View Full Version : ":daydream: sicko lost your marbles

leslie(nova scotia)
04-12-2010, 04:40 PM
From the land of the Bluenose.....we all dread winter when the ground is frozen and the walls are closing in closer and closer! What could be worse you ask? A nice sunny day made for detecting and you are home sick. Well not totally. Felt 3/5 Wookie and 2/5 like a bucket full of fish heads. Against the Hunny Bunny's advice I took my meds and went out for a spell and then had one as the dizziness again hit home. and I puked....um! Stuffed chicken with cheese and broccoli!. Almost looked as appetizing second time around.
Hit Flying Bra Island again and it still gives up the odd silver goodie!
Then I found the marbles I had lost....for not listening to Hunny Bunny as the bile let go..........sour tasting stuff!
These are now in the ceramic decorative bath tube with the others.
One more up chuck and that was it for this bouy. Total for the day was the silver &quot:daydream:, kid's &quot:daydream:,dog tag and 86 coins (3 Yank Wheaties included) @ $2.67..........and now paying for it! Bluenoser like a Heinz pickle.....can't tell them anything!

04-12-2010, 06:00 PM
Thanks for sharing those wonderful details with us Les! lol I'm going to now go in the kitchen and remove the, ummm, chicken from the oven lol

Very nice ring, but you have to get healthy! Take care!

PS the wife just might shoot you with that thing next time if you try going out again lol

04-12-2010, 06:46 PM
Hey Les, Sit home and take some chicken noodle soup lol Get better, the coins can wait. Besides, I'm too young to hear about those kind of symptoms rofl It was a good hunt, but not sure it did you any good. Get better first, the rest can wait. :yes: