View Full Version : RF Badge

08-15-2012, 07:49 AM
Hey everone. I found this Badge several years ago and have been wondering if it's the real deal. It's real fragile and if it's real, I'd like to preserve it. I realize it probably has very little value except historical but I still would like to save it from further damage.
I read a post yesterday where Dan ( del) said to protect rusty items with either a mix of Elmer's glue diluted or something using Hairspray. What would the best method to use on this and what do you all think ? Is this real or a Novelty Badge made sometime after the War ?

08-15-2012, 02:16 PM
It looks real to me but thats just my opinon,neat find.

08-15-2012, 06:06 PM
Sal those preserving methods you mentioned above are for pewter items , that looks like it made of thin stamped iron or tin. is it .

08-18-2012, 12:22 AM
Dan, I'm not sure. It rang up as iron on the XLT. You know where I found it, right? The same place Chris found the silver flask. Across from that famous convenience store where the house was knocked down. Remember now ? Going back in the spring after the snow melts. It's so grown in now, you would never know a house was there before.
Hoping there's some more WW2 relics there, maybe a button or two. Correct me if I'm wrong. this is an English Badge right ? The Royal Fusiliers . I just don't know which World War, 1 or 2 ? I can't find any like it ? Need some help .