View Full Version : Surprise Finds

04-11-2013, 11:41 AM
It was a nice day out, my wife and daughter were off doing their own thing. I shot a PM to AL to see if he would be interested in an evening hunt....what a shock...he was..... lol

I was hoping to hit a spot that we had tried before...but through his recent persistence has proven to actually be worth the time to hit hard. I got to the area before AL, but it was FULL of people, so I drove a bit further to a place we've been to MANY, MANY times before. The only success there for me has been some wheats, and Al has turned up a few modern silver dimes.

But I have not hit it since using the X-5. :thinkingabout: I started working over an area that has produced some wheats in the past. I wasn't getting anything. Finally I get a deep wheat signal...and there was a GREEN wheat. I work the area some more...nothing, wonder around a bit...nothing. I get a signal a few inches deep..12/42, Auto+3. I dig my plug, hits on the tip of the plug, I pull out a chunk of iron. I figure that was it....I almost put the plug back and in and moved on...but that little voice jabbed me :poke:.....I checked the plug again..something else there...I pull it out...1907 Barber Dime :happy:...what a shock! :shocked03:

I call Al...he's at Wal-Mart buying new gloves and detecting jeans..I tell him what I found, he can't believe it either...now he stil has to go home and get his stuff and get to where I am....he set a record time of about 10 min.... lol....I take about 2 steps get a SOLID 12/12 signal at about 2 inches....1905 Liberty Nickel <:......I work my line about 15 feet 12/34 signal about 1 inch deep..I can pinpoint it from the top of the ground....1890 Indian :happydance01:.....I don't even get the hole filled in and I see Al pull up. I run over to him and lay it all out.....he was SHOCKED :shocked03:....of ALL the times we've been here, neither of us has pulled anything like this from here before.

We hit it some more....it starts to sprinkle....I'm still going...it stops...then it starts again......then stops...I manage another wheat....then I get a 12/37 hit at about 2 inches...I'm thinking Zincoln...I dig down and find it...It's so smooth I could figure exactly what it was. I turn it over and the back had some corrosion, I brushed off enough to see ONE CENT and a wreath.. happydance02 another Indian :happydance01: After getting it wet, I got a partial date of 18:eyebrow:...then the bottom dropped out and it poured rain..so we left >:\

After hitting this place many, many times over 2 years and not getting really anything, to find ALL of these in one short hunt completely blew my mind

04-11-2013, 12:30 PM
Rob , your posts are always a love /hate relationship to me .... :eyebrow:

I love to read them but hate to see the pictures :hairpulling: lol lol as they always leaving me wanting lol lol

congrats on the barber ,V-nickle and indian |:cheering: |:cheering:

04-11-2013, 12:52 PM
Rob , your posts are always a love /hate relationship to me .... :eyebrow:

the pictures always leaving me wanting

Is that because of my hot manly hand modeling pics..... rofl

I'm like the guy who did the Dukes of Hazard theme song...always see my hands but not my face on TV..haha.... lol

I do good just to post...Having to find the camera, hope it has battery power, take pics with a camera, then either, pull the card out or hook the camera up to the computer to download.....just much quicker and easier to take a quick pic with my phone, send it to my email and go from there

04-11-2013, 01:19 PM
Rob, to start off with, I find it very funny that you can reference the Dukes of Hazzard.

Total shock over your finds, numerous times hunting that ground and nothing like what you found ever popped up. :congrats: on those great keepers.

Sorry to hear that you won't be around this weekend, now maybe I can make a good find.... rofl

04-11-2013, 01:40 PM
Sorry to hear that you won't be around this weekend, now maybe I can make a good find.... rofl

What are you talking about..you've kicked my rear at that one park where you found the seated and all those Indians...and I was there...just didn't make a showing...then there's the other park where you scored a couple silvers, including the Washington Quarter..and I got bupkiss....

You just need a small coil..... :detecting:...oh wait..no you don't..you're just fine with what you have :poke: lol

Maybe I'll sneak my detector into the car...then sneak away first thing in the morning and just be back before breakfast...Plymouth, Boston, Salem...Oh, My :twirlingeyes:

Fire Fighter 43
04-11-2013, 07:34 PM
Nice hunt and congrats on the oldies, WTG |:cheering:

04-11-2013, 08:36 PM
Great coins, Congrats! Al's look must of been something else on seeing the finds... A good sport he is!

04-12-2013, 01:51 PM
Al's look must of been something else on seeing the finds... A good sport he is!

Yeah...he looked something like this........ :shocked04:

lol lol lol

04-13-2013, 10:54 PM
WTG Rob! Great finds. I read something the other day about finding things where you have already hunted. Said it had something to do with the rotation of the earth or something. Maybe the earth was turning just right for you. lol :congrats: