04-08-2010, 01:58 PM
this is the reply i got back concerning this piece i dug last week.

Hello Dave,

There isn’t a lot of written documentation on Waterbury Clock. What we did learn is that this “token” used by WCC Employees as an identification to collect their wages. Each token would have its own unique ID Number, which is what the “308” would be. We do not know when this was created other than within the 90-year timeframe of Waterbury Clock Co. 1854-1944.

Hopefully this is helpful.

Cathy Conti

04-08-2010, 02:15 PM
I bet it was used around the turn of the century or a bit earlier when the next wave of Europeans came over and took jobs at the mills. I bet it was confusing on who was who, not to mention any language barriers, so you got a token to get paid. I think you were right about the poor guy who lost his pay token. Wonder if he ever got paid :confused: At least you know there isn't much info on this company, so I guess you could call it rare lol. At least she got back to you with what info she was able to find.

04-08-2010, 02:24 PM
I bet it was used around the turn of the century or a bit earlier when the next wave of Europeans came over and took jobs at the mills. I bet it was confusing on who was who, not to mention any language barriers, so you got a token to get paid. I think you were right about the poor guy who lost his pay token. Wonder if he ever got paid :confused: At least you know there isn't much info on this company, so I guess you could call it rare lol. At least she got back to you with what info she was able to find.

yeah G thats what i was thinkin.it had alot of corrosion on it for being in the ground from 1900 up.i think it's an early piece and kinda neat to have dug up.
wonder if i should donate it? :confused: gotta think about this one hard :-\

04-08-2010, 02:29 PM
yeah G thats what i was thinkin.it had alot of corrosion on it for being in the ground from 1900 up.i think it's an early piece and kinda neat to have dug up.
wonder if i should donate it? :confused: gotta think about this one hard :-\

I would only donate it if I were sure it was going to be displayed in a reputable museum or solid historical society. If it's just gonna sit in a box, and not be displayed (with your name), then it's better off in one of your display cases lol That's just me though. Ever since I read an article on the Springfield, MA public library, trying to sell a donated piece of art for lots of $$$, I don't trust anyone. Seems a lot of these places you feel are town or state related are really private organizations and are not bound to you or the state. They can sell, keep or do anything they want with your donations. So I'm a bit leary :-\

04-08-2010, 02:31 PM
nice piece Dave ,hey i take donations and i'll even put it in a nice display with your name that found it too. lol lol

04-08-2010, 02:40 PM
nice piece Dave ,hey i take donations and i'll even put it in a nice display with your name that found it too. lol lol

See Dave, that's the kind of unscrupulous parties I was refering to :rolleyes: It would look much better in MY case with your name on it (next to my name in bold) rofl

04-08-2010, 02:51 PM
See Dave, that's the kind of unscrupulous parties I was refering to :rolleyes: It would look much better in MY case with your name on it (next to my name in bold) rofl

Dave you know you can't even trust George , the guy loses his own finds for God's sake . would you really trust
him with yours lol lol :tongue:

04-08-2010, 02:54 PM
Dave you know you can't even trust George , the guy loses his own finds for God's sake . would you really trust
him with yours lol lol :tongue:

What's HE talking about? :confused: I never lost one display case yet rofl He looses his dignity almost everytime we go hunting rofl MY, my, you are sparky this week. :rolleyes: I hope that translates into some real sweet ox knobs for your collection on Saturday, since you are keeping track :huh:

04-08-2010, 04:12 PM
nice piece Dave ,hey i take donations and i'll even put it in a nice display with your name that found it too. lol lol

lol i'm sure ya will :bop: