View Full Version : its a keeper

12-22-2012, 06:03 AM
I am glad i traded in my old detector for an etrac at first i wasnt sure if it would make a difference but after some time learning the machine its paying off with a lot of firsts including a seated quarter ,a standing liberty, three v nickels a shield nickel and a franklin half i cant explain it but somehow the fbs system can see better than other detectors in trashy areas and still run stable in iron although those deep rusty square nails still fool me once in a while im catching on to the ways to tell the difference ive dug more good targets with trash in the same hole then i ever did before

12-22-2012, 07:00 AM
just wait it only gets better i have hunted some of my local areas for years plus others have also and still i find silver once in a while the etrac is a silver finding machine good luck dennis :detecting: :detecting:

12-22-2012, 11:31 AM
Congratulations michmark! I discovered the exact same thing when I started using the E-Trac. It really has a way of picking those good targets out of the trash.

Tony Two-Cent
12-22-2012, 10:41 PM
Same here, Mark! I absolutely love my E-Trac! I have also found several firsts this year, including a two-cent piece, shield nickel, seated dime and seated quarter. All of these were found in public parks, very obvious sites that I'm sure have been hunted many times over the years.

Congrats on your finds and I'm glad you are having success with your E-Trac! :yes:

Big Boys Hobbies
01-25-2013, 08:51 AM
The E-Trac is by far the best coin machine out. Sliver sucker nick name fits it perfect!

01-30-2013, 07:48 PM
hey pokie 73 that park your referring too when you taught me back in October I haven't gotten any silver coins out of there but I did get some square nails do you think there are any barbers left there,im referring to the one south of town not north of town the one north of town you have wiped out,i still think across the road in the other part of the park there might be some goodies...