View Full Version : DIg wars new episode tonight at a new time.....

Chicago Ron
06-26-2013, 12:10 PM
The Travel Channel has moved our time slot ahead 30 minutes. We can now be seen at 8:30 pm Central time zone.

In my opinion, when it comes to ethics and morals, one is simply taught these as a kid by your parents. I think the producer of our show did a great job in highlighting these ethics that one should already know anyway.

Like when the land owner always says cover your holes, shows the property boundaries, shows the no trespassing signs, and actually shows us filling our holes. I think they did a great job on this.

All the hunters on the show know each other and respect each other as hunters, all the pranks and fun are in the spirit of playing with friends.
No friendships were hurt in the making of this film! LOL

Okay...heres some clips from tonight's show. Thanks for watching, and I promise some really cool episodes are on the horizon!
You do not want to miss these.

Digging the Geogia Landing




06-26-2013, 12:49 PM
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06-26-2013, 09:43 PM
I just watched the show this week and think it's much better than that Randy Savage show. They detect like detecting should be done , unlike the other show where I've seen them use dynamite and digging with large machinery. They are getting permission to some places that most of us would die too detect . I'm sure the Travel Channel has pulled some strings though seeing how these places appear to be one's you see as Historic Landmarks .
If you guys get a chance , watch some of the episodes and post what you think of the show.
Take Care everyone and Happy Hunting !!