View Full Version : Lucky Silver Half Dollar Days

09-02-2012, 08:45 PM
Lucky Silver Half Dollar Days
We each lit up a cigarette as we scoped out the site. The site had been rearrange by a bulldozer. Being mainly a relic hunter I smiled in anticipation of detecting cool colonial relics. The colonial relics we not to be found but we still left the site smiling . I think anyone would be if he and his detecting partner uncovered 40 silver half dollars 6 silver quarter and 4 silver dimes with most of the coins from the 1940's and 1950's in one day after detecting less than three hours.

The Lucky Silver Days all started while we were just looking around. A silver 1961 quarter just laying on the ground stopped me in my tracks. My detecting partner Mike C was thrilled with my first find of the day. “ Man, you are lucky “, he said as I pointed to a silver quarter.

Mike C decided to take his DFX to an undisturbed area but the disturbed area called me to action. Within a few minutes I uncovered two half dollars and immediately suspected a coin spill. I called Mike C over and suggested he join me checking out the 30 foot by 20 foot area. He agreed and soon he had a big grin on his face as he recovered his first Walking Liberty half dollar. Shortly after we both had another silver half dollar each.
I don't think the grin left Mike C's face the whole time we detected the first day. By the end of the hunt he has detected his first Walking Liberty Half, his first Franklin Half and his first silver Kennedy Half.

Even though we were having a magical time, our detecting adventure was limited by the heat and humidity of the middle of July in Connecticut. We made plans to return the next day in hopes of finding 5 more half apiece. As we drove home we could not believe our luck: 40 silver half dollars 6 silver quarter and 4 silver dimes most from the 1940's and 1950's in one day after detecting less than three hours. Wow!
I felt good that we had both detected about an equal amounts of coins but still a little disappointed we didn't find any relics. I guess some people are never completely satisfied but by the end of our second
Lucky Silver Days the lack of relics detected didn't matter much.

Detecting Day Two could not come soon enough for us; we were anxious to see what awaited us. As we drove to the site we congratulated ourselves on our good fortune the previous day and our conversation rambled on about the possibilities of the day. Our attitude vacillated between the extreme negative to the extreme positive: maybe we hit the area so hard that nothing would be found or maybe we will find the source with hundreds of half dollars awaiting us. But we did agreed to share equally any finds from Day Two.

After ten minutes of detecting and still no silver half dollars, pessimism started to set in. Maybe we could find a few more but nothing like the day before.

Soon after, Mike C detected a Walking Liberty Half Dollar and I uncovered a Franklin Half. Mike C found two more near a pile of rocks. He decided to probe under the rocks and to his surprise he pulled out two more halves that had been sitting on top of each other. While he probed for more, I expanded the visual searching of the site. The glint of silver caught my eyes as I looked down and focusing in I spotted a Walking Liberty Half Dollar sitting next to a Mercury Dime in plain view, no detector needed. I called Mike C over to see this rare situation. We each smiled and wowed but things got better.
The half and dime were laying on what looked like a half a sheet of plywood . Next to the half , a beat up 12 inch by 12 inch pillow was deteriorating. I lifted the pillow and we both became bug eyed; seven more half dollars now in plain view. We laughed out loud in response to our unbelievable luck.

After we detected a few more half dollars in that area, Mike C went back to probing underneath the rock pile. At this point I retrieved the video camera I has tucked behind the passenger seat in the car and recorded as Mike C repeatedly recovered silver coins from under the rock pile. The probed hole ended up being two foot in length and two feet wide and maybe a foot deep after about two hours of
probe detecting. The total results of this effort was 28 silver half dollar, a few quarters, a few dimes and a 1863 Indian Head Penny.

The July high heat and humidity forced us to stop but what a day ! Day two of our Lucky Silver Days
surpassed Day One by 25 half dollars. Day Two we recovered a total of 65 silver half dollars plus some quarters and dimes.

On any given detecting day we would be happy to find just one silver half dollar. But two detectorist recovering 105 silver half dollars seems like something that you read about in the Treasure magazines and you dream that some day it may happen to you. We know that a great find is possible. Maybe that's what keeps us going on days that finds are scarce.

Attached are pictures of Day Two finds. If we had pictures of Day One finds they would be similar but less 25 silver half dollars.

We are going back to try to find some relics when the weather gets cooler.
Happy Hunting
Bob E at [email protected]
written Sept 2 , 2012

09-02-2012, 08:57 PM
:shocked04: :shocked04: :shocked04: :omg:
What an exciting two days of hunting. Looks like you guys found a cache that was spread out by the construction crew.

I can't imagine finding so many half dollars in one hunt. Congratulations on some incredible recoveries. :clapping:

dave in iowa
09-02-2012, 09:08 PM
wow , what a day , congrats....

09-02-2012, 10:03 PM
Great story, and even greater finds... congrats !!!
I hope you continue to rescue many more coins.

09-02-2012, 10:26 PM
:congrats: thats is an awsome two days of hunting,very nice looking bunch of silver,good job.

09-03-2012, 07:22 AM
Nice! I wonder if someone lost a roll of halves? anyways congrats on an awesome hunt! :perfect10:

09-03-2012, 12:15 PM
:wow:! You guys must have dies and went to silver heaven! Are you sure you didn't dig under the mint? It will be a long time before anybody beats this story. Take all that silver and buy the property. :congrats:

09-03-2012, 02:23 PM
WOW, :omg: :perfect10: that is one amazing story. Definately that contractor hit upon a cache and proceeded to spread it out. I have to ask one question.....has the smiles left your faces yet:huh:thinkingabout: This story will remain with the both of you forever

09-03-2012, 02:39 PM
That is CRAZY !!! Congrats on a hunt of a life time ! :perfect10:

09-03-2012, 02:54 PM
:wow: :wow: and :wow: Unbeleiveble! I can't think of anything to say. :wow:

09-03-2012, 04:12 PM
Hey Bob i'm so glad you decided to post this it gives us all hope that there are still treasures out there just waiting to be found. i remember Mike's email and pictures he sent me , i was in awe :shocked01: ... i know its not the type of coins you were both hoping for from that piece of property but you can't get much better of a conselation prize as a silver cache of coins . :shocked03: :shocked04:stretcher: :wow: congrats to you two. :perfect10: :perfect10:

Fire Fighter 43
09-03-2012, 07:03 PM
:wow: :wow: That is fantastic, congrats and WTG |:cheering:

Ill Digger
09-03-2012, 07:13 PM
[attachimg=1] Ahh... :shocked01:... I mean.... ::huh:: :shocked04: :omg:
Man! What a couple of days of detecting!! :envious:
105 Silver half dollars is just crazy! <: :happydance01:
Awesome story! Thanks for sharing it with us! |:confused:)
Congrats to ya both! :beerbuddy: :grin:

09-03-2012, 07:20 PM
Now that's is why we detect . Congrats

09-03-2012, 09:15 PM
What an awesome couple of days of hunting! Thanks for sharing that story with us here! :wow:

09-05-2012, 07:27 AM
:shocked03: Wow that's a great story- I'm curious about the plywood and pillow... perhaps a homeless person was living there for a bit? Stole the coins, lived there then later got arrested or died? :dontknow: You never know!

Love the mystery of it! Congrats and thanks for sharing :clapping:

09-18-2012, 06:33 PM
We went back to the site for a couple of hours and detected one silver half, a colonial button and a few spoons. We must have cleaned out all of the halfs.

09-18-2012, 06:40 PM
you will have a hard time now it would be almost impossible to have a better day than the one you guys had congrats hardly is enough but what more can you say dennis :perfect10:

09-19-2012, 08:44 AM
:wow: That's awsome, so much silver, must be one of the best hunts ever !

09-19-2012, 07:11 PM
:shocked03::congrats: Thats just great to see someone recover that kind of coinage.Dont know if my heart would take it lol

09-26-2012, 09:07 AM
A lifetime of silver in two hunts. Incredible!! :congrats:

10-15-2012, 08:59 PM
Totally speechless! :omg: :happy: <: