View Full Version : Another Week In The Field

11-09-2012, 06:11 PM
Week Four In The Fields

The finds have been a bit slower this last week with the rain from Sandy making it impossible to get out. Saturday October 27th we did the Dayton Diggers Field Hunt in which a lot of nice items were found, my sole good finds were a suspender buckle and a very beat 1907 Indian Head Penny. Friday November 2nd I went out to the bean field again hunted around the same area where I have been hunting finding several artifacts, including another horseshoe and a few other things. Found some clad coins, this site was occupied until the late 1970’s so that is not a surprise. Found a small metal button and a heavy round decorated object that at first sight thought it was going to be a button. Also found one of those play dimes, they fool you as you hope there are a three Cent Piece when you see them in the hole! As I was scanning the field out of the corner of my eye I see a silver looking disc, thinking at first it may be a small can lid I took a closer look and to my surprise I see it is a Franklin Half Dollar laying on top of the ground! This is one of the benefits from hunting fields that get turned over; good finds can be found with the eye! Thursday again we went back to the bean field and again the finds were not many but at least one good coin was found. We were there about five minutes when I got my first good signal and my find was an Indian Head, turned out to be an 1864 L variant. We spent quite a bit of time trying to locate where the other two house sites are in this vast field but still no real signs of them yet. The old map may be a bit off. I found another axe head and when I washed it off to my amazement three nails that were used to wedge the handle were still there!

Hunting With Bell-Two #104 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDUwhRkmTvI#ws)

11-10-2012, 08:45 AM
Very, very nice. I have yet to dig a Ben and you eyeball one, :perfect10:. Congrats on all your finds, that field keeps producing.

11-12-2012, 04:13 PM
I dug a play dime this summer and thought I had a keeper until I picked it up. Looks like you have many more hunts at this huge site.