View Full Version : Admin Announcements

  1. Finds Gallery
  2. I Had An Ooops! Moment
  3. Can you embed YouTube videos?
  4. American Detectorist T-Shirts Idea
  5. Global Moderators
  6. Forum Upgrade
  7. Upgrade Issues
  8. Option to Change Forum Theme
  9. Forum Growth and Membership
  10. New Theme - The Killing
  11. American Detectorist Coin Design
  12. Classified Section Added
  13. Forum Mentors
  14. A request to our members
  15. American Detectorist Home Page
  16. New: American Detectorist Home Page
  17. New Sponsor - White's Dealer
  18. Forum Upgrade This Evening
  19. Gallery Upgrade
  20. Problems Posting?
  21. New Emoticons
  22. Forum Rules Amended: 5-19-2010
  23. New Global Moderator
  24. Attention Members - Forum Software Change
  25. Informational Sites
  26. 1st year anniversary today
  27. Forum Upgrade
  28. Consolidating Board Themes
  29. Attention All Members
  30. Images In Posts
  31. Forum Calendar
  32. TSA bumper stickers
  33. V3i Member Deal
  34. To All American Detectorist Members
  35. Just curious....
  36. New Theme - Curve Minimal Multicolor
  37. Attention: Those interested
  38. Ken White, C.E.O, Speaks Up!
  39. Sometimes..
  40. The Forum Censors. Too Funny!
  41. one
  42. Youse
  43. Member E-Mail Address
  44. If you
  45. Clam sauce
  46. Doctor
  47. Scales
  48. Toad or Rick M
  49. too little too late.........
  50. I have square nails
  51. Had to share this.....tooooo funny
  52. where is post on members and pix////
  53. Today's Word of the Day: Ringworm!
  54. This is my gun
  55. Welcome New Global Moderators
  56. So i went to the store
  57. It's time..
  58. Crickets
  59. Dear Pulltabsteve
  60. My favorite time of year
  61. Fire Schmire....
  62. Deep Coin Detectors - Forum Sponsor
  63. Added Emoticons
  65. Members - Please Check/Reset Forum Password
  67. Database Upgrade and Forum Downtime -- PLEASE READ
  68. Classifieds Board Rules Updated
  69. Image Attachment Enhancement
  70. Forum Rules Amended - July 27, 2011
  71. New Global Moderator
  72. Additional Emoticons
  73. Staff Promotions and New Moderators
  75. Please Welcome Snapolson from New England Detectors
  76. Temporary Theme Change
  77. New Global Moderator - Fire Fighter 43
  78. New Global Moderator
  79. New Banner Formats
  80. Second Test - Member Finds Banner
  81. American Detectorist member help is needed
  82. Server Upgrade
  83. Off-Topic Board Is Offline
  84. New Community Hall forum
  85. Coupon Code for 2013 American Detectorist Calendar - $4.00 off for Forum Members
  86. New Emoticons
  87. Welcome Bart - Big Boys Hobbies
  88. Update to forum rules - please read!
  89. F75 coil F/S
  90. Please Welcome...
  91. Switching Forum Software Platform
  92. Tapatalk
  93. new Staff Member !
  94. Tapatalk Mobile App Plugin
  95. Broken Links
  96. del has resigned as administrator at American Detectorist
  97. AD Banner Criteria .
  98. AD merchandise interest list
  99. Forum Issues