View Full Version : Capt Morgan meets Davy Jones Locker

leslie(nova scotia)
02-21-2013, 02:56 PM
From the land of the Bluenose.....Zeta kicked the terrorist in the midriff and he went down on the deck flopping like a cod just released from a net. That was enough of that and I turned the dvd player off and gave NCIS a rest.

Well the bed was made. The dishes done! Um. What the halibut . I assembled my Pro and headed off to the Dingle. I arrived and had a sudden disheartening thought.....................i had nothing to dig with as Navy Davy was in possession of my lesche tool to sharpen it. I had no pinpointer as Slickpick Rick was giving it some servicing! Um.

Undaunted I popped autos trunk. He sure sounds spiffy these days with his new muffler on! There in the trunk was my Savior....my shovel which would double as a walking cane.

Tested the upper beach and let me tell you me son she was as fidget and hard as as anew bride on her wedding night. Moved below the high water mark. Swung....got a good solid 72 and low and behold the shovel easily entered the sand. Penny richer. Oh my God I looked to my right and there was Capt. Morgan.....sunk!
After the shock I got to thinking that I should visit the smart shop and make sure the rest of the captain's crew where alright.....just a though and a fleeting one at that least I take a captain's crew member home and be keel hauled by the boss.

Hit a few more on the beach area and carefully navigated the rocky area picking up a few more coins. let me tell you me son the shovel sure was a God send. Lasted about 30 minutes before the knee gave out and limped back to Otto.......satisfied.

Decided to stop at the library on the way home and managed to pick up season 6 of NCIS......can only imagine how many men Zeta will put down in that season! Eyeballed Otto's son in the parking lot....hope that is not contagious!
Got home the same time as the &quot:beerbuddy:oss got back from work. Since I was AWOL I got galley duty......such is life.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v518/leslie19/005-3.jpg <;)

02-21-2013, 09:15 PM
Holy cow, I had to read this post three times... when you said capt. morgan I was thinking alcohol type (I have a key chain with him on it) so I was looking for him in the pictures with the coins.... :omg: I didn't even see the half sunk boat with the :usaflag: that says captain morgan on it >:{ >:{ , and no I was drinking any either- :hysterical: :hysterical:. Anyhow Nice finds, & cute little car you eyeballed. Hope you find lots more goodies when you go awol again! |:cheering:

dave in iowa
02-21-2013, 11:57 PM
Great hunt . hurry spring , snow storm tonight here in iowa

02-22-2013, 11:52 AM
I hate to be the NCIS nazi.......but it's Ziva!! I just finished watching season 6 so now i'm watching four seasons of the Mentalist to get me through till spring. :girlcry:

Strange i always thought Capt. Morgans ship was larger! Glad you could find some coin on the beach there. How long do you think it will take to clear all the pennies out now that they stopped making them? rofl

Stay warm, watch out for terrorists!


02-22-2013, 02:51 PM
:pirate: Har, Har! At least you got out to hunt matie! Harrr!! :pirate: