View Full Version : One silver and a VERY unusual find

04-24-2010, 08:21 PM
Patti and I went north yesterday just to get away and of course we took our machines. We hit a very large sports park thats not very old but it contains a lot of clad. Its a real good place for Patti to practice with her new machine. Total for the day was over a hundred coins. When we got home I went to another place for an hour of hunting before it was time to stay in for the evening. I had hunted this place a lot with the DFX so I really expected to only get newer coins out of it. To my surprise out pops a 24 Merc that is kinda worn but a silver none the less. Today we went to the area of the new township playground that is also located on the site of the old Grayling fish hatchery. As we were walking down the footpath Patti got a very strong signal and had me scan it to see just what it was. I ALMOST told her it was another pop can but there was something a little strange about it so I dug it up. It turned out to be an old printers advertisment plate of the Quick Meal stove. We found the same stove it was advertising and I believe its from around 1912. We are planning on taking it to the local newspaper to see if they might have more info on it. To me it was an outstanding find made by her. thumbsup01 :smitten: I also found another holed token worth .25 cents in trade.

04-24-2010, 08:44 PM
Wow Bill, you two did great! Congrats on the silver, and that plate is a fantastic find! Hope to hear more information about it if you find out. thumbsup01

04-24-2010, 09:22 PM
Thanks Angie and you bet. If I find anything out I'll post it. First I want to make sure of it value before I do any cleaning on it. Because it is rubber over, I think a Zinc plate, I don't want to damage it. If I can clean it well enough I'm gonna take it to a printer and have a copy of what it prints out to show ya'll. thumbsup01

04-24-2010, 09:36 PM
Very interesting find, unusual and old to boot. Great job on the Silver. Looks like your going to have some competition of future hunts. lol Thanks for sharing your hunt Bill!


04-24-2010, 09:46 PM
Very nice hunts, Bill. That's a lot of digging too. I like that old mercury dime, and that plate is great!

04-24-2010, 10:08 PM
Nice group of finds. That plate is neat!!! I bet it will look cool when you print it. Glad you two had such a good day. A smart idea about picking a clad park to get some practice. thumbsup01 Now all you have to do is work on the sore arms from digging so much lol

04-25-2010, 10:07 AM
That better not have been the OUR little league complex you have found that merc in!! :bop:

Ive hunted our complex at least twice and never found anything older than 1970's. :bangahead01:

04-25-2010, 03:02 PM
Great treasure all around Bill! :yes: You and Patti are having a good year so far!

04-25-2010, 05:50 PM
pretty cool plate! nice token and merc!

04-25-2010, 07:47 PM
That better not have been the OUR little league complex you have found that merc in!! :bop:

Ive hunted our complex at least twice and never found anything older than 1970's. :bangahead01:

Nope no where near it bud. The merc was found in town. thumbsup01

04-26-2010, 02:48 PM
Those be some cool finds there buddy! Seems that ET is getting to know you ;) Congrats on the neat stuff!

04-26-2010, 03:19 PM
Nice going on the hunt Bill. That offset plate is really a nice find. Old hand set type was composed of lead, tin, and antimony. Not sure about the plate, some were copper alloy.
Always good to dig the not quite sure signals...Gil

04-26-2010, 10:56 PM
Thanks guys it sure was fun. Today Patti got her FIRST wheatie! Ain't no goin back now. :tongue: rofl I can see her next March. &quot:daydream:h look there's a bare patch of ground, lets go :drool: rofl

04-28-2010, 04:37 PM
Very cool!!! :yes: Glad you had a good time and congrats to Patti for finding her first wheatie :)