View Full Version : A little gold and silver...

11-26-2012, 08:34 AM
I hunted in Alabama for 2 years and it never freezes down there, and this past winter when I relocated to Kansas was a strange one and it didn't freeze much here, either.
I know that my luck won't hold out for long and if this is a normal winter I will probably be shut down when the ground freezes.
I am not looking forward to that, at all.

I have had a great year, but I am still trying to find as much as I can before that happens, especially jewelry since I am primarily a jewelry hunter.

I have a few different detectors that I use, but in the last 2 weeks I have been using my Vaquero with a big 1:blackeye:12 DD coil to cover the larger areas, and my Compadre for everywhere else because there is nothing out there that is as good at sniffing out precious metal and chains as far as I am concerned.

Been working out pretty well, so far.
Within the last 2 weeks I have gathered up much more clad, but a few nice things have popped up out of the ground along the way, also.
A nice gold ring and a good size silver necklace.
That is my 6th gold ring for this year and I think my 5th silver chain of some sort.

Still dressing warm and looking so maybe a few more goodies might show up before this season is finally over.

11-26-2012, 10:06 AM
Sounds to me that your machines are working out just fine. I'm from the NE and I can relate to the ground freezing (it stinks). :congrats: on that gold ring and the silver necklace.

11-26-2012, 11:34 AM
wow silver and gold really likes you! Awesome finds. Gold is gold and silver is silver. I cant believe youve got that many chains in one year

leslie(nova scotia)
11-26-2012, 01:30 PM
From the land of the Bluenose.....only if every outing was like that. Congrats! <;)

11-27-2012, 09:16 AM
awesome! |:cheering:

11-27-2012, 04:31 PM
Nice. I'm from Mississippi so I know what you mean about it never freezing. The ground may not but that wet cold air kills me. Great finds. :congrats:

11-27-2012, 08:08 PM
very nice looking ring and chain,wtg.

Ill Digger
11-27-2012, 11:46 PM
Yeah the freezing ground stinks :rolleyes: >:#
I looks and sounds like your doing well so far this year! :shocked04: :clapping:
The ring is a sweet find! And the silver necklace ain't too shabby either! \:hammer: |:cheering:
Congrats! :grin:
Keep after it till you can't anymore. crying01 Then it's research time.... :interesting:
Hope your able bag a few more nice keepers before the ground freezes :->

11-28-2012, 10:17 PM
Nice!! :peace: These are beauties. :smitten: Congrats DIGGER27. :clapping:

Like Ill Digger mentioned... nothing fun about the ground freezing. :frozen:

I'm in Iowa and on borrowed time right now. Although the forecast over the next week looks hopeful... but the end is near. crying01

11-29-2012, 08:44 PM
Beautiful ring Digger!!! :perfect10: Thats my favorite kind of find thumbsup01

11-30-2012, 04:05 AM
Gold and silver both makes for a fantastic hunt, congrats thumbsup01

Tony Two-Cent
12-02-2012, 09:20 AM
For some reason I can now hear Yukon Cornelius singing Silver and Gold in my head. lol


Congrats on the awesome jewelry finds! |:cheering:

12-28-2012, 01:20 PM
A very cool Ring :yes:

12-28-2012, 02:12 PM
:shocked03: :clapping: