View Full Version : Rainy Day Post

04-11-2013, 12:04 PM
:waving: Hi Everybody! Thought I would take some time. On this rainy day to post my finds. I have been diggin my butt off. Trying to find something shiny to show you. But all I could come up with is 1 lonely silver ring :-\. I have been to a few different spots. But concentrated mostly, on the church school football field. That in part. Until recently, has been covered with a plastic mesh. Since last fall. I had dug lots of clad at that time. Including a few silver coins, and silver ring. I have found no more silver coinage. But have dug another large bunch of clad, nickles, and penny's. all together, I have collected $38.93, including 1 Susan B. plus 14 Wheatbacks, some junk jewelry. A couple band uniform buttons, and like I said. One very lonely silver ring. But it's been great getting out again! :happy: I have been waiting very patiently to go to the 1852 homestead. Can't wait to dig in some old ground :daydream: I enjoy diggin the clad. But need to see some shiny roundness in the hole lol! Should be going there with in the next week or so. Thanks for lookin!

04-11-2013, 01:05 PM
That's quite a haul...but those don't look like Band uniform buttons to me...they look Army

04-11-2013, 01:15 PM
Nice pile of clad you got there. :congrats: on the silver ring and will be waiting for your post from the 1852 site. Good luck |:cheering:

04-11-2013, 04:56 PM
:congrats: Nice pile of clad you found. I really like the ring, much nicer than a plain silver one.

Fire Fighter 43
04-11-2013, 07:31 PM
Nice pile of clad and I see a few nice shinny things in there, WTG |:cheering:

04-13-2013, 10:45 PM
Very nice pile of clad. Congrats on the silver ring.