View Full Version : CTX3030's maiden voyage

06-25-2013, 07:03 PM
I recently purchased a previously owned CTX3030. Today i took it out for it's trial run. I think i have it set up correctly. I hit the old fair grounds in town. They had just paved an area in front of one of the old buildings. It looks like they took about 4 of dirt away on the fence side. Wish i was there after they removed the dirt. :-\
I hit the dirt road area at the end as it looked as if they added some fresh dirt. My first find was my first silver with the CTX. A 1944 merc! All together i got $1.11 and a small metal thing that says jackass :huh:thinkingabout:?.

Here's pics....


06-25-2013, 07:35 PM
Congrats on the merc :clapping: Anytime they are moving dirt is a great time to detect. But when they are moving it from a fairground it is :shocked04: :shocked04: Too bad there wasn't anyone to ask where the dirt went to. I really recommend running the stock programs the first couple of times out and running auto +3 sensitivity. Nice first hunt.

06-26-2013, 05:13 AM
lol lol Jackass must have made you laugh when you saw it in the hole lol
Those minelabs seem to sniff out silver. Good luck with the 3030

06-26-2013, 05:55 AM
Off to a good start with the new machine, :congrats: on the silver.

Tony Two-Cent
07-05-2013, 12:23 PM
Very respectable first hunt with your CTX 3030! :yes:

Did you get your used CTX from a dealer or on eBay?

07-07-2013, 05:50 PM
Very respectable first hunt with your CTX 3030! :yes:

Did you get your used CTX from a dealer or on eBay?

It was an E-bay buy. 3030 with 11 coil with 2 sets of grey ghost phones. One regular one water. Also the Koss phones and the 6 coil with lower rod wireless module. For $2,100.