View Full Version : New site yields English 2 penny token.. how did that get to the USA?

09-17-2012, 09:17 AM
I finally confirmed that I had permission to detect the yard around an old house I had previously been given permission to detect the woods surrounding it. I had little luck in the woods due to the overgrowth and thorn bushes!

As I suspected, the yard yielded better results. The coolest was a 2 penny token all the way from England!!! It appears that the token originated from a Billiards maker from the 1800's, Twist & Morris. I was able to find a similar token via Google images that said S Twist on it, perhaps an earlier version before Mr. Morris joined?

http://www.search.windowsonwarwickshire.org.uk/engine/resource/exhibition/standard/child.asp?txtKeywords=&lstContext=&lstResourceType =&lstExhibitionType=&chkPurchaseVisible=&txtDateFr om=&txtDateTo=&x1=&y1=&x2=&y2=&scale=&theme=&album =&resource=16950&viewpage=%2Fengine%2Fresource%2Fe xhibition%2Fstandard%2Fdefault%2Easp&originator=&p age=&records=&direction=&pointer=&text=&exhibition =2380&offset=0

The other cool part is the other side of the token that references the Rose & Crown pub, on Market St in Stafford. I believe the pub is a bit famous, and is still in operation today. From my research it was built in 1830, which means the token dates after that but before 1900. I found the Facebook page of the Rose & Thorn and left them a message and they thought it was pretty cool token.

I love finding things like this that have interesting history. It seems unusual that a token like this would make it to America as it doesn't seem to have any worth in America. I can only imagine!

Enjoy the pics.

09-17-2012, 10:14 AM
Now this is the 2nd cool token that I have responded to. :congrats:, any chance of you getting some American coins?? rofl

09-17-2012, 11:15 AM
:congrats: Nice finds ! Did you ID the Silverware also ? From my experience, the makers name is on the backside where the handle part connects with the spoon or if a fork, before it meets with the trine section. Too bad the Jewelry wasn't real Gold. It could still be Guilted, no? Maybe the token was inside a box of some accessory item having to do with billiards. I read they did that as a form of Advertisement and by putting them in boxes of products sold was a way of doing that.
All in all, you did well. I'm surprised you didn't find any coins, or did you ?
Congrats again !!

leslie(nova scotia)
09-17-2012, 07:27 PM
Is odd to find the British stuff so far from home...a mystery in the making. Good dig and some nice finds. Thanks for posting. <;)

Fire Fighter 43
09-18-2012, 02:13 PM
Nice hunt and congrats on all the great finds, WTG |:cheering: