View Full Version : Week Two In The Field

10-18-2012, 03:38 PM
Week Two In The Field

Our second week hunting the field has been productive as well. We did not find the quantity of coins as last week but we did make some nice finds. We were checking out another home site that was about ˝ mile across this large field. We probably did not find the exact site but will check it out again. We went back to the other site that has been kind to us. Paul added to his Fatty Indian collection that he has found in the field this time with the initial one, an 1859! Also he found an 1864 Indian. Diane also found an Indian an 1880. I found the first silver that this field has given up a first for me, a sterling silver thimble, squashed as usual but I was happy. I also found a cylinder for a .22 caliber revolver and the wick adjuster part of an oil lamp. We went back Tuesday and Wednesday, Diane and I did not find much a couple of buttons and a few artifacts, Paul did get an 1866 Two Cent piece and a nice button. Wednesday Diane and I went to a different area to try, found several artifacts including a rein guide and a few whatsits plus a large axe head. I was finding these artifacts and Diane was not having many signals at all in the spot she was so I called her over and when she came over and got about 5 feet from me she got a hit and on the surface she found a John Tyler Presidential Token! I found a description of this token in a book by Alfred H. Satterlee published in 1862 a book about Presidential Tokens and Medals. I have not found much else on it as of yet. Any help on this would be appreciated. We still have much to do in this large field and have hopes of more good finds.

10-18-2012, 03:56 PM
John Tyler the accidental President token , i can only guess its a very late 1800's to early 1900's era token .

10-18-2012, 04:14 PM
John Tyler the accidental President token , i can only guess its a very late 1800's to early 1900's era token .

The pictured token is a later version of the John Tyler token. I found the description in this book published in 1862 so it must predate the civil war.

An arrangement

Of medals and tokens

Struck in honor of the

Presidents of the United States,

And of the Presidential Candidates

From the administration of

John Adams To That of Abraham Lincoln, Inclusive


Alfred H. Satterlee

New York

Printed For The Author


Description of Tyler Token


Obverse. --Bust of Tyler facing right; a wreath composed of flowers surrounds the bust. “JOHN TYLER TENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UD. STATES.”

Reverse. –Representation of a country seat.


Copper Size 22mm

So this token has to predate 1862 Have not been able to get a picture of it as it was issued.

10-18-2012, 04:34 PM
yes Bell-Two the one i pictured is a more modern copy of the later type , i have yet to see the pre-Civil War one as well. yours does show part of the Accidental President slogan on the reverse however

Fire Fighter 43
10-18-2012, 09:36 PM
Nice digs and congrats on the two center, WTG |:cheering:

10-18-2012, 09:57 PM
Sweet finds from the field, WTG!

10-19-2012, 04:52 AM
Some very nice finds. Nice 2 center and you got a silver thimble, still looking for one of those.

10-19-2012, 06:00 AM
Some great oldies there! Congrats!

10-19-2012, 07:09 AM
great stuff! too bad about the thimble crying01

10-19-2012, 08:12 AM
yes Bell-Two the one i pictured is a more modern copy of the later type , i have yet to see the pre-Civil War one as well. yours does show part of the Accidental President slogan on the reverse however

Yes Del I know you are right, the slight difference in the bust threw me off but I got brave and did the SOS on the reverse and I can see the same wording. Once again you are the master of attribution!

10-19-2012, 09:36 AM
WOW! Wish I had some fileds like that out here to hunt!! |:confused:)

10-23-2012, 09:49 PM
hey Bell-Two here a link that shows you what those iron looped spikes are , they are handle tangs for hand scythes . a very appropriate item to find in a field i would say


10-24-2012, 08:21 AM
Thanks Del, that is a great site too for identifying other objecst, got some more stuff to post which I will do later in the week as we are hunting again tomorrow and I will make one post covering the third week.