View Full Version : 200th Silver

04-01-2010, 06:43 PM
This afternoon I took a drive to a site I have detected in past years. It's a very small area by one of the local rivers, and has yielded plenty of silver, including half dollars. It has run dry on silver but it still yields an occasional old wheat or Indian Head cent as it did today. It gave up four old wheat cents, two dated 1910 and 1914, as well as a 1902 Indian Head.



I didn't remain there long, leaving to head to a nearby park to detect for a while before heading back home. The park yielded a few wheat cents and two silver dimes. The 1944 mercury dime makes my 200th silver of the year. :cool:



04-01-2010, 07:00 PM
You really did find these, right? :lol: This would be the first thread I've read today which is true ;)

I don't know Angel. I'll bet there is still silver at that site ;)

Congrats on #200 and the coppers :)

04-01-2010, 07:25 PM
You really did find these, right? :lol: This would be the first thread I've read today which is true ;)

I don't know Angel. I'll bet there is still silver at that site ;)

Congrats on #200 and the coppers :)

Yes, I did. :lol:

That site is very small, but it may still hold a silver or two. ;)

04-01-2010, 07:31 PM
congrats on reaching the 200 mark. I love the looks of the wooded site you posted! My kind of hunting.

04-01-2010, 07:34 PM
congrats on reaching the 200 mark. I love the looks of the wooded site you posted! My kind of hunting.

Thanks! :) I do like that site too. It's a quiet place, away from the roads and crowds.

04-01-2010, 09:43 PM
Wow... now that's a milestone....and a record for this time of the year. I love the look of that site...really pretty part of the country. Congrats Angel!

04-01-2010, 10:05 PM
Hey that's my river site :ticked: :mad: :mad: Oh wait, April fools :lol: Nice that you got to go out on a great weather day....picture perfect today :yes: Congrats on # 200. :thumbsup01:

04-01-2010, 10:30 PM
Hey that's my river site :ticked: :mad: :mad: Oh wait, April fools :lol: Nice that you got to go out on a great weather day....picture perfect today :yes: Congrats on # 200. :thumbsup01:

:lol: :lol:

It really was a beautiful day - hot too. :yes: What a difference from the past few days. This weekend should be great too. :thumbsup01:

04-01-2010, 10:45 PM
Beautiful country :yes: congrats on 200 only 500 more till Dec 31st :lol:

Ill Digger
04-02-2010, 12:38 AM
Only 194 to go and I'll be tied with ya....yeah right :rolleyes:
Awesome achievement :twirlingeyes:
Congrats :grin:

04-02-2010, 02:34 AM
you sure made quick time in getting to 200 my friend , that deserves a congrats all by itself . i hope the next 200 goes just as fast Angel.

04-02-2010, 05:25 AM
Congrats on 200 Silvers Angel

04-02-2010, 05:39 AM
Congrats on all that silver, Angel. Its amazing.

John M
04-02-2010, 06:14 AM
200 already and it hasn't even stayed warm.But with all the rain we just had should help at the sites the may be cleaned out.Should be able to here some real deep targets.

04-02-2010, 07:32 PM
200? holy crap! totally amazing man.i got 14 so far this year :confused:
have a great easter!

leslie(nova scotia)
04-13-2010, 08:30 AM
From the land of the Bluenose......congrats on yet another milestone.

04-13-2010, 11:15 AM
200? holy crap! totally amazing man.i got 14 so far this year :confused:
have a great easter!

14?? I got 2 :rofl:

04-13-2010, 01:35 PM
Geeeeze, I haven't even got to go M.D.ing yet. :badday: Oh well congratulations Mr. Angel. :thumbsup01:

04-13-2010, 05:07 PM
Congrats on 200! Using my math that means you will get 50 bazillion by the end of the year at this rate! :)

04-15-2010, 08:41 PM
By the time I read this thread I see your count is up to 244!! :shocked04: I say you will get 800 silver this year!! :poke: