View Full Version : green with envy

leslie(nova scotia)
04-08-2013, 05:41 PM
From the land of the Bluenose.....headed out early while there was a light rain. Ended up at a local park. Swung the Pro today and must say that the Energizer chargeable batteries are performing well. Forty minutes later and half a quota called it a day pointing Donna Marie homeward.

After a good meal and a few meds Marie and I went a driving with the sun now a shining like me. The Dingle was deserted with a nice low tide and I began to work the shore line as Marie grabbed the camera and did her thing. Caught this pair who had turned there back to me.............thinking that the &quot:grin:uck Dynasty thing on television had gone to their feathers!
Of course Marie took an action shot. Notice the left leg.........no comment!
Anyway we left after a tad and hit another park that was infested with golf eggs. Yes diggers and diggerettes it's that time of year again!
Anyway it's nice when they have a name on their shell so one doesn't have to think up a name for them.
Pointing the way to yet another happy face(ring) with this one having some Irish connection or ate something that disagreed with them. Personally I think that it was a good omen. Quota was had along with yet another dog tag and a Crystal Palace game token.

04-08-2013, 07:09 PM
Leslie, boy that left leg looks to be in pain. :congrats: on the quota and please post up when the golf eggs hatch.