard ?? while my wife sat and chatted to his wife katie.
the yard is very small 30ft by 30ft and after sitting watching him for half an hour i said i could take it no more and went to get the trusty F4.
turning the machine on i found i couldnt even ground balence for the abundence of iron in the soil !!!! so i just hit all metel mode and off i went.
chris has been across his yard loads of times so i was surprized to get a signal that nearly blew my headphones off at 4 inches , the numbers where a bit high 78-86 and i exclamed to chris think this is a beer bottel top mate but decided to dig it anyway.
after removing the plug i could see what i thought was a large copper at the bottom of the hole and becond chris over to take a look before pulling it out of the ground. that aint a copper he said reaching in and pulling it out, thats silver he said brushing away the dirt and then i saw it......the coin that has been on my wish list for 2 years now...... a 1942D walking liberty!!!!!.
putting the pinpointed back in the hole it starts to beep again and out comes a rusty nail !!!! i was like ahhhhhhh....thought it had a friendchris just smilled, checking the hole for the last time and...BEEEEEEP.....another inch down and out pops another silver !!!! this one a 1951 canadian 25 cent piece .
i tried to give the coins to chris it being his yard but he point blank refused them as i knew he would.
a perfect end to a perfect day..........just wow!!!!!!.


07-24-2013, 05:12 PM
congrats on the walking liberty half and the Canadian quarter Lee , its always great to see the big silver come to light . :perfect10:

07-24-2013, 05:31 PM
Nice story :) They're on my list....well not the nail lol

07-24-2013, 06:11 PM
A good day, good finds and a good friend. Sounds like you got it all.
Congrats on the big and foreign silver.


07-24-2013, 06:15 PM
If only there were silver with every rusty nail......Nice story Lee and :congrats: on getting one off your wish list. We try not to discriminate here so where is the picture of the rusty nail:huh:thinkingabout:? rofl

07-25-2013, 07:27 AM
:congrats:....awesome find and always good to get a first :clapping:

07-25-2013, 08:11 AM
thats what makes this hobby what it is you never know what that next dig will uncover congrats on your finds dennis :bananadance: :perfect10:

Tony Two-Cent
07-25-2013, 01:33 PM
Great story and two awesome coins, Lee! Congrats!


07-25-2013, 05:08 PM
Nice story Lee and great finds and congrats!

07-25-2013, 06:19 PM
Great finds...two big silvers in one hole :clapping: You need to update your wishlist lol

08-05-2013, 11:07 PM
Great story lee.... congrats on the wish list find!!! :perfect10: