View Full Version : Stunning Hunt I Won't Soon Forget!

04-21-2013, 06:22 PM
I was not able to get out Friday evening or at all on Saturday this weekend, but I had Sunday free for some good swing time. I headed off to the same spot I hunted last weekend that gave up two Barber dimes, two Mercs, and 5 Buffs. I was actually planning on letting this spot sit for a while before I hunted it again, but the more I thought about it, the dumber that seemed. So I headed back this morning with hopes for at least one more silver.

Things started pretty slow, but before long I had a few wheats and another Buff. And then it happened. I one of those sweet high tones that is likely a deep rusty nail. In fact, I was 99% certain it was a rusty nail. But I dug anyway because you never know. I flipped the plug and scanned it and sure enough it nulled and using the Propointer I recovered the nail. I flipped the plug back into the hole, stood up, and rescanned. That bogus high tone from a rusty nail was still there. Annoyed, I pulled the plug again, and using the Propointer found a second nail. This time I rescanned the plug before putting it back. Nothing. I waved the coil over the hole. There was a nice high tone... probably another nail, but it sounded pretty good. I dug some more dirt out of the hole and there it was... a silver quarter. And not just any kind of quarter, it was a BARBER! My first Barber quarter! This coin has been at the top of my most wanted list for a long, long time! And there it was! And coincidentally my 300th career silver coin! I savored the moment as much as I could. It was great! The quarter is worn but I'm still happy as can be... I even kept the two nails!

I'm not sure what kind of coin to hope for next to scratch off the list... seated quarter I guess.

I hunted for a few hours more after that... I pulled a nice 1898 IH penny, and several more Buffs. I hit a horrendous tone at one point, pulled a plug, and found a pull tab. I knew there must be something else as no pull tab gives a tone like that! So I rescanned the hole and sure enough there was a nice '42 quarter.

A while later I got a nice deep target and pulled the most pristine Merc I have ever dug. It's a 1936 and it is absolutely immaculate. I can hardly believe it to look at this thing.

Another Buff or two and finally a nice silver war nickel and I wrapped things up. It was cold but nice out and I would have stayed forever if not for getting pretty tired and I wanting to get home to the family.

All in all I dug 91 coins which includes the the two silver quarters, the Merc, 6 Buffs, two older Jefferson nickels, the war nickel, 11 wheats, and the Indian head. I also got a old buckle and a Junior Air Warden badge which sadly broke as I was recovering it. Amazing, all 6 Buffalo nickels have legible dates!

I have to assume this spot was hunted in the past. I'm sure there's still more there though. One way or another this was not a hunt I will soon forget.

Thanks for looking and happy hunting!

04-21-2013, 06:25 PM
Here's some close ups of the dime!

04-21-2013, 06:49 PM
Super :congrats: on silver #300 and for scratching off the Barber quarter from the hit list. 6 dated buffalos, fantastic. I can't seem to find even a datless one. Your 1936 merc looks just great, dropped the day it was minted.

You sure had a very productive hunt and congrats on all those keepers.

Fire Fighter 43
04-21-2013, 06:54 PM
Fantastic hunt and that Merc is a beauty, WTG |:cheering:

04-21-2013, 07:47 PM
Zman i cant believe you were gonna let that location rest before going back? lol!! i'm glad you didnt! awesome keepers buddy..gotta love that barber Q and that pristine merc! the buffs are amazing to have the dates on them. and the IH and the other GW..wow what a hunt.

good job, and hit that place again hard ...never know if that seated Q isnt waiting for ya!!

04-21-2013, 08:21 PM
:congrats: heck of great day!

04-22-2013, 07:59 AM
:omg: :omg: :omg:

:wow: :wow: :wow:

:shocked03: :shocked03: :shocked03:

|:confused:) |:confused:) |:confused:)

I'm speechless!


Tony Two-Cent
04-22-2013, 09:21 AM
Now that's an incredible hunt! :wow:

Congrats on your first Barber Quarter, Matt! They don't turn up too often. How cool that your 300th silver was a Barber Quarter?!

That Mercury Dime is a real beauty too! One of the nicest dug Mercs that I've ever seen! :loveit:

You are definitely tuned in to the nickel signals! Wow, 6 buffalos in one hunt, plus a War Nickel and some older Jeffersons.

Congrats on the spectacular day! |:cheering:

04-22-2013, 10:04 AM
Unreal nickle finds ive dug thousands apon thousands of hole and have never gotten a buffalo or a silver war nickle.You are blessed with nickle finding skills keep up the good work.

04-24-2013, 01:20 PM
:wow: What finds. Love that Barber quarter. Congrats on your first. Lots of great finds.

04-25-2013, 12:04 PM
:omg: :wow: :happy: What a hunt!! It doesn't seem to me. That this spot has been hunted. If it has. I pity the fool that hunted it! :congrats: on some great keepers!